Community Council Minutes 20/10/14
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 20 October 2014, at 7.30 pm.
Present: A Anderson (Chairman) V Bland (Vice Chairman) G Brown (Treasurer) P Copland E Scott Cllr D Macgregor E Hughes M Ashworth Cllr E Riches W Buchan Elaine Porteous (Minute Secretary) Members of the public: 13 |
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone. Apologies: R Craib (Secretary), V Salvage, P Shafren and Cllr J Docherty |
2 | Declarations of Interest
G Brown declared an interest in the Planning Application for the Seafood Restaurant. |
3 | Police Report
Sgt J Anderson reported that in the last 3-month period there had been 7 reported crimes: 4 detected and 3 currently undetected in the area. There had been various traffic offences including one drunk driver with no insurance and no permission to take the vehicle. He went on to say that speeding is now quite high on the agenda. He added that the article in the Courier will be concerning people. [The Courier reported that Police Scotland’s hub in Glenrothes, where 999 and 101 calls are answered and officers dispatched to emergencies, is expected to shut in March.] The new East command centre is being created in Bilston Glen in Edinburgh, which will be taking telephone enquiries for the St Monans area. |
4 | Development to the West of the Manse Update
Copies of the Indicative Framework Plan were distributed. The Chairman asked if there were any questions and a full discussion on many points took place, as summarized below: Concern from a member of the public that this development could be disconnected from St Monans without link roads through the village. A general concern was expressed at the proposal to provide a vehicular access through Queen Margaret Street and that the existing roads were not designed for the volume of cars that we now have. The concern is that it could result in a rat run along Inverie Street and result in an increase in traffic problems. This was echoed by Sgt J Anderson , who said if the development resulted in cutting through existing roads that this would need traffic calming measures, which will take away some car parking space. There was also concern as to how this would negatively impact the existing traffic and parking problems in Queen Margaret Street and access to the garages. The proposed relocation of the allotment area has been moved to the north beside the main road, despite the community specifically asking for it to be in the south-east area of the development. P Copland pointed out that the plan was only indicative and would be subject to revision as and when a developer was found and the community would then have the opportunity to review and comments on any revised plans. It was noted that the development would have a dramatic affect; adding another 100 houses to a small village. The Chairman stated we would hope any developer would want a dialogue with the local village at the earliest opportunity. Cllr Riches said that the Framework is part of the Fife Development Plan, which is out for consultation. Both she and the Chairman requested the individuals feedback any concerns or comments directly to Fife Council via Benjamin Ellis (, or the Fife Direct website by 8th December 2014. There was a query from a member of the public regarding why there needed to be allotments, could this not be made in to a play park?. A Anderson replied that there were two reasons:
If the feeling of the community here is that allotments should be scaled back, then that should be part of the feedback to the Council. It was queried whether the community would have to pay for the upkeep of play equipment, Cllr Riches replied that it was possible that the developer might take responsibility for play equipment or pay Fife Council to adopt and maintain it. A member of the public asked for information about the make and size of the houses. Cllr D Macgregor said that 30% would have to be social housing. Cllr E Riches said that this proportion would be the highest anywhere in Fife, and added that even if house type is approved by planning, the developer can apply to change the proposal, (for example in Cellardyke Muir Homes have now put in an application to change house type of 89 houses). There was concern about access from the main road (A917) (and the two 2 bus stops planned. P Copland said that the Roads Department along with the police and fire service would be consulted by the Council’s planning office before any plans were ratified and approved. In summary it was agreed that the following should be fed back by the CC on behalf of the local Community
A Anderson again reminded all that they should have a look at the proposal and give their own personal feedback. |
A Anderson
5 | Planning
G Brown said that there were two Planning matters to draw to the attention of the Community Council and circulated the plans:
5.1 Proposed Porch at 4 Inverie Street A Anderson commented that it was not in the conservation area.
There were no objections to the proposed plan. 5.2 Seafood Restaurant G Brown said that he had first raised this a year ago. Following discussion of the proposed plans A Anderson suggested, as a summary of the points raised, that the Community Council put forward the view that:
In response to M Ashworth’s question, Cllr Riches said that it was possible to get Environmental Health to come out to monitor emissions from the extractor fan, to assess the problem in order to forward to Planning. |
P Copland |
6 | Chairperson’s Report
None |
7 | Treasurer’s Report
The Common Good money for the floral display has been received, and as a result Pathhead Nurseries have been paid. |
8 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising
8.1 (3.1) (4.5) Regarding inspection by Deirdrie Munro and Robbie Blyth. Cllr Riches said that it is being pursued. 8.2 (3.6) (8.3) Virgin Square Cllr E Riches said that she had got an answer from Jim Hennessy. Number 9. He suggested that the Council may be able to claim the area through the Burgh Charter and to contact Andrew Fergusson (Lawyer). 8.3 (5.3) First Responders A Anderson advised that First Responders are giving training on Tuesday 28 October at the Church Hall from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm and asked those present to ‘spread the word’. 8.4 (8.1) Cemetery A Anderson said that we still have not received a reply from Liz Murphy about the molehills. We will chase it on. A member of the public commented that also the Council staff were not taking care regarding cleaning up after their work in the cemetery. 8.5 (3.3) (8.1) Planting regarding Headstones A Anderson had received a reply from Liz Murphy as follows: “Any planting should be within the headstone border, preferably no further than 8-12 inches in front of the base of any headstone and should not encroach onto neighbouring lairs. Certainly the turf should not be cut into. We advise that planting of material suitable for the size of the area be kept to bedding, heathers, alpines or small herbaceous similar to that used by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Conifers and trees should be avoided as no matter how ‘dwarf’ they are meant to be they will ultimately cause problems by obscuring the headstone or by affecting the stability of the headstone/foundation. We have no specific guidance in relation to ‘ornaments’ but anything placed should be conducive to the environment and not cause offence or difficulties for surrounding lair holders. Glass or pottery should be avoided as these deteriorate with the elements and become fragile and susceptible to breakage either through wear and tear or by accidental damage by equipment during grounds maintenance.” 8.6 (8.6) Drains on Abercrombie Road In answer to P Copland’s question, Cllr E Riches said that the drainage person to contact is George Blair. M Ashworth said that she had contacted him about the tarmac round the drain. 8.7 (8.3) Scatter Flats Cllr E Riches said that she had made enquiries, as requested, regarding the number of scatter flats in St Monans. She said that there were 6 scatter flats in the East Neuk:
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 15 September 2014, were approved. Proposer: P Copland Seconder: G Brown |
Cllr E Riches
P Copland
A Anderson
P Copland
8 | Public Questions
9.1 Road at Miller Terrace A member of the public asked about the road on Miller Terrace. P Copland said there has not been a lot of movement. He would try to re-contact the person he had contacted previously. 9.2 Queen Margaret Street Access A member of the public said that the middle bollard on Queen Margaret Street should be removed, and they would like double-yellow lines. She said that they had fought for 8 years to get the bollards taken down, and said that an ambulance called for a seriously ill person had had to reverse all the way down the street. A Anderson said that we can contact Transportation. If there is an issue about the emergency vehicle getting to the house, they should ask the Ambulance Service to notify Transportation of this. The member of the public confirmed (in answer to P Copland’s question), that people were parking in the turning area. P Copland said that he would contact Transportation through the Community Council, regarding the disabled bay, which was causing difficulties for lorries. Cllr Riches said the he should just email Colin Stirling of Traffic Management. A Anderson said that he thought the CC should ask Transportation to come and visit the site to agree the best solution for all the issues, including regarding lorries. 9.3 Bins at Johnston’s Close A member of the public complained that the bins in Johnston’s Close were overflowing. A Anderson said that the CC could contact Waste Aware, but suggested that the member of the public could contact them herself. The member of the public asked if anyone ever cleaned the bins at Johnston’s Close. 9.4 Repairs in the Road A member of the public commented on the poor quality of road and pavement repairs. A member of the public added that the road at East Street is a disgraceful mess. 9.5 Praise to Roadsweepers A member of the public said she wanted to put in a word of praise to the road sweepers who helped her out last week. Cllr E Riches said that she would pass on the thanks. |
P Copland
P Copland
A Anderson
Cllr E Riches |
10 | AOCB
10.1 Hoses in Harbour Peter Copland said that he had noticed hoses in East Shore coming down from the fish processing plant. He asked whether they are allowed to discharge into the harbour. A member of the public suggested that they may be taking in salt water. P Copland asked whether they have permission to do that (an Extraction Licence). It was suggested that the body to contact was SEPA.
10.2 (9.5) Heritage Centre Move G Brown said that he had, as suggested at the last meeting, contacted Gillian Bobby of Fife Council about the potential of the CC leasing what was the Green Door Café, and that presumably if it does not sell, they will get back to us. 10.3 (9.6) Information Board Replacement G Brown said that the person who was approached to design the new Information Board had given him an unfinished copy of the design. G Brown circulated this, and asked if there was anything anyone was unhappy about or wanted to put in. A Anderson said that he thought the CC was happy with it, but we should put a note on our website. G Brown said that he had applied for a grant from the Local Community Planning Budget, which will allow us to do this and also the Saltpans.
10.4 Nominations for the Community Council Cllr D Macgregor said that he hoped that we have nominations for the Community Council, as he had heard that there are 2 people who are retiring. Cllr E Riches reminded the meeting that the election will take place in November. Cllr D Macgregor said how grateful we are for the support of the Community Councillors. A Anderson also thanked the Councillors for their support. |
P Copland
G Brown
G Brown
11 | Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 17 November 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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