Community Council Minutes 19/9/16
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community
Council held on Monday 19th September 2016 at 7.30 pm.
P Copland(Chairperson), V Salvage(Vice Chairman), G Brown (Treasurer), E Hughes, B Allan, M Ashworth
W Buchan, Cllr E Riches, Cllr D Macgregor, Cllr J Docherty.
Members of the public:- 3
1 Welcome and Apologies:- P Copland welcomed everyone. Apologies from P Peddie, V Bland.
2 Declarations of Interest:- None.
PC Elder attended crimes reported from 1/7 onwards. Break in at the Garage. Career Criminals have been caught. 1 Domestic issue the person has been dealt with. Anti Social Behavior at Braid Court.
Police have been is school/nursery giving road and internet safety talks. The police try and attend coffee mornings in villages where possible to encourage people to have chats with them.
3 Last minutes and Matters arising
3.1 (3.4-3.6) Water at Rose Street Copies of report and maps from Scottish Water of the Braehead will be circulated and copies sent electronically.
3.2 (3.8) No 6 Station Road J Docherty can’t get anything from Rod Campbell. E Riches had went back to housing and it was Head of Housing who agreed the sale as it was the best deal on No 6 Station Road.
3.3 (3.7) House in disrepair. V Salvage to chase up.
3.4 (3.9) Fence at the Bottom of the Dawsie. No feed back from council. No change since last meeting but the digger is away. Member of the public asked about the deeds of the land involved. G Brown mentioned has anyone asked the person involved about it?
3.5 (3.10) MUGA Peter to contact Alan Bisset regarding repairs.
3.6 (3.11) 24 George Terrace Complaint put in and Kevin Tredwell is the officer looking into it.
3.7 (3.12) Road Sweeper Public asked to monitor it as they see the mechanical sweeper one week and men with brushed shortly after.
3.8 (3.13) Housing of People with Mental Health Issues E Riches said more vetting of tenants for Braid Court and Johnsons Close.
3.9 (3.14) Overflowing Bins E Riches has been told by the council that holiday lets will be sent a letter to say they have a ‘Duty of Care’ to remove rubbish. E Riches is going back to the council to get a better answer.
3.10 (9.6) Amendment Main church closed but services held in the church hall next to it. No one from the Braehead church has approached George Brown for help to get Common Good money applied for.
3.11 (10.3) Abercrombie Road The council have visited the site on 30 August 2016. They have no budget to fix the pot holes and they can see no hazard. Many people at the meeting agreed that everyone cuts across the junction to avoid the potholes.
3.12 House Mid Shore (Next door to Mr & Mrs Bell) Council have looked at the front exterior but did not see any major problems. The problems reported are easier to see from the rear so access will need to be obtained.
3.13 (10.3) Cutting of Verges Cllr E Riches advised us that North East Fife was getting a 2nd Cut as they had been done so early.
3.14 (10) Burns Supper 11th February 2016.
Minutes proposed by G Brown Seconded by V Salvage.
4 Chairpersons Report:-The recent Art Festival held in St Monans had been a great success with 500 people crossing the doors to events. Friday Night Music in the Mayview and Saturday Night Cross Water Jazz band in the Town Hall. The choir had a good turnout in the church on the Sunday afternoon.
5 Secretary Report:- Correspondence circulated AGM East Neuk Center Trust 1 November 2016 Cellardyke Town Hall 7 pm. Edinburgh Airport new flight route plans do not affect the East Neuk. Planning Event Fife House 26th September 2016. Removal of Telephone boxes – there is a 16 page list but none effect St Monans.
6 Treasurers Report:- Very little change to accounts. Heritage Roof repair £20.40 and sponsors and Donations £442.
7 Planning:- West Lodge Balcaskie remove exisiting extention and replace it with another extention.
No comment required.
George Brown wishes to hand planning over to Peter Copland. He also read out this statement.
I have a correction to make to the unpublished minutes of the recent Planning meeting.
I said that Harbour regeneration application was not a St Monans Community Trust project.
This apparently is incorrect! Despite having not missed a meeting as chairperson, it would seem that I did not know what had been adopted as Company policy. I have accepted that this is the case and I have resigned with immediate effect from the Board.
M Ashworth asked you members of the St Monans Trust:- Gordon Bell, Ruth Craib, Jim Fyall as Company Secretary, Peter Copland, Vic Bland, Bill Buchan, Patricia Shaffren, Bob Hutt, Jim Fowler and Donald MacGregor.
8 Public Questions:- Any word on the houses proposed for West of the Manse. Nobody had any update.
9 AOCB:- The Caravan Park had contacted B Buchan regarding any word of the speed limit being moved out as there was nearly and accident at the site entrance. Colin Stirling has already looked at it and no action was taken. Cllr E Riches suggests that the Caravan Park email the council direct.
New arrangements at the recycling center at Pittemween have been put on hold for 3 months Cllr Riches advised.
A meeting has been held regarding Community Facilities at Cupar. St Monans Town Hall had got lots of comments i.e. If people knew how to book it. Events are held in it, the school use it and it can have a licenced bar which is not possible in the church hall. It is in the category of continued consultation.
Cllr Riches took a list of organisations that use it. Cllr Docherty suggested that the Town hall would have a link on the web page to show community use.
Vicki Salvage asked about having story boards at the harbor giving a brief history of boat building. George Brown advised that we had no funds at the moment but could possible try Common Good Fund. The last notice board at East Street was £800-900. Cllr Riches said Cellardyke are doing boards but someone is gifting it. She suggested trying awards for all.
Cover missing on water main at Hope Place/Garages near Pavillion. J Docherty to look into.
Date of Next Meeting Annual General Meeting on 17th October 2016 at 7pm in Mayview Hotel
Ordinary Meeting on 17th October 2016 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel
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