Community Council Minutes 16/2/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 16 January 2015 at 7.30 pm.
A.Anderson | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) | |
E HughesM.Ashworth
Cllr D Macgregor |
P CoplandCllr E Riches
Cllr J Docherty |
W Buchan | |
Members of the public: 7
Action / Person Responsible | |
1.Welcome and ApologiesApologies: V.Bland, V.Salvage, P.Peddie P.Shafren and E.Porteous | |
2.Declarations of InterestNone.
Last minutes and Matters Arising3.1 (4.2)King David Street Parking
Markings will be inserted to restrict parking to try to address problems of cars unable to exit their parking space by other cars blocking their exit. Funding will not be available till after April for this. It should be noted that cars unable to access the off road parking space should park in another location until the access is clear. If experience problems with exiting their driveways they should contact the police. With regard to queries about illegal parking on double yellow lines, this is dealt with by the Parking Management Team. The contact for any such issues is Tony McRae, Lead Professional, Bankhead Central, Glenrothes, and he can be contacted by telephone on 03451 555555 ext. 444426, or by email at
3.2 (4.7) Johnston Close bins. W.Buchan reported that he had followed this up and bins were eventually emptied. Both those and Braid Court communal bins should now be emptied weekly. Re problems with access to bins in George Terrace, Cllr Riches will ask for H white parking lines to be placed adjacent to bins to allow binmen access to empty them. The CC will issue a letter of explanation to residents in George Terr and Braid Court explaining situation and detailing that if this step fails to produce a solution then double yellow lines will be applied for. 3.3 (9.1)V.Salvage reported that the mole problem is being addressed. There were reports of the problem now in Newark Street park area. 3.4(9.2) Dog Fouling signs. Cllr Riches reported that the Coast and Countryside will put up signs on the coastal path. V.Salvage awaiting confirmation on other possible signs for village. 3.5(9.4)Public toilets are now in Keith Breasley’s remit. He has clarified that the toilets should now be being opened before 9am and closed after 3.30pm. Damien Woods replied that mobile cleaning team are in St Monans Monday – Friday to litter pick the area and empty bins. There is still general dissatisfaction with the level of cleaning. R.Craib will write to Damien Woods to ask for a detailed schedule, what the inspection process is and what are the budget allocations for each village in the area. 3.6(9.5) Cllr Riches had received the response that pebbles had been laid in the garden as a spend to save move to save on FC grass cutting. 3.7(10.1) Cllr Docherty reported that a full meeting of the Social Care Integration Board and a decision has been taken that each CC should have a representative to liaise with. This may take a few months to implement. 3.8(10.3) Bill Porteous has agreed to take the lead for the Beautiful St Monans group. 3.9(10.4) Cllr Riches still trying to arrange a meeting . 3.91(4.4) Pleric Railings are now being ordered via FC and an application to the Common Good Fund to pay for them has been submitted. Proposer Seconder G.Brown M.Ashworth
4 Chairperson’s Report A.Anderson advertised that Crosswater Band will be playing in the Mayview Hotel on Saturday 28th February 7.30pm as a fundraising event towards the MUGA ( Multi Use Games Amenity) 5. Secretary’s Report The annual beach clean will take place on Sunday 10th May at 12noon. In accordance with CC Insurance requirements a risk assessment has been carried out. Information received on a new Fife Pilgrim’s Way walk will be displayed on the website.
6. Treasurer’s Report Accounts issued. Funds are reasonable but not much to spare and there may be need for a fundraising event later in the year. 7. Planning None 8. Public Questions 8.1 Path between Craigiewell and burn in great need of widening due to overgrowth of weeds etc. P. Copland to follow up and ask for a site visit. 8.2 Owner of property in Mid Shore raised issue of foul smell from shellfish factory behind Midshore. Concerns about waste removal and noise caused by vans with running engines. Environmental Health have been informed but action seems slow. Cllr Riches will follow this up and if necessary arrange relevant meetings. 8.3 Road signs are down at Forth Street end of George Terr and Braehead end of Queen Margaret Street. P.Copland to report. 8.4 A comment was made about the size of a garage build in Elmgrove and was planning permission not required. It was thought that it was not a planning issue. It was thought that the hedge at the property did require pruning. A.Anderson to follow up.
9. AOCB 9.1 Common Good Fund for Floral Display has been awarded. FC Floral Grant has been awarded but reduced this year. 9.2 MUGA update. To date £110,000 has been raised. The work is currently out to tender. Neil Follon,( representing Football) met with G.Brown, Cllr Macgregor and Allan Bisset of FC to discuss surfaces. It has been suggested that for football a polymer surface would be preferable. This could be added later for the cost of a further £20 – 25,000. A meeting of the St Monans Community Trust to consider all options is being held on Wednesday 18th February. 9.3 Concerning the flooding issues in the area to the east of Rose Street, E.Hughes contacted Scottish Water who visited the site. A report is being awaited but Cllr Docherty will arrange a joint site visit with Scottish and Fife Council and ask E.Hughes to be present.
Cllr Riches
Cllr Docherty |
10. Close and Date of Next MeetingA. Anderson closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 16th March 2015 at 7.30pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite |
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