Community Council Minutes 21/11/2011
Minutes of meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21st November at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. (draft)
A. Anderson V. Bland G. Brown W. Buchan
P. Copland M. Ashworth V. Salvage E. Scott
T. Hughes E. Hughes
Cllr Scott Hayward Cllr MacGregor
There were 4 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from and R. Craib &
Cllr Riches.
2. Declarations of Interest
2.5 Minutes and Matters Arising
The minutes of 17th October were accepted, proposer Peter Copland, seconder Vicki Salvage.
The minutes of 7th November were accepted, proposer Vic Bland, seconder Vicki Salvage.
Matters arising
A. Anderson sent a response to Mr Guthrie, following the complaint. Nothing has been heard back.
3 Bench Purchase update
Vicki Salvage met with Iain Barbour and George Brown and looked at various sites. The proposed site at East Street was not acceptable. It was suggested that one bench could be placed in the East Street garden facing towards the sea. The person who proposed that bench will be contacted and alternatives suggested. The bench to the west of the phone box would be OK. Some of the other sites were perhaps slightly contentious although the cemetery should be OK after consultation with Liz Murphy. Vicki Salvage to contact Liz Murphy to arrange a follow up meeting with Bill Buchan in attendance. Iain Barbour gave suggestions as to bench placing. Replacements should give no cause for concern. The cost of the benches has increased by £6. It was suggested that the CC should pay the difference for the ones already ordered. This was agreed. It was noted that picnic tables could also be ordered through this scheme. We await confirmation of what can be written on plaques.
4. Issues raised with Kate Hughes
5. Chairperson’s Report
It was noted that the Council would empty any extra bins that the CC may wish to provide. Bins will also be emptied regardless of which department owns them.
The schedule of cleaning has been circulated and already unhappiness has been expressed. It was felt that the village looked untidy. Sean Kenyon will be contacted and Kate Hughes cc’d.
The broken streetlamp opposite the Mayview resolution has been delayed by staffing problems. This should be resolved soon.
Slipway rubble. Optimism was expressed that something would happen soon.
Toilets – No response regarding opening and closing.
Drainage works at Rose Street. More topsoil has been added. All the above to be referred back to Kate Hughes.
Foliage at the back of Miller Terrace was to be cut back. This had been promised by Iain Barbour, but has not happened yet.
New fence at caravan park has been built right up to the wall. New access is approximately 6m away from the old.
The Police Liaison meeting is on this Thursday.
6. Secretary’s Report
Notification received that the Bowling Club application for CGF grant was approved. Bowling Club should display an acknowledgement of the grant funding, within the building.
Fife Council Winter Gritting and Snow Clearing Service Information and Guidance leaflet received and retained.
Notification of unsuccessful appeal for housing development at Netherton Industrial Estate received, with explanation of reasons for refusal.
Notification that play equipment at East Shore has been replaced.
Received letter about updated NE Fife Lettings Plan. Appropriate parts read out and explanations given by cllrs.
Received a copy of latest street cleaning rotas for St Monans.
Christmas Bus Timetable- copies for notice boards.
7. Treasurer’s Report.
No significant change from last month
The CC has received a letter from the Council asking if we wished to put any further information in front of the review committee, beyond our original objection, which will be given to the review body. We did not wish any further comment.
Mr & Mrs Follon have won their appeal against the refusal of their retrospective planning permission application.
21 West Shore – Roof re-tiling. It was noted that the preferred roof tiles were to be used and the CC therefore had no objections.
9. Public Questions
10. AOCB
G. Brown explained the thinking behind the CGF application and asked for support by the CC. Agreed.
Senior Citizen’s Treat confirmed as Sat Feb 11th. Members were asked to think about entertainment and report back to Ruth, their suggestions.
Cllr McGregor mentioned that the situation at the Primary School would be better than was first feared, but official confirmation awaited.
Bollards in West Street. Nothing has happened.
Church Hall. Whilst the Church Hall is out of use, is there any possibility that Fife Council could/would reduce the rental for the Town Hall. It was agreed that the cllrs would ask “facilities”.
Andy Anderson to get a list of all the current bookings from Christine Montador and forward it to the cllrs.
The phone boxes are all out of action and have been used as toilets. Enquire from BT about their adoption or removal.
“Get Ready For Winter!” From November to the end of April the info line 0845 1 551199.
Rubbish has been left out in Braid Court away from the bins and the gate has been ripped off and left lying on the ground, in which position it has been painted.
It was agreed that we should ask Localities for money towards a defibrillator.
A light at the Plerick is not working. Vicki Salvage to check.
Bins in Castle Street are being left out all the time. Bill Buchan to follow up.
Skiff – article to be submitted to the EFM to appeal for any interested parties to come forward, otherwise we repay the grant that was provided. Any Donated money to be repaid and any other raised money could go towards a defibrillator.
The bust stop sign has fallen over and the shelter roof is leaking. this at the bust stop on the eastward side of Elmgrove. Cllr McGregor to follow up.
Cllr McGregor said the two further parks in the village to be re-equipped in the near future.
9. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be held on Monday 19th December 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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