Community Council Minutes 18/03/2013
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 18th March 2013 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
G.Brown R.Craib E.Hughes M.Ashworth
P.Copland T.Hughes V.Salvage W.Buchan
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches
Members of the public – 6
1.Welcome and Apologies
In the absence of Chair and Vice Chair, G.Brown opened the meeting as Chair.
There were aplogies from A.Anderson, V.Bland, Cllr Docherty, P,Shafren and E.Scott.
2. Declaration of Interest
Police Report. No police representative was in attendance.
3. Dog Fouling
Andrew Jones, Environmental Enforcement Officer attended meeting. He acknowledged that there is a continuing problem with dog fouling in the village and encouraged members of the public to report any incidents of dog fouling that they witness.
Phone 08451 550022 and give details of type of dog, the location and time of incident and name of offender ( if known) You are encouraged to leave a contact detail in order that you can be updated on follow up action. However, he assured us that no-one reporting an incident would have their identity released.
Anyone caught letting their dog foul will be fined £40 ( rising to £60 if not paid within 28 days)
It is the owner’s responsibility to place “poo bags” in a bin. Bags left lying ( even if planning to pick up later) would also attract the fine.
A further bin will be asked for in the vicinity of the Salt Pans.
Dog wardens are preparing an education awareness presentation for primary school children.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 ( 6.2) Reminder was given about Defibrillator Demonstration on Monday 25th March, 2-4 and 6-8 in Church Hall.
4.2 (9.2) Currently being investigated.
4.3 ( 10.3) M. Ashworth reported that the playpark in Newark Street is finished. She will ask when temporary fencing is to be removed.
4.4 (10.4) This year’s Beach Clean will be on Sunday 28th April. It will start at 11.30am prompt due to tide times. The primary school will carry out its clean up on Friday 26th April.
4.5 (10.7) The situation has been resolved.
4.6 ( 10.8) Hedge on path has been cut back. FC workers did not consider the narrowing of the path a problem, but, following other views by members of the public, V.Salvage will ask if the path, both to the east and west of the village, can be widened by earth/gravel being cleared back to the wall.
Proposer Seconder
P.Copland T.Hughes
5 Secretary Report
Information has been received about “ The Spirit of Community Awards” with financial awards available to be applied for by voluntary groups.
With the timescale being tight for applying and the criteria being restricted to “financial education, helping equip people for the workplace and protecting and improving the environment” it was felt unsuitable for this year. However, it was suggested that thoughts should be given to possible projects for the future should the awards be offered in future years.
6. Treasurer Report
Donation for a further sponsored bench has been received.
E and T Hughes donated from last year’s Whisky Tasting Event £150 to defibrillator appeal and £150 to floral display fund. Thanks were offered to them.
7 Planning
Work has started on the East Pier Smokehouse. Building Warrant has been granted for this.
The CC, as a statutory consultee, have also received notification from the Licensing Board of an application by the East Pier Smokehouse for a Premises License. Licensed hours applied for both on sales and off sales are 11.00 – 21.00 daily
Further detailed information is available for inspection at the Licensing Board Office, Fife Council, Fife House, 3rd Floor, North Street, Glenrothes.
The application is due to be considered on Monday 15th April 2013.
Any objections or representations can be sent to the Clerk to the Licensing Board at the above address or emailed to by Tuesday April 2nd 2013. An objection form is available from the Clerk or via Fife Direct.
Cllr Macgregor reported that planning meetings in NE Fife will be held at 2pm every four weeks starting from Wednesday 10th April.
Planning officers for NE Fife will be Alistair Hamilton (lead officer) Chris Smith and Elspeth Cooke.
8. Public Questions
9.1 Complaints have been received about the cutting down of elder trees on the Burnside Brae. On investigation, V Salvage was told by FC representative that they had received requests to cut them down to restore view of church. However, FC have appreciated the upset caused and are offering to replant lower trees or bushes as soon as possible. Residents in the area are asked to make suggestions of types of trees/bushes to V.Salvage who will liaise with FC.
9.2 The problem of flooding in the East Braes was discussed. There is a query about possible connection with a sewage pipe installed some 30 years ago. Scottish Water is to be asked for map/information on pipe and a subsequent meeting on subject. T.Hughes, Cllrs Macgregor and Riches to pursue.
9.3 The CC has received a response from Dily Livingston of FC re the proposed New Housing and Allotment Site.The information received along with list of suggested alternative allotment sites will be displayed with minutes, on notice board and on website for members of the public to read and the subject will be discussed at next CC meeting before response is due back by April 22nd 2013.
T.Hughes made the point that, should the allocated allotment area in the housing development area not be used for allotments, he would unhappy about the suggestion that this 0.9 hectare area be used for further housing. Several others present agreed with him.
9.4 Abercrombie now has new streetlights. M. Ashworth felt that the kind of light produced was not ideal. Cllr Riches said that residents would be asked to make comments on them once they have been there for a while.
9.5 A report of problems with dirtbikes going through Abercrombie and Balcaskie Estate. Anyone experiencing problems from them should report to police with identification of the offenders or details of bike.
10 Close and Date of Next Meeting
G.Brown thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 15th April at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 18/03/2013 — No Comments
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