Community Council Minutes 19/12/16
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 19th December 2016 at the Mayview Hotel at 7.30pm
- In attendance: Cllr Riches, Cllr McGregor, Cllr Docherty, Peter Copland (Chairperson) Vicki Salvage, Vic Bland, Brenda Allan, Ena Hughes and Marjory Ashworth and 3 members of public.
Apologies: Bill and Elaine Porteous, Bill Buchan and Nicola Wallace(Headteacher). No police in attendance.
- No declarations of Interest
Maureen Clark gave information on forthcoming Radio Programme ‘Gardeners Question Time’ which will be recorded in St Monans Church Hall on Monday 30th January 2017 between 5.30pm – 7.45pm. Tickets cost £4.50. Up to 200 people can be involved and the program is broadcast within 2 weeks of recording.
- Last Minutes and Matters Arising
- (3.6) MUGA Meeting on Thursday. Bill Buchan and Gordon Bell to attend. Opening ceremony could possibly be at Easter time. The Primary School can use facility now. All insurance is in place.
- (3.8) Road sweeping, Dog Fouling and lighting:- Cllr J Docherty asked if there was an improvement since the last meeting. The public said the streets had been swept. The rota for the Plerick and Narrow Wynd to be checked. Kay Watson one of the 3 dog wardens for Fife is to contact the school for a visit. No one picked up the horse muck after the funeral last month and the seaweed washed in and right up the road at the church.
- (3.10) Over flowing bins:- No answers yet.
- (3.11) Abercrombie Potholes:- No change. M Ashworth asked councillors about the verge at the potholes which is getting very narrow. Is there anything we can do to stop it to prevent the wall falling down.
- (3.12) Burns Supper:- Ticket prices to be discussed with Peter Peddie.
- (3.13) Grave Yard tap:- Will not be replaced.
- (3.14) Speed Limits:- Proposal to change the signs at the East End of St Monans (on the main road to Pittenweem) will go to planning in February.
- (3.18) Plerick Rails:- A difference of £20 in the quotes due to heavier metal proposed for use.
- (3.19) West End Beach:- Repair work has been completed today. Apparently the resident who had the work done has had people accusing him of ruining the beach! However now some remedial work has been undertaken by the contractor and the Council have been to look and check work. They are happy that the work is adequate and the West End Beach looks much better now.
(3.19) Abandoned Car:- The abandoned car at Queen Margaret Street Garages is still there. Cllr J Docherty contacted police but heard nothing. Someone is using a plot that they shouldn’t be using. There are no numbers on the garages to identify plot. Requested that a member of public should contact the council about access to their own garage. Garage at the corner of Inverie Street, Brenda asked if he had contacted the council and the police.
- Overhanging Hedge:- No action has been taken as number was unknown. Ross Walker to be contacted – Gourlay Crescent – Bill Porteous Transportation.
- Traffic at Mini Market:– Traffic Management to come in new year.
- Speeding in Abercrombie:– Discussed site for where speeding could best be monitored.
3.14 Minutes Approved 1st Vicki Salvage proposed. Vic Bland seconded.
- Chairman’s Report:- Shortage of members; Secretary and Treasurer still required. Advert to be placed on facebook page. Journalist had contacted Peter to see if we were going to fold due to lack of office bearers. Journalist suggested we could join with Pittenweem CC. (Journalist is obviously not an East Neuk resident!) There may be an article in the paper. M Ashworth asked if you could have a treasurer that didn’t attend meetings? The constitution would have to be checked. Adverts to be placed around the village in the new year.
- Secretary’s Report:– George still forwarding emails. Thanks to him for this.
- Treasurer’s Report: Expenditure: Poppy Wreath £40 and Funeral Wreath £30 (Elspeth Scott).
- Planning:– Nothing new of interest. Any details are always forwarded. George Terrace – new build house is still causing concern. Margaret Sutherland reported to CC member V Salvage that new house owner is putting down surface for 1 or 2 cars to park in the lane which is disputed ground. Cllr Riches will get planning to check. Cllr J Docherty commented that there can be contentious issues due to history, and complications with common land use and custom practices.
- Public Questions:– East Street residents have experiences more disturbances and incidents since the last CC meeting. Comments that residents are frightened to go on holiday to leave their homes empty. Peter Copland to email PC Elder to ask for police attendance at the next CC Meeting. Harbour smell is now so bad that public think it is sewage not just tangles. Peter Copland to contact Moir Gibson. Wheelie bins at the bottom of Forth Street should be pulled into the gardens or up against properties and not left on the street.
- AOCB:– Piano Tuned in Town hall. Cllr Riches said it should be done by 12th January 2017. Wynd from Rose Street to Miller Terrace in darkness and there is no number on the lamp so it couldn’t be repaired. Narrow Wynd doesn’t have a number either. Cllr Riches to report. Rose Street bins are not being emptied. The brown bins have been missed twice. Council have been emailed. to report any other issues.
- Date of Next Meeting:– Monday 16th January 2017 in the CHURCH HALL at 7.30 pm.
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