Community Council Minutes 19/1/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 19 January 2015 at 7.30 pm.
V. Bland( Vice Chair) | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) | M.Ashworth |
E Hughes
Cllr D Macgregor PC G. Tetlow Community Police |
P CoplandCllr E Riches
Cllr J Docherty |
W BuchanP.Duncan Fife Council | V. Salvage |
Members of the public: 10
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and ApologiesApologies: A.Anderson, P.Shafren and E.Porteous | |
2. |
Declarations of InterestNone.
Community Police PC Gillian Tetlow introduced herself as one of our community police officers. Community officers will attend CC meetings when able but are also keen for members of the public to contact them with issues and concerns.CC will advertise contact details on website and notice boards along with other new FC telephone numbers Points raised at meeting:
4 |
Development West of the Manse
As residents had had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments at the public consultation during the day , and no members of the Muir team were present at the CC meeting, there was no need for further discussion at the meeting.
As the Consultation is open until 30th January R Craib will copy questionnaires and put copies in PO, library and shops in case people still wish to respond. A copy will also go on website.
Cllr Riches did say that she had contacted Transportation following concerns raised at previous meeting about traffic issues around the housing development and they have indicated that a basic traffic survey will be required to be carried out as part of the planning procedure.
Last minutes and Matters Arising 4.1 (4.2) Queen Margaret Street Turning Area Response from Colin Stirling “I received feedback from Alistair Drummond just before Christmas on the current position in relation to the disabled space. Alistair has checked his records, reviewed the application and remains satisfied that the disabled bay remains appropriate. He will be arranging for the bay to be added to the official Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in due course as its omission was an oversight when the TRO was originally made. This issue will now need to be considered with the disabled space in place and as explained previously it is not practice to use double yellow lines in residential cul-de-sacs. Such a policy would not be sustainable in terms of our available enforcement resources, not to mention the impact on an already over-stretched maintenance budget. With this in mind I will arrange for a member of my team to visit the site and draft up a proposal for advisory H-bar markings to discourage inappropriate parking in the turning area. I will arrange for a copy of the proposal to be passed through the CC before implementation.
Notwithstanding the above, it is important we don’t overlook the responsibility each and every driver has in relation to road safety and parking in a safe and considerate manner. Turning areas of this nature will only operate as intended if residents and visitors adopt a common sense approach in terms of their parking habits. Please note that my budget for works of this nature is fully committed for the current financial year and as such a works order cannot be issued until April. “
4.2 (9.4) A site visit has been arranged for 29th January in King David Street. 4.3 (4.3) Parking Obstructions and Traffic Station Road/Inverie Street Reply from Colin Stirling
“I have looked at the opposite junction as requested and to be honest I don’t feel there is a strong case for barriers at this side of the road. The pavement is fairly wide and pedestrians have good clear visibility sufficiently far back from the kerb that pedestrians (children in particular) can assess traffic conditions when coming from Inverie Street. This is not the same scenario as the opposite side of the road where people will tend to congregate in the vicinity of the shop and this factor combined with the low wall and less footpath space justified the use of barrier. We have to be careful not to overuse or misuse this type of street furniture and its use should be restricted to areas where there is a clear benefit in road safety terms.”
4.4 Railings at Pleric V.Salvage has still not received a quote for work. Has been given other blacksmith names to try.
4.5 (9.1) Economic Strategy Cllr Riches reported that the Economic Strategy is Fife wide so there are no details on local locations. It is more likely to be found under the local community plan.
4.6(9.3) Verge Signs Cllr Riches has found out that all signs put on verges are considered to be a safety issue and may therefore be removed. Eg they could go through a utility cable. Alternative advertising needs to be looked at.
4.7 (9.6) Bins Cllrs Riches and Macgregor have reported and arranged for the overflowing bins at Braid Court and Johnstone Close to be emptied as soon as possible. They will also look into what the system for emptying will be in the future.
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on 7th December 2014, were approved Proposer Seconder P.Copland W.Buchan
5 | Chairperson’s ReportNone
6 | Secretary’s ReportReminder about Senior Citizens’ Tea on Saturday 7th February between 2 and 4pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. | |
7 | Treasurer’s ReportStatement issued.
G.Brown has arranged to send flowers to John Hill and his wife who were in a bad car crash in December. John made the new information board for the village. |
8 | PlanningNone | |
9 | Public Questions9.1 Moles are still a problem in the cemetery and coastal path. V.Salvage to contact Ian Barbour
9.2 Dog Fouling Signs. V.Salvage will also ask Ian Barbour if we can get signs for various places in village. Cllr Riches will also contact Fife Coast and Countryside to see if we can get signs for coastal path which also indicate where nearest bin is. Dog fouling mess in Braid Court has already been reported by Cllr Macgregor. 9.3 A question was asked if the empty shop in Forth Street might be a possible place to house the Heritage Collection. To be investigated. 9.4 A report that public toilets are not being opened. R.Craib to contact Damien Woods. She will also ask how much time St Monans gets of a manual street sweeper. 9.5 A report that a Council house had had its garden converted to pebbles. Questioner wanted to know if this is now housing policy. Cllrs to enquire after receiving more details on property.
Cllr Riches
Cllrs |
10 | AOCB10.1 Cllr John Docherty presented a card that gave up to date communication details of Fife Councils departments and services, those details to be included on the website and a copy made for the notice boards. Secondly, Cllr. Docherty, stated that as a member of the Health and Social Care Integration Board, he sits also on some of the Boards sub groups, one being, the Communication group and what he is working on there is for Community Councils to have on them a direct contact, as to receive information from the Board i.e a change of healthcare service and then that info could be brought up at a Community Council meeting, views sought then those views relayed back to the Board. Cllr Dochertys aim, to make Board services more reflective of what a community really needs.
10.2 Cllr Riches commented again about area’s concern on losing facilities such as petrol stations. The area may be eligible for a grant to help someone start up a new petrol station if anyone is interested. 10.3 The CC were informed that Win Brown has resigned with immediate effect as Chair of the Beautiful St Monans group. There will be a meeting on Thursday 29th January at 7pm in the Mayview Hotel for possible interested people to attend. G. Brown reminded the CC that if no-one comes forward to lead the group and the village does not enter the competition then St Monans will lose its Beautiful Fife boards at the entrance to the village. Win, who will still maintain the wellie boot garden, was thanked for all her commitment and work achieving success and recognition for the village by the CC , Cllrs and assembled public. 10.4 M.Ashworth reported that their fence on the Pittenweem to Abercrombie road has been damaged twice recently by car accidents resulting in cost and inconvenience to them. This has happened repeatedly over past few years and requests a site visit to inspect the road at the bend. Cllr Riches to arrange. |
11 | Close and Date of Next MeetingThe next meeting will be on Monday, 16 February 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. |
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