Community Council Minutes 21/3/11
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council
held on Monday 21st March 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Salvage
W.Buchan T.Hughes E.Hughes V.Bland
M.Ashworth P.Copland E.Scott Cllr Macgregor
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 6 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There was an apology from Cllr Riches.
2. Beach Clean
This year’s beach clean will be held on Sunday 8th May between 12 and 4.
3. Last Minutes and matters Arising
3.1 ( 2) No extra comments are wished to be added to CC acceptance of Harbour feasibility so R Craib will lodge our decision.
Having been informed about idea to erect some form of memorial to boat building industry in St Monans,Moir Gibson will await further developments from CC. F.Mitchell to be asked to advise on possible way forward.
He also indicated that Mr Meldrum would be arranging for removal of rubbish and cherry picker from former shed site.
3.2(4.2) The repair to the wall at junction of Station Rd and Braehead is progressing.
3.3 ( 8.1) We have been informed that due to a misunderstanding as to which garages were being referred to in Queen Margaret, remedial work has not been carried out there. However a site inspection is now being arranged and hopefully necessary work will follow.
3.4( 6.1) The playgroup sub group met with Alan Bisset and it was decided that work would proceed as soon as possible to add play equipment to the area in Newark Street and East Shore park which will be funded by FC. Further investigations are being made re Queen Margaret St play area with response expected in April. It was decided to put on hold looking at Mair park until next year.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland V.Salvage
4 Chairperson Report
A.Anderson announced that the result of the community consultation on a community wind turbine resulted in a 89% vote in favour of the project. The next stage will be to seek funding re costings for grid connection and anemometer study.
5. Secretary’s Report
5.1 There has been notification of the closure of the C44 road between 21st March and 8th April for drainage work.
5.2 The next East Neuk CC Forum will be held in the Mayview Hotel on Thursday 31st March at 6.30pm.
6. Treasurer’s Report
Accounts issued. Common Good Fund grant applied for.
7. Planning
There has been an application for a single storey extension to vet practice.
8. Public Questions
It was asked what the raw figure results for the wind turbine consultation were.
175 replies. 155 for, 19 against and 1 spoilt paper.
9.1 There was a suggestion that a sub committee be formed to discuss potential applications from Common Good Fund to help speed process and allow for more information to be asked for if necessary before going before full CC meeting for vote.
However, it was decided to remain with present system. R.Craib will circulate info to other CC members as soon as it arrives.
CC members voted to support applications for Sea Queen Day (£1000) and Church Heating renewal ( £5000)
9.2 W.Buchan raised issue about state of bowling club. After some discussion it was agreed that P.Copland and G.Brown would visit building and offer their professional advice on the possibility of repair to problem areas which could perhaps be carried out at more manageable cost.
9.3 P.Copland reported that signage is to be reviewed re speeding in Abercrombie.
He also reported that the railing on the corner of Braehead and Station Road has been replaced and that he has reported the missing one way sign in East Street.
9.4 G.Brown had been approached by a resident suggesting some form of inter village competitions.
9.5 Report of three new bins lying outside door of flat at 36 Station Road causing an obstruction. R.Craib to contact Waste Aware.
9.6 Report of rubbish lying in fenced area beside Johnston Close. R.Craib to contact H. Byers.
9.7 Report of 4 way block of housing not getting roof replacement because 1 house is privately owned. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
9.8 T.Hughes asked cllrs to find out about any development on possible funding for tennis courts.
9.9. R.Craib to contact Fraser Thomson on timescale of public toilet refurbishment.
10. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 18th April 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 21/3/11 — No Comments
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