Community Council Minutes 18/5/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 18 May 2015 at 7.30 pm.
Members of the public: 5 |
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone. Apologies: Cllr E Riches, Cllr J Docherty |
2 | Declarations of Interest
G Brown declared he may be classed as having an interest in the Planning Application for 15 West End, as he is a neighbour. |
3 | Planning – Discussion on Procedures
3.1 (3) There has been no update on this since the previous meeting. A Anderson to email Jim Birrell. |
A Anderson |
4 | 4.1 (4.9) (5.8) (8.4) The Plerick railings are now in place, which means that people can now use the steps more safely. | |
4.2 (4.4) (5.1) (3.2) A.Anderson advised it was requested that the white “H” be restricted to 3m long, however, Fife Council advised 4m was the standard length. The meeting were advised that the line is there now and the situation will be monitored. | ||
4.3 (4.6) (5.5) (8.1) Footpath from St Monans to the bridge.
P Copland said he had received an email from Ross Walker of Fife Council stating that this location is on the list of schemes to be considered for funding in the current financial year. In recognition of the various equality acts, funding will be allocated and an order issued for this work during the summer months. It is considered this meets our obligations under these acts to be working towards providing facilities for wheelchair users. |
4.4 G Brown said there was no update regarding the Post Office and Station Road. | ||
Proposer: V Salvage Seconder: V Bland | ||
5 | Beach Clean
5.1 A.Anderson gave thanks to everybody who took part in the Beach Clean. There were over 40 people. It was a pity there was no skip. However, thanks to the Ashworths, Balcaskie Estate and people from the Recycling, the rubbish was disposed of. |
Chairman’s Report
6.1 Noticeboard at Bottom of Station Road A Anderson said he had received an email from Bill Porteous, saying that it had come to the Beautiful St Monans teams’ notice that the noticeboard at the bottom of Station Road required some restoration, and he wondered if the Community Council would have any objections to them asking a local painter to do what was required as a Sponsorship. G Brown said that we could get some money to replace it, and get a contribution from the Local Budget. Adding that, we might have to put up 50%. He said he thought that the noticeboard at Abercrombie cost a little over £100. V Salvage stated that the noticeboard needs to be at least the same size as it is now. It would probably be a kind of plastic that needs little maintenance, like the one at Abercrombie. G Brown said that he would find out the prices, and the CC agreed the purchase should proceed without further discussion. |
G Brown |
6.2 Sea Queen Day
A Anderson gave a reminder that we have Sea Queen Day on Saturday, 13 June, and we have put out advertisements asking for volunteers to help. He said that he would put some names forward.
V Salvage advised that we need more contributions to support Sea Queen Day. She said that grants do not get any bigger; in fact they get smaller, but the expenses involved get higher, so we do need to raise money, or else we will lose it.
R Craib added that Fife Council is saying that we have to pay for the road closures for Sea Queen Day, although a grant would pay it this year.
Everything is getting more expensive. We are looking at potentially one or two thousand pounds more to put Sea Queen Day on. |
6.3 A Anderson informed the CC that V Bland had advised that he would like to stand down as Vice Chair. The Chairman asked if anyone would like to put themselves forward; and asked to be emailed before the next meeting. | ||
Secretary’s Report
7.1 Informal Facebook Discussion Board for Community Councillors R Craib said she had received an email from M Gallagher, a Member of Coupar Angus & Bendochy Community Council (but acting independently) saying that he had set up “Scotland’s Community Councillors Chewin’ the Fat” on Facebook for Community Councillors, primarily in Scotland, where they can share their thoughts, ideas, successes and frustrations. |
7.2 Community Mapping
The Secretary received an email from G Goldie, Local Area Co-ordinator, Self Directed Support Service of Social Work. Self Directed Support enables people who are eligible for care and support to have more choice, control and flexibility over how their support it arranged.
7.3 Common Good Training
An email had been received from Diana Lettington of Fife Council who said that she had been asked to organize a training session on Common Good Cllr D Macgregor said he was going and will report back to the Community Council.
Cllr Macgregor |
7.4 Fife Plan and Tay Plan
There is a meeting on 27 May. If there are any major changes Cllr Macgregor is going to the meeting and will give feedback. |
Cllr Macgregor |
7.5 National Confidential Forum
R Craib in her role as Community Council Liaison Officer was emailed by Julie Gracie of the National Confidential Forum, which was set up to enable people who spent time in institutional care as children to come forward and share their experiences –
She asked R Craib to help them to get the word out about the Forum. The forum aims to give all who had been in institutional care as a child in Scotland a chance to be heard; inviting them to come forward and share their experiences, whatever they may be, in a safe and non-judgmental setting. The testimonies of participants will help the Forum understand what happened to children in the past and show what can be done to make things safer for children in care, today and in the future. |
Treasurer’s Report
8.1 G Brown reported that we have the floral grant for £370. Last year we got £400+. £27 for printing for the Heritage noticeboard. Currently we have £124 of free funds for everyday use for cash flow. However, he said, we do have £3,540 for cash flow if needed. So far we have not had to use it, but it is there if we need it. |
9 | Planning
9.1 15 West End Alterations including new roof, installation of 4 flues, solar panels to rear and installation of roof lights; amendments to an existing Planning Application. G Brown said that this Planning Application was in retrospect. Work was done 3 or 4 years ago. He went on to say that nothing that is proposed would alter the look of the building as it is now, as it has already been done.
S Tarvit asked if the Community Council should put a view forward about something that is in a conservation historic area.
G Brown said that virtually nothing is visible from any road, other than the roof lights, and some of the flues might be able to be seen.
A Anderson suggested, for consistency and parity the Community Council should make a comment, saying that we note that this has been retrospective planning and we will take opinion from Fife Council Planning Officers as to whether this is a material variation on a non-material variation.
G Brown was given confirmation that he should put the comment in as neutral. |
G Brown |
9.2 1 Virgin Square
Installation of a roof light, which is on the north side of the roof. No objection |
9.3 6-8 Station Road
No 6 was The Green Door Café. No 8 is the 2 rooms above. The Council still own that and they would like to put in a Change of Use to go back to a dwelling house (to rent or to sell), and that would be totally separate from No 6. There has already been an objection by one of the neighbours.
A comment was made that, again, it would be a commercial building being changed into a domestic building. However, it has been empty for a number of years. R Craib asked if the upper section would, realistically be used as a business ever again.
G Brown said the Community Council has a note of interest in the property as a possible location for the Heritage Collection. The CC leases 5 West Shore from a private landlord. However a year or so ago the CC were trying to put a defibrillator on that wall and the landlord refused because he was potentially going to sell it in the near future. I do not think we have any security of tenure in that building, apart from November to November. We have looked at the Post Office, but someone else has shown an interest in it.
V Salvage said that someone had approached her in 2014 about the possibility of renting the old café premises and turning it back into a cafe. At that time Fife Council had intimated that they were keener on selling the premises than renting.
A comment was made that if we put in a Note of Interest then Fife Council should get in touch with the Community Council before selling it.
A Anderson said that at the present location for the Heritage Collection we have no storage, adding that, wherever we take the Collection to, we must have some storage. G Brown confirmed that Fife Council own the Post Office and they were wanting to sell the Post Office and the store as well, adding that he thought it would be a better location for the Heritage Collection than 6 Station Road, although it is bigger; adding that the Post Office is in a better position. G Brown said that 6 Station Road will be advertised as a commercial property.
A Anderson asked for views regarding the proposed Change of Use.
V Salvage said that she tends to think it is a shame to lose it as commercial premises, but if no-one is prepared to take it on, then we may have to accept it. R Craib said that she could not see the top 2 floors being used as a business, other than maybe an Accountant or an Architect. A member of the public commented that it would certainly look better if used.
It was agreed that the CC would let this Change of Use go without comment. |
Public Questions
10.1 A member of the public asked whether you have to ask for Change of Use for the summer house at the harbour. G.Brown said that he was not 100% sure, but said that it was not possible to put a modern car in the structure, adding that the current owner rents the ground for a garage or shed. |
10.2 A member of the public said that where we have a water butt a pipe runs from the roof, which is blocked. She asked if the Council could fix it. A Anderson said Scottish Water are saying that it is nothing to do with them. Fife Council say it is not their responsibility. A Anderson said he would contact them. |
A Anderson |
10.3 A member of the public asked whether there had been any reply regarding the road sweeper. G Brown said that no reply had been received since last year. V Bland commented that they were sweeping Station Road this morning. | ||
10.4 A member of the public said that Fife Council had taken the bin away from East Street, and now there was only one bin.
V Salvage added that they have also taken the bin away from the West End Car Park. R Craib said that she would email Waste Aware. |
R Craib |
10.5 V Salvage said that she had received requests from several people who use the Plerick. There was a bench on the lower part and there is now no bench there, but, she said, there are some disabled people who were used to sitting on the bench as a resting point half way up the stairs. She asked if anybody would have any objections if one of the blank benches at the West End could be shifted to the Plerick. A member of the public said there is a bench like that at the cemetery, where, if you sit down, all you see is a hedge.
A member of the Public added that, in the middle of the Churchyard (the bit that is not used, by the sea), there is a bit cut out. A seat is shown on the plans there, looking out to sea (where the Paupers Grave is).
V.Salvage said that Fife Council had said that nothing could be put there. However, there is a bench proposed and should be coming quite soon for against the wall.
The member of the public said that V Salvage had said that we should raise the bench on a plinth, because it was higher than normal seats. V Salvage said she would ask particularly for that one to be higher because it was for people who were disabled. |
10.6 B Porteous said he had been given the date of judging day for Beautiful Fife – 14 July 2015.
He said that they had had a good turn-out at the meeting of at the Mayview. About 12 people were there who were volunteering some help. Also some people for various reasons could not attend. He added that they hope to have more volunteers.
Planting Week is to start on 1st June this year. At that time hanging baskets may or may not go out, depending on the weather.
B Porteous went to say that he had been asked to allocate various tubs to various people.
G Brown said that we are going to get another 2 barrels, to go up near the new bench up at the entrance to the village. He had been approached about 2 being sponsored there. |
11 | AOCB
11.1 M Ashworth said that she had been notified that the potholes in Abercrombie have not been looked at. P Copland said that he thought FC would say that they were not deep enough. |
11.2 R Craib said that Cllr D Macgregor had informed the CC that an application had been received regarding 50 Newark Street – to acquire adjacent land for garden land. She added that everyone in the CC had been emailed regarding this. There was no objection. | ||
11.3 R Craib said the G Brown had received an email from Gordon Rennie, copied to others from Fife Council including Transportation, as well as neighbours and some Councillors.
G Rennie was expressing concern about potential asbestos in East Neuk Shellfish – sheeting as roof and wall cladding of big 6 asbestos cladding. He said that he had been informed that Big 6 is extremely dangerous if broken down, and stated that there is unquestionably a health risk if the material is broken off. He said that there will be potential to inhale asbestos fibres. His advise would be to remove the asbestos as soon as possible, using appropriate procedure, adding that the sheeting is in a very fragile state and the soil may contain asbestos and would also have to be looked at when the shed is removed. He adds that, as a direct neighbour it is clear to see that the asbestos has not been maintained and in high winds bits can break off. He wished Fife Council to carry out a health assessment, and to bring in a specialist company to do this, stating that the safest solution would be to have the owner to remove the asbestos as soon as possible.
A Anderson said that, as Fife Council has been informed, he thought that we should leave this in the hands of the experts. A comment was made that asbestos roofs are fine, but if it is broken up then that is a problem.
S Tarvit said that, as Mr Rennie has informed the Community Council, we should thank him for the information, and say that we see that he has contacted the Health and Safety Executive and it should be in their hands now. A Anderson said he would email him back to acknowledge that he has informed the relevant authorities. |
A Anderson |
11.4 W Buchan said that on Tuesday 5 May a parking ticket was given to a vehicle opposite the Top Shop. | ||
11.5 S Tarvit said he had been asked where the public toilets were. He asked the CC about the closing times for the public toilets. A Anderson said they are open until 3 pm, adding that it may be later in the summer. S Tarvit asked if it would be worth putting a notice in the notice boards. R Craib said she would try emailing the person to update the CC on the times of closing. A member of the public asked if the CC could ask for it to be open later in the summer. V Salvage suggested that the CC ask Fife Council to give us a note of what toilet facilities in the area would be open later for members of the public.
S Tarvit asked if there was a way for the Community closing the toilet themselves. A Anderson answered that this had been asked for before. The person would need to have PVG, and although we offered to put a member of the public through a PVG, the answer was ‘no’. |
R Craib |
11.6 P Shafren, invited everyone to come to a ‘Pirate Party’ on Friday, 22 May. She said that at 1 pm the pupils will be taking part in sports, and from 2-3 pm there will be fun and games for everyone, including a tombola, a plant sale, a cake competition, beat the goalie, pirate tattoos, raffle, face painting, and refreshments. | ||
11.7 M Ashworth reported that there was not so much litter this year from the beach clean. There were no skips from Fife Council. She suggested, the following year, we may order only one. | ||
12 | Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 15 June 2015 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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