Community Council Minutes 18/10/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 18th October 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib E.Hughes
M.Ashworth T.Hughes V.Salvage P.Copland
Cllr Macgregor E.Scott
There were 4 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
Cllr Macgregor opened the meeting.
There were apologies from A,Anderson, W.Buchan, Cllr Riches and Cllr Scott Hayward.
2.Election of New Office Bearers
Chairperson – A.Anderson, Prop- V.Salvage Sec- R.Craib
Vice Chair – V.Bland Prop – R.Craib Sec – M.Ashworth
Secretary – R.Craib Prop – G.Brown Sec – E.Hughes
Treasurer – G.Brown Prop – V.Salvage Sec – V.Bland
Co-opted member – E.Scott Prop – V.Salvage Sec – V.Bland
In the absence of A.Anderson, V.Bland chaired the rest of the meeting after Cllr Macgregor thanked all past members for their hard work.
3. Public Questions
3.1 Cemetery issues were raised again. R.Craib had received a reply from Liz Murphy stating that concerns were being addressed but similar complaints about untidiness around shed area keep being raised. E.Hughes is now dealing specifically with cemetery issues and Cllr Macgregor will also pursue.
3.2 Many concerns issued over occupancy, including a tent, at a property in Inverie Street. Cllr Macgregor reported that the situation is being discussed by several agencies and reminded members of the public and CC that any concerning incidents should be immediately reported to the police.R.Craib will also write to the East Neuk Manager with CC’s concerns.
3.3 Further concerns raised about another housing allocation in Inverie Street. This has been investigated by the authorities and at present no laws appear to have been violated but new or further issues can be raised with housing officials if concerns remain. R.Craib to contact Colin Gilbert at Housing.
3.4 A report of damaged slabs and information plaque near swimming pool and Salt Pans was reported. R.Craib to follow up.
4. Possible Closure of Ladywalk House
Cllr Macgregor explained that a 3 month consultation period is about to start with many options being considered. He stressed that cllrs are looking to solve very difficult problems in as humane and best possible a way for the elderly users of Fife’s care homes. He promised that cllrs would keep the CC up to date with all developments.
5. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 ( 2.1) St Ayles Skiff. V.Salvage has produced posters which will be displayed in the village and a press release sent to local papers to try to encourage interested parties to come forward. V.Bland will also speak to Jim Coull.
5.2 ( 2.2) R.Craib has received a reply from H.Byers re concerns on cleaning issues. He intimated that housing would need to fund a recess for bins for Braid Court. Apparently the enforcement team are looking at ways of dealing with problems associated with holiday home rubbish. Street cleaning crew rotas are being reviewed. He confirmed that if the CC used Common Good funds to purchase more waste bins the FC would service them. A member of the public also asked about the value of use of a new road- sweeping machine in the village.
The toilets are presently shut due to recently being damaged by fires. As a member of Comfort Stop scheme, Harbour Howff toilet is available for public use. H.Byers has offered to meet with a member of CC to discuss various issues. This offer will be taken up.
5.3 (4) The CC have now approved the primary school’s application for Common Good funds to help purchase play equipment for the playground.
5.4(2.4) V.Salvage has still been unable to make contact with Peter Duncan re Adopt a Garden Scheme despite many tries. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
5.5(6.1) High water post replaced.
5.5 ( 6.4) After a meeting re new pavement standards in Inverie Street area, some remedial work has been carried out. G.Brown will recheck the work.
5.6(7.1) M.Ashworth has obtained catalogues on possible play equipment for parks. A sub Committee of M.Ashworth,V.Bland and G.Brown will investigate further.
5.7 (7.2) 32 Station Road is now up for sale.
5.8 ( 7.3) Flyers giving residents the opportunity to receive more information on village affairs are now ready for distribution. It is hoped that as many residents as possible will take this chance to find out more about life in St Monans.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
6) Treasurer’s Report
An up- to- date statement was issued.
7) Secretary’s Report
7.1 Thanks have been received from Mr C Wilson for the CC’s support for the tarmacing of the road behind Elmgrove. He has also contacted FC to ask for two grit bins for the road.
7.2 Concerns have been received over the recent acts of vandalism concerning the starting of fires in the toilets and at the school and nursery. The police are making progress with investigations but members of the public are asked to be vigilant and report any seen acts of vandalism to the police.
7.3 A reply from Scottish Water has been received stating that 7 leaks were identified in St Monans. 6 have now been repaired with one in Rose Street still to be done. They have also stated that the area at the steps at the end of Rose Street contains contaminated water ( not sewage ) which will be FC’s responsibility.
8.1 The road repair team missed some potholes in Abercrombie. P.Copland to follow, as well as to enquire about further pot hole repairs needed in other vicinities in the village.
8.2 Worries about a dangerous parking situation at the entrance to Miller Terrace continue. Residents experiencing specific problems should inform the police.
8.3 Potholes reported in garage areas at both ends of Queen Margaret Street and Miller Terrace. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
8.4 A lady from Leeds wishes to donate a bench in memory of her parents.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
V.Bland thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 15th November in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 18th October 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. ( draft)
V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib E.Hughes
M.Ashworth T.Hughes V.Salvage P.Copland
Cllr Macgregor E.Scott
There were 4 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
Cllr Macgregor opened the meeting.
There were apologies from A,Anderson, W.Buchan, Cllr Riches and Cllr Scott Hayward.
2.Election of New Office Bearers
Chairperson – A.Anderson, Prop- V.Salvage Sec- R.Craib
Vice Chair – V.Bland Prop – R.Craib Sec – M.Ashworth
Secretary – R.Craib Prop – G.Brown Sec – E.Hughes
Treasurer – G.Brown Prop – V.Salvage Sec – V.Bland
Co-opted member – E.Scott Prop – V.Salvage Sec – V.Bland
In the absence of A.Anderson, V.Bland chaired the rest of the meeting after Cllr Macgregor thanked all past members for their hard work.
3. Public Questions
3.1 Cemetery issues were raised again. R.Craib had received a reply from Liz Murphy stating that concerns were being addressed but similar complaints about untidiness around shed area keep being raised. E.Hughes is now dealing specifically with cemetery issues and Cllr Macgregor will also pursue.
3.2 Many concerns issued over occupancy, including a tent, at a property in Inverie Street. Cllr Macgregor reported that the situation is being discussed by several agencies and reminded members of the public and CC that any concerning incidents should be immediately reported to the police.R.Craib will also write to the East Neuk Manager with CC’s concerns.
3.3 Further concerns raised about another housing allocation in Inverie Street. This has been investigated by the authorities and at present no laws appear to have been violated but new or further issues can be raised with housing officials if concerns remain. R.Craib to contact Colin Gilbert at Housing.
3.4 A report of damaged slabs and information plaque near swimming pool and Salt Pans was reported. R.Craib to follow up.
4. Possible Closure of Ladywalk House
Cllr Macgregor explained that a 3 month consultation period is about to start with many options being considered. He stressed that cllrs are looking to solve very difficult problems in as humane and best possible a way for the elderly users of Fife’s care homes. He promised that cllrs would keep the CC up to date with all developments.
5. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 ( 2.1) St Ayles Skiff. V.Salvage has produced posters which will be displayed in the village and a press release sent to local papers to try to encourage interested parties to come forward. V.Bland will also speak to Jim Coull.
5.2 ( 2.2) R.Craib has received a reply from H.Byers re concerns on cleaning issues. He intimated that housing would need to fund a recess for bins for Braid Court. Apparently the enforcement team are looking at ways of dealing with problems associated with holiday home rubbish. Street cleaning crew rotas are being reviewed. He confirmed that if the CC used Common Good funds to purchase more waste bins the FC would service them. A member of the public also asked about the value of use of a new road- sweeping machine in the village.
The toilets are presently shut due to recently being damaged by fires. As a member of Comfort Stop scheme, Harbour Howff toilet is available for public use. H.Byers has offered to meet with a member of CC to discuss various issues. This offer will be taken up.
5.3 (4) The CC have now approved the primary school’s application for Common Good funds to help purchase play equipment for the playground.
5.4(2.4) V.Salvage has still been unable to make contact with Peter Duncan re Adopt a Garden Scheme despite many tries. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
5.5(6.1) High water post replaced.
5.5 ( 6.4) After a meeting re new pavement standards in Inverie Street area, some remedial work has been carried out. G.Brown will recheck the work.
5.6(7.1) M.Ashworth has obtained catalogues on possible play equipment for parks. A sub Committee of M.Ashworth,V.Bland and G.Brown will investigate further.
5.7 (7.2) 32 Station Road is now up for sale.
5.8 ( 7.3) Flyers giving residents the opportunity to receive more information on village affairs are now ready for distribution. It is hoped that as many residents as possible will take this chance to find out more about life in St Monans.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
6) Treasurer’s Report
An up- to- date statement was issued.
7) Secretary’s Report
7.1 Thanks have been received from Mr C Wilson for the CC’s support for the tarmacing of the road behind Elmgrove. He has also contacted FC to ask for two grit bins for the road.
7.2 Concerns have been received over the recent acts of vandalism concerning the starting of fires in the toilets and at the school and nursery. The police are making progress with investigations but members of the public are asked to be vigilant and report any seen acts of vandalism to the police.
7.3 A reply from Scottish Water has been received stating that 7 leaks were identified in St Monans. 6 have now been repaired with one in Rose Street still to be done. They have also stated that the area at the steps at the end of Rose Street contains contaminated water ( not sewage ) which will be FC’s responsibility.
8.1 The road repair team missed some potholes in Abercrombie. P.Copland to follow, as well as to enquire about further pot hole repairs needed in other vicinities in the village.
8.2 Worries about a dangerous parking situation at the entrance to Miller Terrace continue. Residents experiencing specific problems should inform the police.
8.3 Potholes reported in garage areas at both ends of Queen Margaret Street and Miller Terrace. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
8.4 A lady from Leeds wishes to donate a bench in memory of her parents.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
V.Bland thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 15th November in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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