Community Council Minutes 20/7/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 20th July 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite (Draft)
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes
W.Buchan Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
10 members of the public were present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Riches, R. Craib and A. Anderson
2) Public Questions
2.1 M. Anderson asked about Mr McCallum’s latest plans (for 34 West End) and also the probable loss of access to her house. It was explained that until the plans became available on the Fife Direct website we really could make no useful comment. Cllr Scott Hayward explained that if there were 5 objections to the plans it would then mean that any decision would have to go before the committee. It was agreed that once the plans were available on the website she would be given a copy.
2.2 M. Ashcroft asked about the planning situation regarding the allotment proposal. Again it was explained that although she, and others, had received neighbour notifications, until the plans became available on the Fife direct website, we could make no useful comment.
2.3 George Mitchell (Bowling Club) came to explain what was happening at the Bowling Club. There is a distinct possibility that the club would fold if no new members appeared. The existing committee will keep it going until the AGM in January 2010 when it will be folded unless the required support is there. There is a need for new members and it had been suggested that all members of the Community Council should join to show support. At the moment the club is not financially viable. Cllr Scott Hayward suggested that the Council would probably be willing to either reduce, or even waive, the rent in order to assist. The bowling Green is on Common Good land. Tom Hughes will ask George Mitchell to go to the next St Monans Trust meeting with the Council.
2.4 It was suggested that Marjory Ashworth might like to join the Community Council as there was currently a vacancy. She intimated that she would be willing to join and a vote was taken which was unanimously in favour.
2.5 It was agreed that the cemetery protestors should be invited to come to the next meeting.
2.6 Tom Hughes if there had been any developments on a possible footpath between the Loan and Ardross. Cllr MacGregor said that nothing had come back to him, but he would pursue the matter.
3) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
Amendments to last minutes.
(8.3) “Lyall Stewart” should read “Lyall Smith”
(2.1) Cemetery. Emails read and discussed.
(2.3) Phonebox in Queen Margaret Street. Emails read and discussed. Cllr MacGregor had been assured that the matter was being attended to.
(2.4) Road Sweeper/ Public toilets. Emails read and discussed. Cllr Scott Hayward will press Fife Council about there intentions regarding the toilets.
3 (2.1) Garages at Queen Margaret Street. The gate has been removed and the bollard has been put up.
3 (2.2) Abercrombie Notice Board. Now purchased and to be put up at the bottom of the Anderson’s garden above the wall.
(8.1) R Craib has received a reply from Lady Dorothy Stewart about Provost and Baillie’s chairs.
(8.7) 19 East Street. Emails read out.
From past minutes:
- Painting of railings in station Road has been done.
- The screening of the recycling bins has been done.
- East Neuk signage. Emails read and discussed.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted including amendments
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland V. Salvage
4)Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
5) Secretary’s Report
Correspondence received since 16th June 2009.
- Letters from Menzies Campbell clarifying future for Hill of Tarvet and Kellie Castle.
- Other correspondence would be held over to the next meeting.
6) Treasurer’s Report
Statement issued.
Heritage Collection. What exactly is the role of the Community Council in connection with the Heritage Collection? The situation needs clarification and we need to study the constitution of the Heritage Collection. If we have no role in the heritage Collection, why are we looking after the accounts etc.
No notification of any new plans although three items were known to be in the pipeline which would attract the interest of the Community Council
8.1 E Hughes noted that there was damage to the fence at the swimming pool. Cllr MacGregor said that he would pass it on to the appropriate person.
8.2 E Hughes said that a dead seal had been reported at Pathhead. Cllr Scott Hayward would notify the appropriate department.
8.3 T Hughes said that black bin bags from holiday homes were being put out on Saturdays and were not being collected on Mondays with the refuse collection. Cllr MacGregor will investigate.
8.4 V Bland said that there was a problem with children riding bicycles down the path between East Street and Braid Court. Potential danger to pedestrians.
8.5 W. Buchan mentioned that people were doing kerbside repairs to cars and were obstructing the pavements. Is it legal?
8.6 G Brown said that a handrail was required at the top of Forth Street to assist people enter their houses. Cllr Scott Hayward said he would enquire with Social Work, but that the lady in question should phone him directly.
8.7 T Hughes reported on the latest situation with St Monans trust and on a meeting with the architect.
8.8 There were reports that most of the benches in the village need cleaned and that the grass at the side of the burn needs cutting.
8.9 Speed bumps in station Road. Can we have them removed. Cllr Scott Hayward suggested a petition.
8.10 The little bus will be finishing shortly. Cllr MacGregor will check on the position with “Go Flexi”.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 17th August at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome
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