Community Council Minutes 21/09/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Communty Council on Monday 21st September 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan
A.Anderson M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
25 members of the public were present.
A.Nairn from Police and G.Hughes from Fife Council Transportation were also present.
1)Welcome and Apologies
V.Bland opened the meeting.
Apologies from Cllr Riches.
2) Primary School Traffic Issues
Parent representatives expressed their concerns about other inconsiderate parents driving and stopping dangerously close to the school and were fearful that a child may get seriously hurt. They have recently been protesting outside the school and trying to stop traffic driving so close to school in the morning and at 3pm.
D.Palmer explained that this has been a longstanding problem and several initiatives have been tried to help improve the situation. She did feel that the parents’ recent actions had prompted some improvement.
G.Hughes had had a meeting with D.Palmer, parents and W.Buchan last week to look at possible improvements.
Several ideas were aired by Cllrs, members of CC and public.
Short term plan is for janitors to put out cones around 9am and 3pm and D.Palmer to issue a newsletter to parents to comment on any positive improvements and ideas for future. G.Hughes to arrange for signage to try to stop cars from driving past school at certain times and a sign to encourage the use of the town hall carpark as a drop off area. A guardrail will hopefully be erected outside school entrance.
3)Police Report
A.Nairn reported that there have been 37 calls with 7 arrests ( 3 of vandalism ) in the recent month.
He reported on there being fraudulent £20 notes circulating in the East Neuk.
There have been 5 drink diving charges this month in the East Neuk.
Members of public expressed concerns about young drinkers, particularly on Friday nights and the nuisance of loud motorbikes in the field at the top of Station Road.
D.Palmer also reported increased vandalism at school. Vandalism had also occurred at the bowling club.
A.Nairn asked to follow up results of speeding survey in St Monans carried out earlier this year.
4) Community Café Changes
Concern has been expressed about the fact that the café is to be made a sister of ENERGI meaning ownership will be moved away from the community. The 2 remaining members of the steering group were given little or no notification of the AGM when this decision was taken.
Gordon Bell, husband of Pam who is a member of the steering group, explained that the offers of help made by members of St Monans business community were largely ignored. There is concern about the transparency of financial matters. Many of the assets within the café were donated by members of the St Monans public, and if ownership is changed there is a fear that these assets will automatically become the property of the new company board.
The matter surrounding the whole situation is to be discussed by Cllrs at their next locality meeting with Fiona Mitchell.
It was suggested that P.Bell and V.Salvage as members of the steering group write a letter of concern to Fiona Macgregor.
5)Public Questions
5.1 The problems reported last month in Johnstone’s Court have now got worse and no action seems to have been taken. Cllr Macgregor assured the complainer that he had contacted the relevant bodies but would do so again and stress the urgency of the situation.
5.2 W.Fox had asked Liz Murphy to visit cemetery. She had and seemed generally happy with its condition.
5.3 Right of way beside 30 West End, area outside bowling green and area behind 18 Station Rd needing cutting. Complaints of grass cuttings being left lying. R.Craib to contact D.Gray.
5.4David Stutchfield and Joanna Nicholson from ENLEN spoke on new project to encourage reduction of local carbon footprint and try to help people reduce their energy bills through insulation and smart meters, and to help direct people to obtain grants for energy- reducing schemes.
Two Energy Champions have been employed from St Monans: George Brown and Bill Frame to help locals access grants etc.
Grants are also available for community buildings and J. Nicholson happy to advise on this.
D.Stutchfield explained about the possibility of St Monans accessing a community- owned wind turbine which could, by the sale of electricity, generate considerable income for the village. He will return to give us further information in the near future.
6)Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3. The planning application for a house build at 34 West End has been withdrawn.
4.2 An application for £10,000 from the Common Good Fund has been made via Fiona Mitchell for St Monans contribution to improve the road behind Elm Grove.
4.4 Wilma Meade to arrange for Vacman to trim hedges between Gourlay Cres/Elm Grove and Gourlay Cres/school.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
7)Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
8)Secretary’s Report
CC Correspondence received since 20/08/2009
- Letter from Menzies Campbell, forwarding response from Shonaig Macpherson, the ( now past) Chairman of National Trust for Scotland re funding of Hill of Tarvet.
- Celebrating Fife 2010 leaflet. More info is available on or by calling 01592583583.
- Data Protection renewal notification.
- Children’s Panel – Recruitment Campaign 2009.
- After a reply from Gillian Hill, R Craib received more GoFlexi timetables which E.Scott is distributing.
- Moir Gibson intimated that, as Mr Meldrum has sold the boatshed to a third party for removal, there is little Estates can do to get the process accelerated. However, he will contact Ciaran Feeney to ask Mr Meldrum to ask his contractor to move more quickly.
- After Cllr Macgregor contacting Duncan Gray re water drains in cemetery, Duncan replied to say that the burial squad would inspect and deal with problem if possible.
- Information on CSV ” Make A Difference” Day on Saturday 31st October.
- Reports and Information on Common Good monies.
- Primary School Vandalism. Email from John McLaughlin indicating that St Monans PS has not sustained sufficient damage by vandalism to warrant CCTV being installed.
- Linda Purdie emailed to say that as long as Abercombie is already in our boundary, our name will be become St Monans, Abercrombie and District Community Council in the new draft scheme.
- We have received an invitation to the ASCC conference on Saturday 14th November in the Scottish Parliament.
- Received an invitation to St Andrews Community Hospital public open day on Saturday 26th September, 12.30 – 16.00.
- Notification that there is to be a CC consultation around November for Core Path Plan.
9)Treasurer’s Report
Common Good grant for floral display currently being processed.
Accounts as issued in statement.
39 West End – reproofing. No objection.
11) AOCB
11.1 Cllr Macgregor congratulated St Monans on receiving its Silver Gilt Award in the recent Beautiful Fife competition.
11.2 D.Palmer expressed school’s appreciation for the work done with pupils in relation to the Community Arts Festival.
11.3 Complaints received about the state of the garden area around the school owned by Fife Council. R.Craib to contact John McLaughlin.
11.4 Many complaints received about the new street cleaning regime in St Monans. R.Craib to contact H.Byers.
11.5 Mrs Armstrong has offered to be responsible for opening and closing toilets ( 7am and 5pm) in order that they can have a reasonable time and hopefully prevent further vandalism. CC members offered grateful thanks.
11.6 Request for bus shelter at caravan park to be reversed to offer more protection from elements and splashing from road. R.Craib to contact G.Hughes.
12)Close and Date of Next Meeting
V.Bland thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 26th October at 7.30pm ( preceded by AGM at 7pm) in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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