Community Council Minutes 21/11/16
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21 November 2016 at the Mayview Hotel at 7.30pm
1 In Attendance: Cllr Riches, Cllr McGregor, Cllr Docherty, Peter Copland (Chairperson) Vicki Salvage, Vic Bland, Brenda Allan, Peter Peddie, Ena Hughes and Marjory Ashworth.
2 Apologies: Bill Buchan and Elaine Porteous
3 Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 (3.1) (3.4) (2.1) (4) (3.1) Water in Rose Street. Map to circulated by John Docherty.
3.2 (3.2) (3.9) (8.1) (3.2) (3.8) (3.2) No 6 Station Road. Nothing to report Cllr Riches
3.3 (3.3)(8.11)(3.7)(3.3) House in disrepair. Not as bad as first thought, just the facing cracked. No further action required
3.4 (3.4) (9.4)(3.12) House in Mid Shore is having work done on it. The render has been removed.
3.5 (3.5)(8.2)(3.9) Fence at the Bottom of Dassy Wynd (Dawsie) – Nothing to report. At one point the council wouldn’t let a seat be placed there reported a member of the public. There is no encroachment onto the road. Peter Peddie said “ Land ownership is a fickle thing, unless contested the land can change ownership.” Would planning allow a parked car to reverse out at the bottom of the Dassy Wynd (Dawsie). No action can be taken by CC.
3.6 (3.6)(8.3)(3.10)(3.5) MUGA – Peter Copland has been in touch with Alan Bisset and he confirmed that it is now complete, just lights to set up. The Primary School are keen to use it. It is now in ownership of Fife Council and insurance is in place. The gates are not shut as there are no holes in the ground for the bolts to go in. The Trust have a meeting on 5th December 2016 where an opening ceremony will be suggested.
3.7 (3.7)(8.4)(8.13)(3.11)(3.6) 24 George Terrace: No further news to report but work inside the property is still on going.
3.8 (3.8)(9.1)(3.12)(3.7) Road Sweeping, Dog Fouling and Lighting:- J Docherty to chase up sweeping St Monans Station Road about leaves. Bus Shelter has bad graffiti on the walls and timetable. Dog fouling is worse with the dark nights. Nobody knows who it is. Often people with more than one dog can’t watch both. J Docherty to case up dog warden and try and get them to go into the Primary School. Coastal Watch people have put a blue bucket at the Windmill which is a great help. This is run by the volunteers. Email waste aware if you see an overflowing bin. Dog owners are still responsible if they don’t have the dog on a lead, but often do not know what the dog is doing.. Dog fouling on private land such as the Industrial Estate – the council will not prosecute.
3.9 (3.9) Pets in Council Properties. Cllr Riches reported that 1 pet was allowed in a council house. If the property is in a block of 4 with an internal stairwell no pet is permitted.
3.10 (3.10)(9.4)(3.14)(3.9) Over-flowing bins:- namely from holiday houses –Cllr Riches reported that there is a meeting later this week. The council are working out who to target. People with second homes pay 90% community charge.
3.11 (3.12)(9.6)(8.6)(10.3)(3.11) Abercrombie Potholes No action on this. Work needs to be done at the junction to Station Road and a huge pothole at the steps to Johnstone Close – cement all breaking up.
3.12 (3.13)(10)(3.14) Burns Supper:- Peter Peddie has got most speakers. Vicki has spoken to Ruth Craib and the Community Choir could come and sing, while Ruth is willing to accompany some community singing.
3.13 Grave Yard Tap:- We are stuck with the barrel. Burst pipe at the bridge and there is no money to repair it. The tap on the barrel is very stiff. The water is checked weekly. A member of the public asked if it could be recorded. Cllr Riches doesn’t think that will happen.
3.14 Speed Limits The 30 mph sign at the east side of St Monans will be moved 50 meters east, past the caravan site entrance. Cars speeding through Abercrombie were also mentioned. It’s not just in the 30 mph but the cars are speeding past the junction on the main road and this is also causing concern.
3.15 (8.4) If you see anything being dumped (fly-tipping) please phone the Hotline 0800807060 or SEPA 03000996699.
3.17 Harbour to be dredged – March 2017
3.18 Plerick railings: 2 quotes required. Mayrock Fabrication £320 + Vat. Second quote expected this week. Can we apply to the Common Good for funding?
3.19 Correspondence about West End Beach Cllrs and CC have been copied in. This is to try and get work finished in reinstating ground into the condition it was in before the work was started. It was Alec Anderson who employed the contractors. Rocks have been damaged and the erosion barrier was not re-finished with heavy material like bricks and larger rubble, it is just sand and stones. Photographic evidence to show the before and after. Email from Sheila Noble who is taking this forward.
Minutes proposed by Vicki Salvage and 2nd Vic Bland.
4 Chairpersons Report:- The MUGA is open and a ceremony has to be arranged with a date that suits everyone involved. Cllr Riches was congratulated on her fire walk for charity. It was mentioned that we need new members to volunteer to join the Community Council. We are short of a secretary and treasurer. Bill Porteous came forward. Peter Copland proposed and Peter Peddie 2nd him.
5 Secretary’s Report:- No secretary. George Brown forwarding all correspondence. Fife Area Plan forwarded you can look at the bits relating to St Monans detailing land use. Areas suitable for commercial development, or housing.
6 Treasurer’s Report:- No Treasurer – could someone take it on? Vicki to put notice on website.
7 Planning:- 10 Miller Terrace – Rear building being updated. No action needed
8 Public Questions:- Braid Court – Drug users causing trouble and needles lying in garden. Email from Angus and Kim regarding violent attack attached to minutes. Cllr Riches asked for address but was told it was 1st Cottage on LHS East Street where drug dealing seems to take place and there are needles and dog mess lying around. Crime Stoppers can be phoned anonymously to give information. The drug situation has escalated over the last 6 months. Johnstone Close was turned around now something needs to be done with Braid Court. Housing is short due to families splitting and both parents need houses to be able to have the children. 50% of houses go to homeless.
Car abandoned at the Queen Margaret Street garages has Police Aware sticker on it. Another car on fire was just an accident.
Car in Queen Margaret Street/Inverie Street garage which is falling down – and car has never been moved in over a year. Cllr Docherty to look into this.
Does the council take action on overhanging hedges if blocking the pavement Elmgrove/Gourlay Crescent? Access with wheelchair or pram will be difficult? Council will send letter.
School Crossing at Station Road dangerous. Traffic Management to look at it. 20 mph sign before Mini Market doesn’t slow traffic down. Visibility is bad when lorries block the road when delivering to the shop. The council are coming out to look at the situation. Speeding is also a problem in Hope Place.
AOCB:- Billy Morris questioned who owned the harbour as on 1st April 1611 as the free burgh and 1621 when it belonged to Fishermen. Cllr Riches explained how over time the harbour was run by the Burgh then the District and now Fife Council. Billy also gave details of St Monans Cave which was hidden underneath the church car park turning point at the bridge to church car park. It is rumoured to be a room 12’ long and 4’ long with a vaulted ceiling and arched doorway – originally entered down at the banking near the burn. Billy is trying to find out more, if he can identify what religious order was there.
A question was asked about the whereabouts of the St Monans Well? Peter Peddie answered that is it below Pathhead House. The Mineral Burn, where the water comes out, is nearer the windmill and is where fishermen would wash their nets for luck in times gone by.
M Ashworth mentioned that over the last year we have had 3 members of the CC retire and we haven’t really thanked them which other committees in St Monans have done by sending cards. This is to be discussed more next meeting.
Date of Next Meeting:- Monday 19th December 2016 at 7.30pm in the Mayview Hotel.
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