Community Council Minutes 18/4/11
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 18th April 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Salvage
W.Buchan T.Hughes E.Hughes V.Bland
M.Ashworth P.Copland E.Scott Cllr Riches
Cllr Macgregor
There were 5 members of the public present.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There was an apology from Cllr Scott Hayward.
2. Heritage Centre
G.Brown had received information from I.Reekie that , due to premises above the ENERGI café now being unavailable , alternative storage will need to be found for various items from the Heritage Collection. V.Salvage to find out from I.Reekie the quantity of materials and how regularly access is required.
3. Bowling Club Common Good Fund Application
In light of prices currently being sought for possible repairs to the bowling club, the application for full rebuilding costs has been dropped. It has been suggested that they now apply for a smaller amount to the CCF to cover repair costs, but via St Monans Trust, which will mean VAT payments will not be necessary. Cllrs recommended that the Bowling Club committee formally withdraw their present application.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (3.1) Cllr Scott Hayward has suggested that we seek other possible sources of funding for Harbour Regeneration given that, although FC has indicated that the project will be put on their capital funding list, money for any project is going to be in very short supply for the foreseeable future.
Cllrs suggested contacting Barbara Solway about other funding options and a further contact about whom Cllr Macgregor will notify R.Craib.
Further publicity will be made over ideas for a boat building memorial for harbour before we seek funding advice from F.Mitchell.
4.2 (9.5) Waste Aware intimated that bins had been mistakenly delivered to Station Road and have now been removed.
4.3(9.6) Rubbish has still not been removed from reported area in Johnston Close. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
4.4(9.7) Pricing of reroofing private house in Gourlay Cresc is being discussed with owner. If no agreement is reached then only half the block will be reroofed. Reports of another property in the area in which there are concerns over roof joins and lack of matching with adjacent property. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
4.5 ( 9.9) R.Craib reported that she still has received no response about refurbishment of public toilets.
Re general concerns on street cleaning issues, CC to present a formal petition to FC at next whole council meeting. V.Salvage to present on our behalf.
4.6 ( 3.2) Safety barriers require to be removed. R.Craib to follow up.
4.7(2) Beach Clean. Confirmed as Sunday 8th May at 12 noon. Posters ( VS) and refreshments(RC) to be arranged now.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown P.Copland
5. Treasurer’s Report
Community Council Grant has now been received.
6. Planning
No problems with any current applications. An issue raised is that if the CC makes an objection on line, it does not register as the CC but as the individual who submitted it. This could create problems and should be remembered when using the system. Cllrs took note of our concerns and also of general concerns of difficulties experienced in using Fife Direct website.
7. Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson read out recent police report : 8 crimes( 4 detected) in St Monans – theft by shoplifting, taxi fraud, BOP, 3 theft and vandalism. In St Monans 4 drivers were warned about speeding.
Police continue to hold 5 a side football initiative with local youths on last Thursday of every month in Waid Sports Centre.
They ran a poster campaign with Anstruther and St Monans Primary Schools over dog fouling issues with the winner receiving a digital camera.
The dog warden visited St Monans on Thursday 17th March, patrolled the streets and spoke to several dog owners.
8. Secretary’s Report
There was a report of a right of way sign being removed from pathway beside “Sea Tangle” in West End .R.Craib has reported it and hopefully it will be reinstated soon.
9. Public Questions
9.1 Cemetery issues were raised again re rubbish beside hut and bench. Cllr Macgregor to ask Liz Murphy on progress and to arrange a site visit with member of CC.
9.2 Concern over drainage work at the Braes and state of ground. Cllr Macgregor to ask Ian Barbour for a site visit (T.Hughes offered to meet with him)
10. AOCB
10.1 It was reported that Scottish Water are currently working on leaks in Rose Street and the Vennel.
10.2 W.Buchan reported concerns about lack of street cleaning in the vicinity of bowling club (trees cut but branches left), litter and dog mess. R.Craib to ask H.Byers if and when this area is covered.
10.3 Still no work done at Queen Margaret Street Garages. Cllr Macgregor and R.Craib to follow up.
10.4 W.Brown has written letter to CC expressing concerns about viability of entering Beautiful Fife competition this year with lack of volunteers coming forward to help. It is an impossible job for one person to do and without a group of hands on workers it will not happen.
11. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 16th May 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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