Community Council Minutes 20/9/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 20th September at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
R.Craib A.Anderson G.Brown V.Bland
E.Scott V.Salvage M.Ashworth W.Buchan
Cllr Macgregor
There were 9 members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from E.Hughes, T.Hughes and Cllr Riches.
2) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
2.1 ( 2) St Ayles Skiffs. Still awaiting reply about possible shed for building and storage. Locality grant has been applied for should project proceed. V.Salvage to make posters to try to attract any locals interested in building boat or being part of rowing team. Anyone interested should contact a member of CC.
2.2 ( 3.1) In response to concerns raised to H.Byers we were told that the village was cleaned by a team during Derek’s holiday in July. It has been agreed that a recessed area for Braid Court bins in the adjoining vicinity would be a good idea but will depend on housing funding. R Craib to raise further concerns about this issue as well as bin bags left by holiday homes and dog fouling. A suggestion that the primary school might like to run an anti dog fouling poster competition to help raise awareness will be put to headteacher by W.Buchan. Suggestion that we could buy more bins from Common Good Fund as long as FC undertook to empty them.
2.3 ( 3.5 ) Liz Murphy indicated that concerns with cemetery would be followed up. Area around shed still reportedly untidy so R Craib will contact Liz Murphy again.
2.4 ( 3.6 ) No reply from Peter Duncan yet. V.Salvage to pursue.
2.5 (7.3) Hedge now trimmed.
2.6 ( 8.2, 8.4, 7.8, 5) Still being investigated.
Proposer Seconder
A.Anderson G.Brown
3) Chairperson Report
- The second St. Monans Arts Festival has just finished and what a wonderful weekend it has been. I was wondering how the committee were going to follow the great success of last year’s inaugural festival and I’d say this year was even better.
- Many thanks to the Committee for the time and energy they devoted to organising all the events.
- Thanks also to all those who contributed either in performing or assisting at the events and of course to those who attended. An event such as this is pointless if it isn’t supported by the local community.
- I’d like to formally thank local resident Jim Durie who repaired the plug at the swimming pool -it looks so much better with water in it.
- I’m pleased to advise we have been successful in our grant application for a feasibility study for a Community renewable energy project. This should be completed by the end of November and it is timely as there have been enquiries in the area by private developers and any such projects would result in less community control and reduced, if any, community benefit.
Police Report
Crime has fallen by 15% in Fife with 3,000 fewer victims compared to last year.
Calls 76 – mainly alarm calls, 13 were vandalism, theft or road traffic offences
27 Church break-ins reported throughout Fife – Crime detected and report on an individual has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.
There has been a spate of car vandalism in George terrace and break-ins to the bowling club and East Neuk Plumbers.
The police ask the public to be vigilant and if anyone sees anyone behaving suspiciously they contact them.
Speed Survey on Station Road – 10,000 vehicles in seven days with only 9% over 20MPH (mainly later hours) – still issues. Awaiting data from the police.
Potential for member of public to man roads with speed guns through ‘Speedwatch’ initiative, PC Craig Aitken to forward details,
Youth Disorder – very few calls received. A couple of initiatives being developed with East neuk centre including job experience at Cambo estate.
Have asked Community Officer to liaise with Dog Warden to try to address issue of dog fouling. Wondered if Primary School involvement would help – Poster competition and laminate entries and attach them to strategically positioned lamp posts?
Next meeting at 7pm 18th November at Mayview Hotel
Anyone needing to contact the police for a non- emergency incident should call
0845 600 5702 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
4) Secretary Report
Letters – Children’s Panel Recruitment
Affordable Housing Consultation notice.
An application has been received from St Monans Primary Parent Council for £5000 from the Common Good Fund to help purchase play equipment for the playground. Before a final decision was made by the CC to approve G.Brown to check with Parent Council that access to play equipment would be available out of school time and that equipment is as close to vandal proof as possible.
Any group within the community can make application for funding from the St Monans Common Good Fund. Annual limits apply and any application over £5000 is subject to East Area approval.
5) Treasurer Report
No change for this month.
Two planning applications have been received . Copies were brought for perusal.
6) Public Questions
6.1 High Water post beside old railway bridge has been dislodged. R Craib to report.
6.2 Street light fault ( reflector cover )at end of Braehead. R.Craib to report.
6.3 Several issues reported about troublesome residents in East Street and Braid Court as well as a housing allocation issue and a garden in Queen Margaret St. .
Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
6.4 Replacement pavements in Inverie Street. Concern at workmanship still not resolved. A.Anderson to ask for a site visit. Cllr Macgregor happy to attend as well.
7.1 Suggestion that some more play park equipment could be bought using Common Good money. M.Ashworth to look into different types of equipment and prices.
7.2 Concerns at deterioration of 32 Station Rd. R Craib to contact F.Mitchell.
7.3 R.Craib suggested that we could carry out a leafleting campaign to give all residents the opportunity to be personally notified of issues and events happening in St Monans by giving the CC an email or home contact. The possibilities of this will be looked into.
8) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council AGM will be held at 7pm prior to the next meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 18th October 2010 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 20/9/10 — No Comments
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