Community Council Minutes 20/2/12
Minutes of meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 20th February 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown
P.Copland W.Buchan M.Ashworth Cllr Riches
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 5 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from T.Hughes, E.Hughes,V.Salvage and E.Scott.
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Waste Aware – 4th Bin
Paul Docherty of Waste Aware ( FC) explained that the introduction of a 4th bin is to improve Fife’s recycling targets. The less waste that goes to landfill , the less cost to Fife Council in landfill tax charges. Fife is trying to reach a target of 75% recycling and 0% to landfill by 2020.
An information pack on the details of how the new scheme will work will be distributed to residents before the new bins are delivered on 5th March. If larger families feel it necessary, they can apply for a larger landfill bin. If neighbouring households wish to share one or other of their bins, extra bins can be removed. Glass should still preferably be taken to communal recycling point. Abercromie ( as a rural community) will remain on a 2 bin system at present. The Waste Aware team are happy to provide information and assistance to residents where needed .R.Craib confirmed that they have always been a very helpful department to deal with.
A.Anderson thanked Paul for his presentation.
4. Caravan Site Speeding
Mr Wright explained his concerns about the speed of traffic passing the entrance to the caravan site and the poor visibility for drivers exiting the site onto the main road. A.Anderson explained that the CC have been pushing for speed signs at the entrances to the village, but we are still waiting. Cllr Macgregor will follow this up as well as seeing if the road signs, which are preventing good visibility, could be moved to a better position.
As no-one has come forward to offer to take the project on, the CC have decided to return the locality grant and donation. Should interest be shown in the future the project could be revisited.
6. Defibrillator
Thanks to money raised by a Mayview New Year event ( £235), a locality grant (£500), the transfer of a fundraising quiz ( £100) and a donation from Coastal Care( £765) , we now have enough to purchase a defribillator for the village and are already someway towards a second one. R.Craib still awaiting response re possible siting of equipment at fire station and will also enquire about other possibilities of Town Hall and/ or Abercrombie Court.
7 Last Minutes and Matters
7.1 (5) Progress is being made by Deirdre Munro.
7.2 (7.1) Ian Barbour has intimated that as a first stage to making the coastal path accessible to walkers FC will build a footpath about 6 inches high.
7.3 (7.2) New bins have been arriving in the village. The possibility of an extra dog poo bin in Station Road is still being considered.
7.4 ( 7.4) As bollards were erected in West Street some years ago to help protect properties and their residents from damage from lorries, there is mixed feeling from some residents as to whether or not they should be removed. Transportation is to liaise with the owners of the 3 properties involved to reach a decision.
7.5 (7.5) P.Copland has found the plaque on the West Pier and has spent some time cleaning it up. He thinks that a bit more cleaning will improve it further.
7.6 ( 7.6) The cherry picker is now in ownership of FC and they are willing to sell it to anyone who wishes to buy it. Mr Meldrum has also intimated that “Skene” have been awarded contract to complete the slipway. Cllr Macgregor to ask about timescale.
7.7 (9.1) The Church Hall is now back in use.
7.8(13.5) Cllr Macgregor reported that, following a meeting with Moir Gibson, Norman Hall, T.Hughes and himself, investigations were to be made into possible paving of rough ground at west end of harbour for extra parking as well as possible extra seasonal parking on part of slipway. A member of the public expressed concern that the slipway would become unavailable for boat launching but Cllr Macgregor assured him that all aspects would be considered before any decisions taken.
Proposer – W.Buchan Seconder – V.Bland
8. Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson commented on, and thanked all involved in making the Burns Supper and Senior Citizens’ Tea successes.
Crime Report : St Monans 11 crimes – 6 detected. The police’s 3 priorities remain the same in the village: 1) Speeding 2) Congestion at Station Road/Inverie St corner ( the lines are to be repainted here) 3) Anti Social Behaviour. There was 1 negative drugs search and several hours of foot patrols. Numerous visits to licensed premises were made over the festive period.
Lorna Brisland has been making visits to local CCs and A.Anderson will invite her to our next CC meeting.
The next community police liaison meeting is on 29th March at 7pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson received a letter from John Kinsman stating that the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Society wish to refurbish and use the mine at the harbour as a collection point for donations.CC agreed to this request with the proviso that, should they wish to withdraw again, the CC get offered the mine back . A. Anderson to reply to request.
9. Secretary’s Report
9.1 Fife Development Plan. Received and retained
9.2 Information received about a national forum for debate for CCs
9.3 Notification of temporary road closure of Hope Place for repairs between 2nd and 16th April.
9.4 Natural Spring Clean scheme. Will do annual beach clean under this initiative in late April. M.Ashworth to organise and liaise with primary school so that we can work in partnership.
9.5 Affordable Rental Housing Questionnaire. Sent out to all CC members.
10.Treasurer’s Report
Financial report was issued.
The St Monans Community Arts Festival Committee have donated £500 towards the floral display for this year.
New hanging baskets for the village have been ordered.
The profits from the Burns Supper have covered the costs of the Senior Citizen’s Tea.
11. Planning
No planning issues this month.
12. Public Questions
12.1 Expression of thanks from member of public about CC and Cllrs success in achieving reinstatement of public toilets. Cllrs assured us that, despite FCs decision to close almost all public toilets to cut costs, toilets will not close unless a good, viable alternative is found.
12.2 Report of broken light on wall at the top of the Vennel above Rose Street. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
12.3 James Robb of East Pier Smokehouse informed CC of his plans to apply for planning permission to change his premises use from Class 5 to 5/3 with auxiliary shop. This would allow him to sell take away fresh local seafood and provide a seating area upstairs. The idea would be for seasonal operation: weekends to end of June and full time during July and August.The CC explained that they could make no comment on planning issues until papers and plans were available to view.
A.Anderson did say that residents would need reassurance that possible litter from a take away was to be managed appropriately.
13.1 Cllr Macgregor will send us a list of possible projects which have already been carried out by Community Payback scheme which might help us see what we could possibly ask for.
13.2 M.Ashworth reported that the new playpark for Queen Margaret Street may progress later this year.
14 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be held on Monday 19th March 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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