Community Council Minutes 20/12/2010
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 20th December 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Bland
T.Hughes M.Ashworth V.Salvage P.Copland
W.Buchan E.Scott
There were 5 members of the public present
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from E.Hughes, Cllr Macgregor and Cllr Scott Hayward
2. Wind Turbine Update
The feasibility study is ongoing and should be ready by the end of January. If so a public meeting will be arranged in February. As a community project, nothing would proceed without the support of the community.
A planning application has been submitted to change the East Pier Smokehouse from a business to residential property. Due to the fact that it has long been deemed that the property should remain as a business property and the applicant has made claims about the future of the harbour that have not been substantiated by Fife Council officers, the CC will submit a letter of objection.
4.Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 ( 4.3) Public Toilets . Following a visit to the toilets by members of the CC, R.Craib to ask Roddy Mann for costings on refurbishment.
4.2( 4.5) The first monthly Community Newsletter has been issued. We will try various advertising ideas over next few months to encourage wider circulation.
4.3 (6.3) Ann Little, NE Fife Dementia Advisor will attend January CC meeting.
4.4 T.Hughes liaising with D.Gray over repositioning of football posts on Mair.
4.5(10.2) W.Buchan still awaiting response from Ian Barbour.
4.6 ( 10.4) The potholes in Abercrombie. Potholes are dealt with on the basis of considered urgency and will be dealt with eventually.
4.7 (10.5) Water pressure in Forth Street has improved greatly since repairs carried out by Scottish Water. T.Hughes to contact SW over leak in Inverie Street and missing toby covers.
4.8 P.Copland to report broken railing on corner of Station Road and Braehead.
4.9 R.Craib to follow up broken concrete slabs beside swimming pool.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown A.Anderson
5.Chairperson’s Report
The village looks very pretty when it’s white but the snow and ice have been causing a few problems to put it mildly.
The council has to prioritise snow clearing and gritting and whilst I’m sure we would like to see a now plough or gritter more often, they have been using teams with diggers and other equipment to assist with clearing paths and roads.
If there is a particular event or circumstance that you think requires special attention or action then there is a gritting helpline 08451 550011.
The Community Council have been able to request and receive priority assistance from the Council twice and we are grateful for the Council’s response on both occasions, but special thanks must go to the members of the community who pulled together and cleared the brae at the church and the cemetery as well as the steps at Inverie Street for today’s funeral.
I also have an update from the last Community police liaison meeting in the Mayview Hotel in November:
- The Safety Camera Partnership has agreed that the CCTV van should visit St. Monans and Colinsburgh – a feasibility study will be undertaken to identify a suitable location.
- An application for temporary flashing speed safety signs has been made and approved.
- A speed survey is to be undertaken (again) to assess the level of traffic speeding through the village – we will get a copy of the results this time.
- All of these may take a month or two to be arranged, but it is progress.
The next police Community meeting is Thursday 20 January 2011 @ 7.00 pm – Fife Council library, meeting room, Main Street, Colinsburgh
6.Treasurer’s Report
£19.19 spent on Heritage Collection expenses.
The application for Floral Display grant has been made but no reply as yet.
7.Secretary’s Report
7.1 Notification of a proposed amendment to CC funding has been received. CC members voted to accept proposal.
7.2 Communication from marketing officer of Fife Coast and Countryside Trust offering promotion for local businesses in their Guide. Several local businesses already in.
8.Public Questions
9.1 Dog Fouling. A.Anderson to contact PC Swanson re school project and possible signage which has been seen in Anstruther.
9.2 It has been reported that the wall on the corner of Braehead and Station Road is bulging and also requires pointing. R.Craib to ask F.Mitchell for advice on this.
10. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 17th January 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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