Community Council Minutes 18/12/17
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 18 December 2017, at 7.30 pm.
P Copland (Chairman) | V Salvage (Vice-Chairman) | P Peddie (Treasurer) |
M Ashworth | W Buchan | V Bland |
E Hughes | B Allan | B Morris |
Cllr L Holt | Cllr J Docherty |
Members of the public: 30
1 | Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: E Porteous, Cllr W Porteous, PC G Tetlow |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None. |
3 | 3.1 Traffic at Rose Street
No update. Cllr Docherty reported that Scottish Fuels would consider sponsoring planters opposite Mini Market if Chairman could contact |
P Copland |
3.2 (3.3) Hedge Needing Cut
Hedge cut. Member of the public reported litter problem in area and bus unable to park at bus stop as car always parked there. |
3.3 (3.4) Railings
No information. |
3.4 (3.5) Bins at Back of Miller Terrace
This was reported and area to be inspected. Letters to be sent out to house owners. |
3.5 (3.6) Off-road Motorcycles and Quad Bikes
No feedback from Coast and Countryside Trust. PC Tetlow had informed P Copland that two quad bikes had been stolen. |
3.6 (3.7) Water at Cemetery
Highlighted; awaiting cost. |
3.7 (3.8) Road at Back of Miller Terrace
No progress. |
3.8 (3.10) Steps Down from Braehead
W Porteous waiting for Council to get back to him. |
Cllr W Porteous |
3.9 (3.11) Litter Picking
Message left by B Buchan – has not been contacted. |
W Buchan |
3.10 (3.12) Overgrown Banking at Burn
B Allan unable to determine if fence panel in Inverie Burn. |
B Allan |
3.11 (3.13) Costing for New Brown Signs
P Copland reported cost to renew one brown sign is over £1,000. |
3.12 (3.14) Property at Bottom of Dawsie
No information |
3.13 (3.16) Benches
One waiting to be delivered. |
3.14 (3.22) Hole in West Street
Nothing done. |
3.15 (3.24) Dog Fouling
No improvement. |
3.16 (8.1) Potholes
One pothole at crossroads fixed. |
3.17 (9.3) Signs for Dawsie
Have to approach Fife Council. |
3.18 (9.6) Burns Supper
V Salvage confirmed that Barnetts will do the catering at £11.50 per head and they will also provide the bar. P Peddie said that the programme was organised, apart from the speaker to do the Immortal Memory. |
3.19 (9.8) Donation to Waid Academy Parent Council
M Ashworth reported there was a thank-you letter for donation in the Waid Academy newsletter. |
3.20 Tourist Association
Cllr Docherty said he had attended a meeting in January. He spoke to one of their representatives as he was disappointed that the East Neuk had not been mentioned in their literature. He is hoping that this will be rectified. |
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer: V Salvage Seconder: B Buchan |
It was at this point in the proceedings that Peter Copland introduced Richard Wemyss, who has drawn up an alternative plan which is centred around the deep slipway at the West Pier in St Monans. Richard gave a brief resumé of his work experience: past Curator/Administrator of the Scottish Fisheries Museum; worked in Shetland as Head of Operations on £15 million project and currently employed as Project Manager for the East Neuk Foodbank. With an ageing fishing fleet there is a higher demand for repairs, but fewer yards to do the work. Previously there was a lack of skilled labour in the area, but now this is not the case. Dr Leonardo Bortolami is the manager of the boat building facility at the Scottish Fisheries Museum. At the moment the Fruitful, a historic fishing yawl is being restored there and four trainees are involved with the work. The Reaper is currently having a refit costing £0.5 million at Rosyth. In the 1980s she was on the slip at St Monans and requires annual maintenance. The slip is a “hauling out slipway” and is the only one in the Firth of Forth. This type of slipway prevents further damage to boats being removed from the water. The nearest competitor is based in Gloucester which is a long way away. Boat yards that are in operation are booked up for 2018 and are taking bookings for the following year. Richard stated that an Economic Development plan would have to be done and the project could be managed by a community group or the Fisheries Museum etc. A member of the public asked if money was available to do a survey and Richard replied that he knew of three sources that could be approached. The owner of two boats said that he would be in favour of the plan. Another member of the public said it was a good idea and the heritage of St Monans would not be destroyed. Mr G Bell stated that he had been informed by Fife Council that it would cost £250,000 for outstanding repairs to the slip. A member of the public said that traffic in the area had quadrupled and service vehicles could cause problems. Another person asked if the slipway would be covered. Richard replied that would be necessary but the project would provide work opportunities for local workmen, create apprenticeships and local interest in the area. A copy of the development Plan will be available for viewing in the Library and local shops. Follow the links below for a brief questionnaire. Online survey:-
Online survey for boat owners only:-
Discussion paper available – email :- Peter Copland said that if there was enough interest the Community Council could call another meeting in 2 months. |
5 | Chairperson’s Report
No update this month. |
6 | Secretary’s Report
No update this month. |
7 | Treasurer’s Report
Nothing to report. Peter Copland handed over mail from Bank. |
8 | Planning
8.1 Property in Gourlay Crescent A member of the public reported that a year ago a planning application was submitted by the owner. Then the house was sold to Fife Council and it now has a fully pitched roof and overpowers the garden next door. Apparently Fife Council can change plans without consultation. Cllr Holt said she understood that Fife Council were subject to the same planning rules as the public. Action CC to send her details. |
CC |
8.2 No Visit by Planning
A member of the public asked Planning to visit them. Letter was acknowledged but no visit. |
9 | Public Questions
9.1 Main Paths in Church Yard Paths are very muddy; request for more stone chips. |
Cllr J Docherty |
9.2 Wall at foot of the Dawsie
Another 4 ft of sea wall has been removed. P Copland will check planning and send email to transportation. |
P Copland | |
9.3 Allotments
Query if they will go ahead as Muir has withdrawn plans. No information available at present. |
9.4 Speeding in Abercrombie
Request for speed control. This needs to be monitored. Cllr Holt to check position on list. |
Cllr L Holt |
9.5 Grit Bins
Query why bins removed at Forth Street and Abercrombie. |
10 | AOCB
10.1 Quad Bike Theft P Copland reported that P C Tetlow had informed him that a person had been arrested in Gourlay Crescent for the theft of two quad bikes. This was mainly due to the fact that CCTV had been installed in Gourlay Crescent. |
10.2 Telephone Mast
Plan passed and cable laid. |
10.3 Electrical Charge Units
Cllr Docherty reported that Fife Council is to increase number of units. |
10.4 Hidden Chamber
B Morris said that he had been given permission by Fife Council to open up a hidden chamber which could date back to the 11th Century. It is approximately 7 ft x 15 ft and is situated behind the turning point at the end of Braehead. |
Close and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Monday, 15 January 2018 in the Church Hall, Station Road. |
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