Community Council Minutes 20/4/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 20 April 2015 at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | V Bland | |
E HughesM. Ashworth | P CoplandP. Peddie | W BuchanV Salvage | |
Cllr E Riches | Cllr J Docherty | Cllr D MacGregor |
Members of the public: 9
1 | Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: R Craib, P.Shafren, S Tarvet |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None. |
3 | Planning – Discussion on Procedures.
Jim Birrell emailed A Anderson to say that he could not attend, but would be happy to attend a future meeting. Dates to be arranged. A Anderson would establish, from CC members, a suitable date. |
A Anderson |
4 | Last Minutes and Matters ArisingCllr Riches apologized on behalf of Fife Council Planning Dept. for their failure to attend the meeting.
4.1 The letter regarding Waterside Cottage and the response from Stuart Wilson were read out. 4.2 A Anderson submitted the CC’s response. 4.3 (5.2) (3.4) V Salvage has had no response from FC regarding stickers indicating direction of nearest bins. No response either regarding prices from West Port Printers. She will obtain prices for various print numbers. 4.4 (5.1) (3.2) It would appear that FC (Waste Aware) misunderstood the question. We will ask again. In the meantime A Anderson will ask that the white “H” be shortened to a length of 3m, rather than 4m. A sign will be requested saying when the bins are normally emptied. Hopefully this will help alleviate the problem of access to the bins by the cleansing staff. 4.5 A meeting was held to discuss the cleaning and sweeping of the village. John Easton – FC GB, VS, WB – CC Bill Porteous – Beautiful St M It should be noted that when we did our walk round, the place was looking pretty good with very little rubbish around. John explained that due to budget cuts he was very short of staff. Currently he only has three folk to cover the East Neuk. Ultimately he will have another three, two of whom will be available on the pick-up truck. The third will be based in St Andrews. He can offer no better service than we already enjoy. The wee mechanical sweeper will continue to be sent round as per normal. He explained that the guys on the pick-up drive around and if they see that a street is fine, they keep going. If the place looks bad they will stop and do what is required. He says that it makes no difference to him, or to his men, whether they are cleaning St Monans or Elie, the treatment is the same. What he did offer was that if we see an area that is in need of cleaning and we phone or email him, it will be taken care of. He also offered to have the pick-up truck drop off one or two guys to do a bit of extra sweeping every couple of weeks or so. If we have any special events, like SQ day or Beautiful Fife, they will do what they can to give us extra cleaning. They do get notification of these events through the Council, but it will not hurt to give him additional notification ourselves. This was deemed to be inadequate and that we should ask again why Pittenweem and Anstruther get better service than St Monans. 4.6 (5.5) (8.1) No response from Ross Walker to P Copland’s email. Cllr J Docherty suggested a site meeting which he will happily attend. P Copland will arrange this. 4.7 (5.6) (8.3) Still no response. 4.8 (5.7) (8.2) A meeting was held. Action would be taken to establish which drains served which buildings by means of a dye test. Building Control said that they had no issues with the building. Noise tests will be carried out. The business owner has stated that he will enclose the refrigeration plant with a sound deafening material (after the noise tests are completed). 4.9 (5.8) (8.4) the hedge has been cut. 4.10 (5.9) (9.3) No further action as yet. 4.11 (10.1) The garage in question has been emptied and is awaiting removal. P Peddie to inform Housing and request that it be removed. 4.12 (10.2) The gate has been sorted and the hinging of the gate has been altered. 4.13 (10.3) No action as yet on the mole problem. 4.14 (10.4) Parking attendants have been in the village but they report that there is very little that they can do as they have to allow five minutes before issuing tickets, by which time the cars are mostly moved. 4.15 (11.3) It was agreed that the fourth board should show examples of bird and marine life of the area. 4.16 (11.4) Rotting boats will be removed. Proposer Seconder V Salvage P Copland
Cllr Riches G Brown A Anderson
V Salvage
R Craib
A Anderson
G Brown V Salvage W Buchan
G Brown
P Copland Cllr Docherty
Cllr Riches
P Peddie P Peddie
V Salvage
G Brown
V Bland
5 & 6 | Chairperson’s and Secretary’s reportThe harbour has been partly dredged but the inner basin has still to be done. This has to be done at spring tides so there will be a slight delay.Consultation on draft “Making Fife’s Places Supplementary Planning Guidance”.This runs until midnight on 2nd June 2015. Documents available on Festival 22nd July – 1st August. | |
7 | Treasurer’s ReportNo change from last month | |
8 | Planning – Recent ApplicationsNothing new. | |
9 | Public Questions1 East Street is empty. What will happen to it? That is a Housing Dept matter.Road at the back of Miller Terrace – any movement? P Copland will follow up and see what the current position is.Plerick railings? Money is in place but no railings as yet. V Salvage will chase up.High garage in Gourlay Crescent – is this in compliance with Planning Regulations? Yes.M Ashworth reported a new pot hole at Abercrombie.Two lots of road works in Anstruther. One for two weeks, the other for six weeks.Superfast Broadband. Lots of new cables being installed in various locations. We are not 100% sure of the position regarding “direct to exchange” lines.The FC grass cutters were complemented on their work at the entrance to the village.Road works and traffic lights at the bridge on the A917 at the Inverie Burn. Bridge to be repaired following the crash of a couple of weeks ago. The remaining debris was just moved today. | P CoplandV SalvageM Ashworth
10 | AOCBThe beach clean will take place on Sunday 10th May at 1.00pm.SPAR have asked, through W Buchan, if the street lighting in West Street could be upgraded, if they get the Post Office.A “Bushman” saw has been left at the cemetery. W Buchan has it if the owner would like to reclaim it.A low loader demolished a GPO box on the pavement at the entrance to the village. The low loader should have been in Anstruther. The damaged box was sorted very quickly.M Ashworth reported loose and uneven kerbstones on the Abercrombie Road.G Brown met with Archie Melville and Craig Hutton on the morning of 30/3/15. Litter picking along the main road will be done on a monthly basis, or more often if required.We discussed the “barrels” and agreed to move on from there!Agreed things to be done.
Heritage Collection Update. Two potential buildings are available. The existing Post Office and 6 Station Road. Recently the entire building ( No 6 & 8 Station Road) was offered for sale, a closing date was set and Fife Council’s legal services were instructed to accept the highest offer and best offer. The purchasers were provided every opportunity to conclude missives however failing this, in early march FC’s solicitor was instructed to formally bring an end to the missives. It is only the ground floor, no.6 Station Road which shall be marketed for sale or let, the upper floors (No.8) will not be included in this transaction. In the meantime we still require short term waterproof storage to enable the Heritage Collection to open next month. G Brown has offered space in his garage as long as he has a definite date by which all stuff will be removed.
P CoplandM AshworthG Brown
G Brown |
11 | Close and Date of Next MeetingThe next meeting will be on Monday, 18 May 2015 at 7.30 pm |
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