Community Council minutes 21/2/11
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21st February 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Salvage
W.Buchan T.Hughes E.Hughes V.Bland
M.Ashworth P.Copland E.Scott
There were 8 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Macgregor and Cllr Scott Hayward.
The CC agreed to support plans presented from feasibility study for harbour development.
R.Craib to contact Moir Gibson to ask when pile of rubbish and cherry picker are likely to be removed from the East basin slip as well as to relay Mike Hildrey’s suggestion that a memorial sculpture/plaque should be erected in the area of where Miller’s shed was to commemorate the importance of the boat building in St Monans.
3. Bowling Club
W.Buchan detailed his plan to apply for Common Good money in order to replace the bowling club building. He explained that it was in very poor repair and may not last another season. It would cost some £65000 to replace. Members of CC suggested that some of the necessary funds should be sought from other sources. Time would be needed for members to think about such a large request.
4. Last Minute and Matters Arising
4.1 (4.2) FC have now informed us that the damage to the public toilets should be covered by insurance so will hopefully be refurbished later this year.
4.2 The wall on the corner of Station Road and Braehead is due to be repaired in the near future.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland V.Salvage
5.Chairperson Report
The Chair thanked all those who organised, helped at and attended the Burns Supper & Senior Citizen’s Tea, especially Tom & Ena Hughes and team at the Mayview Hotel. It was noted that attendance at each event was growing year on year, which was a sign of success.
Social Care Review
The Community Council were very disappointed to hear the decision of the Social Care and Health Committee who have voted to close all 10 Council residential care homes in Fife and seek private sector alternatives as the sole provision for residential care for the elderly in Fife, totally ignoring the responses from the overwhelming majority of consultees who stated their chosen option was to retain these services within the Council.
The Community Council have added their voice to those calling for the Council to give the matter fuller consideration.
Police liaison update
It was advised that St. Monans has a new Community Police Officer – Lorna Brisland, whose contact details will be published in the minutes.
Three reported crimes have been detected:- breach of the peace, wilfull fireraising and an offence under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. The relevant parties involved will be reported the Procurator Fiscal, Cupar.A temporary speed warning sign has been installed in the village. The preferred location would have been at the end of the village but we hope it will act to encourage drivers to stay within the speed limit when driving in the village.
Wind Turbine Project
The Feasibility Study ahs been received, which supports the installation of a Community Wind Turbine at the Coal Farm.
As promised consultation with the local Community will be undertake before moving on to the next stages. Leaflets containing relevant information about the proposal will be distributed to each home in St. Monans and Abercrombie and two drop-in events have been arranged at the Mayview Hotel on the afternoon of Saturday 12th March between 12 and 4pm and the evening of Tuesday 15th March between 4 and 8pm for members of the Community to come along to get more information and ask any relevant questions.
6.Secretary Report
6.1 There will be a meeting with representatives of the CC , Cllr Macgregor and A.Bissett to discuss possible ideas for new play equipment in St Monans.
6.2 There was a report of anti social problems involving some young people in East Street. The reporter suggested that there was a need for a meeting place or activities for youth in St Monans. The CC are happy to encourage and support any ventures initiated by suitably qualified members of the community.
7.Treasure Report
A bank account is presently being opened for the “St Ayles Skiff” project.
Floral display grants have been applied for.
8. Public Questions
8.1 Concern at the waterlogged state of the Queen Margaret Street ( Braehead end) garages. Emails have already been sent by affected residents, but to no avail. R Craib to contact relevant official.
8.2 Several complaints about street cleaning issues. It was suggested that concerned residents return to next month’s meeting with detailed written reports of incidents causing concern.
8.3 An offer was given to sponsor another floral tub in the village, which was gratefully received.
8.4 There was a report about 2 headstones that had been knocked over in cemetery. It has already been reported to Bereavement Services who will arrange to have fixed. It was suggested that the police should also be told.
9.1 After reading an old report from 1992 which stated that names were put forward in advance of the Senior Citizen’s Tea of those wishing to attend, it has been suggested that this system should be reinstated next year. It would make catering arrangements much easier.
9.2 There is no “one-way” sign in East Street causing potential problems. P.Copland to report.
9.3 W.Buchan reported that Mrs Robertson ( primary school headteacher) would be in favour of any additional housing development in St Monans to help keep pupil numbers up.
9.4 More reports of parking /stopping problems at corner of Station Road and Inverie Street. Will be reported again at next Community Police meeting. ( Thursday 24th March in Mayview Hotel)
10. Close and Date of Next Meetin
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 21st March 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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