Community Council Minutes 23/1/12
Minutes of meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 23rd January, 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib P.Copland
G.Brown V.Salvage W.Buchan M.Ashworth
T.Hughes E.Hughes Cllr Macgregor E.Scott
There were 3 members of the public present.
Lisa Coles, a Community Learning and Development student who is doing research on 3 community councils in North East Fife introduced herself.
She will attend the next few meetings and interview some members of St Monans CC to find out more about how CCs operate and produce a report.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from Cllr Scott Hayward and Cllr Riches.
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Skiff Decision
Following requests for volunteers in local publications it was indicted there were a group of local residents interested in taking the skiff project forward, however, no formal approach had been made. Although the CC had hoped to make a final decision on viability of skiff project at this meeting, it was agreed that T.Hughes would speak to the said parties, and a final deadline for a formal proposal to be received of Friday 27th January was set after which time any grants and donations received to date would be returned and any outstanding funds would be put towards a suitable community project.
4. Defibrillator
Thanks were offered to Tom and Ena Hughes for the donation of £235 raised at a recent Mayview function towards the Defibrillator fund. Once we have sufficient funds to purchase the machine, a decision as to its positioning needs to be taken. Following discussions, R.Craib to contact fire department about the possibility of it being positioned at St Monans Fire Station. Training for members of the public would then be organised.
5. Path between West End and Church.
The path is in poor condition. Cllr Macgregor has contacted the chair ( Amanda McFarlane ) of Fife Coast and Countryside Trust for advice.
6. Paving of area beside benches in Braehead
The ground is uneven and makes access for the elderly and disabled difficult.V.Salvage to contact Ian Barbour about possible actions. Also the possibility of work being carried out by Community Payback team. V,Salvage to contact their new boss, Clive Allen. Will also discuss further possible projects.
(Lindsey Brown another possible contact)
7. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
7.1 (3) No one from the Council attended the planned meeting to discuss issues about the East Braes. T. Hughes had left a voicemail message but received no response. A. Anderson to chase Ian Barbour for a revised date and time. Scottish Water presently claiming that the flooding is nothing to do with them.
7.2 (4) 4 of the 6 suggested sites for new rubbish bins have been accepted . A. Anderson to ask if we can also have a “dog poo” bin in Station Road.
7.3 ( 4/3) V.Salvage reported that the necessary forms for ordering benches have at last arrived from Fife Council and the process will hopefully now proceed. Both CC members and a member of the public who had ordered a bench expressed their displeasure at the timescale in the bench ordering procedure. The delay has been unacceptable and distressing for some.
7.4 (10.1) P.Copland has reported broken signs but no progress yet. The bollards in West Street have not yet been removed either. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
7.5 (10.2 ) As there was some uncertainty as to the position of the plaque, CC members to investigate further before next meeting.
7.6 (10.3)A. Anderson advised he had contacted the Council about the rubble at the Slipway which was to be removed by the end of 2011 and was waiting on a response from the relevant personnel. It was noted that the cherry picker is still there, despite instructions from FC for its removal by 23rd December 2011. A.Anderson to contact K.Hughes to expedite the matter.
7.7 (10.4 ) R.Craib will send CC minutes to new Primary School headteacher and issue invite to future meetings.
8.Chairperson’s Report
No crime report received this month.
A.Anderson stated that this year’s CC Burns Supper will be held on Saturday 28th January and the Senior Citizens’ Tea Party is on Saturday 11th February at 2pm in Mayview Hotel.
It is hoped for good turnouts at both events.
9. Secretary’s Report
9.1 St Monans Town Hall is currently being decorated. One guttering repair has been carried out and a second hopefully soon.
9.2 A. Stephens indicated to the CC that it is hoped that the Church Hall will be ready for use in about 3 weeks time.
9.3 Notification has been received that St Monans residents will soon receive a 4th waste bin. A member of the Waste Aware team will attend the next CC meeting in February to answer any queries by CC members or members of the public. The event will be advertised throughout the village prior to the meeting.
10.Treasurer’s Report
Accounts were issued.
11. Planning
No new applications.
12. Public Questions
13.1 Cllr Macgregor has informed transportation of Sea Queen Day date, in hope that no works will be carried out in St Monans around that date.
13.2 Mine at the harbour. A suggestion for its refurbishment and possible use has been received. V.Bland to ask relevant person to attend next CC meeting to discuss proposal.
13.3 G.Brown asked Cllr Macgregor how quickly he would hear about the decision on application for Common Good fund for floral display money. Cllr M to ask for quick reply.
13.4 T.Hughes and V.Salvage to attend meeting on 26th January about East Neuk Tourism publication.
13.5 T.Hughes asked about possibleharbour development with, at present, particular reference to parking. Cllr Macgregor to ask for on- site meeting with Moir Gibson and Mike Thorpe.
14. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be held on Monday 20th February 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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