Community Council Minutes 18/02/2013
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 18th February 2013 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A. Anderson V. Bland G. Brown R. Craib
P. Copland E. Hughes T. Hughes M. Ashworth
V. Salvage W. Buchan P. Shafren E. Scott
Cllr Macgregor
Members of the public – 10
1. Welcome and Apologies
A. Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from Cllr Riches and Cllr Docherty
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Police Report
Police officer was not able to attend and no update on crime figures had been received.
There has been a complaint received about off road motorbikes causing problems. A. Anderson to bring to the attention of the police.
P. Shafren reported positive progress on no further vandalism at primary school since letters had gone home about the problem.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (4.2) R. Craib has now received communication from Liz Murphy of Bereavement Services. Some concerns are being addressed but certain areas still not felt to be totally satisfactory. A. Anderson to contact regarding need for more bins for withered flowers and wreaths ( or more regular emptying of existing ones) and the question of soil in enclosure.
4.2 (9.2) After Cllr Macgregor made enquiries we have received information about the launch of SEPA Floodline – a new coastal flood warning system.
Proposer Seconder
V. Bland V. Salvage
5. Chairperson Report
A. Anderson thanked all who worked towards the success of the recent Burns Supper and Senior Citizens’ Tea, especially mentioning Ena and Tom Hughes for hosting the events in the Mayview Hotel and the primary school children who formed part of the entertainment at the Senior Citizens’ Tea. He also expressed pleasure at the good turnout of locals at both occasions.
6 Secretary Report
6.1 Received information about a survey concerning the Local Development Plan.
The survey runs until 17th March and anyone wishing to take part in the survey can access it via the following link
(link no longer exists)
6.2 A demonstration session for defibrillator use is now planned for Monday 25th March 2 -4 and 6-8 in St Monans Church Hall. Posters will be circulated to advertise the event.
7. Treasurer Report
After expenses and covering costs of Senior Citizens’ Tea, the Burns Supper made a profit of £165.
Donations towards a third defibrillator for the village (at the harbour) have now reached £255.
8. Planning
9. Public Questions
9.1 Question asked about what the present situation is with housing/allotment public consultation. Explanation given that consultation only ended on 15th February and the CC now await feedback from FC. Time scale not known.
9.2 Concern raised about garage area at south end of Queen Margaret Street re a broken fence causing an obstruction and potholes. R. Craib will contact Colin Gilbert and Ian Barbour.
9.3 P. Copland to contact transportation about concerns about area prone to flooding on
St Monans/Pittenweem road beside the Coal Farm and queries about the “eggshell “ coverings being put on roads beside 20mph zones. He will also follow up about broken light at the foot of the Plerick.
M. Ashworth is still pursuing the condition of Pittenweem/Abercrombie road,
Members of public recommended to report any potholes via Fife Direct website or phoning Fife Council.
10.1 P. Shafren showed copies of posters made by pupils re dog fouling which will be circulated in village.
10.2 Cllr Macgregor informed CC that in NE Fife there will still be all 16 cllrs on East Area planning committee which will meet every month to consider local planning applications.
The old central planning committee will no longer meet but there will be a review planning committee.
10.3 M. Ashworth reported that new play dish is due to be installed in Newark Street park on Tuesday 19th February and new swings in Mair park in March. She will ask when the ground in parks is to be made good.
10.4 The date for this year’s beach clean will be confirmed when tides have been ascertained.
10.5 P. Copland reported that the hedges at the bowling green and tennis courts have been trimmed.
10.6 Please note that this year’s International Food Festival, organised by the Sea Queen Committee, will be held in St Monans Church Hall on Saturday 2nd March.
10.7 There was a report of a load of lightweight cement having been dumped outside Waterside Cottage on the road down to church. R. Craib will contact Waste Aware.
10.8 Concern about overgrowth on footpath between the Manse and the burn. V.Salvage to speak to Ian Barbour.
11 Close and Date of Next meeting
A. Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 18th March 2013 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. All members of the public welcome.
Post Meeting Addendum
The day after the meeting the CC were asked to consider an application for Common Good Fund funding support for Sea Queen Day. As the deadline for replies was before the next CC meeting, the matter was covered by correspondence. Members of the Sea Queen Committee abstained from voting but the rest of the CC members voted to support the application.
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