Community Council Minutes 21/4/14
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 21st April 2014 at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) | M Ashworth |
E Hughes
V Salvage V Bland |
D Macgregor
P Copland E Scott |
W Buchan
E Riches
E Porteous
(Minute Secretary) |
Members of the public: 6
Action / Person Responsible | |||
1 | Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone. Apologies: P Shafren and Cllr J Docherty |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None |
3 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 (3.1) Community Payback V.Salvage reported that she had been in touch with Liz Murphy and Ruth Crighton but was waiting to hear back.
G Brown reported that he had heard back from Liz Murphy. He added that on Tuesday last week a load of our barrels were spread out, but in the wrong places. Because they were empty,G Brown collected them to store safely. However only 23 of the 35 had been returned. The missing barrels included 5 of the ones which had been received new 2 years ago. He had emailed Ruth Crighton and she said that she would get back to him. He went on to say that the bands on the barrels, having been repainted, were now all loose and needed some attention.
3.2 (3.2) Waste Bins R Craib reported that she had contacted Waste Aware regarding the Waste Bins on Forth Street which were causing a problem, and they replied that a follow-up letter would be sent to anyone who had removed their bins.
A Member of the Public reported that there are some bins at the back of Miller Terrace which are left outside.
The Chairman replied that the bins at Miller Terrace (which is an unadopted road) had never been brought up at previous meetings, all the CC can do is to make Waste Aware aware of problems. E Scott said that there had recently been a delay of several days in emptying the bins in George Terrace. When this was reported, Waste Aware said this may have been due to a vehicle blocking the road.
3.3 (3.3) Garage area at south end of Queen Margaret Street Regarding a report about a vehicle being washed. This had been reported. The reply was that they would have a quiet word with the person.
3.4 (8.8) Door on old Rates Office G Brown said that he had spoken to the Harbour Master. The matter has been in hand for some time.
3.5 (8.1) Double Yellow Line P.Copland said that he had pursued Stuart Goodfellow with regard to the double yellow lines: – Mid Shore proposal there had been one objection. – Forth Street and George Terrace, restrictions were currently advertised. – Elm Grove and Gourlay Crescent have recently been called to Committee with approval to proceed to the next stage.
3.6 Sign at the Town Hall The post and the sign (which had previously been reported by W Buchan) are still sitting on the ground.
3.7 (8.2) Road at the back of Miller Terrace Regarding the proposed work at Miller Terrace, P Copland said that the CC eventually got a price from Ian Wallace of £7,800. P.Copland said that he had queried this as being rather low; reminding them of the fact that 3 or 4 bin lorries use this road weekly. He replied that binder cores would be needed which would push the price up to £11,000.
The Chairman reminded the meeting that the possibility of someone taking away some of what was dug up had been previously discussed. M Ashworth confirmed that she had found someone who had agreed to take away the earth. G Brown said that Fife Council had said that they would remove it.
3.8 (9.3) Railing at the Plerick V Salvage had been in touch with the Blacksmith about the railings at the Plerick. He will come and give an estimate.
3.9 Garden V Salvage reported that she had been in touch with waste aware about a garden. They said that they would check whether it is owner-occupied or rented, to determine whether they can ask the owner to tidy up the garden. The Chairman added that ultimately it will be up to the Housing Officers who will take any action they deem fit.
3.10 (9.6) Harbour In answer to Cllr E Riches question, the CC confirmed that the harbour was now less smelly, as it had been dredged recently.
3.11 (8.7) Plaque Regarding the proposed plaque for fishermen who had saved a lady pilot’s life, Cllr Riches passed contact details to R Craib.
3.12 (8.4) Garden on Common Ground Regarding a small garden between the houses on Common Ground in Forth Street. R Craib said that she had taken photographs and sent these. She had received a reply to her query, which said that they did not think that this was Common Ground, but they did think it belonged to Fife Council. R.Craib is awaiting a fuller response.
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 17 March 2014, were approved. Proposer Seconder V Salvage G Brown |
G Brown
R Craib
V Salvage
R Craib
4 | Chairperson’s Report
4.1 The Chairperson said that boxes had been placed throughout the village seeking nominations for a Citizen of the Year Award. We have chosen a recipient who will be awarded on Sea Queen Day. The Chairman asked everyone to please all come along to see the presentation. The Chairman once again encouraged local residents to report any relevant issues directly to Fife Council via phone or email directly in the first instance if at all possible and then escalate to CC which may prove more effective. CC members can assist with giving contact details if necessary. |
5 | Secretary’s Report
5.1 Beautiful St Monans Volunteers Wanted A notice has come from Beautiful St Monans. They have a meeting this Wednesday for all those who can help with weeding, dead-heading and cutting grass.
5.2 East Pier Smokehouse Alcohol License A notification had been received from the Licensing Board that the East Pier Smokehouse wishes to extend its licensing hours to 10 am to 10 pm. Any comments have to be made by 30 April. The CC made no comment regarding this.
There was discussion regarding whether members of the public would be made aware of this application. It was advised that normally this type of application is advertised in the newspaper.
5.3 Fife Plan The Secretary had received a copy of the 6th Edition of the Fife Plan. She asked if anyone at the meeting wished to read it. |
6 | Treasurer’s Report
6.1 Since last month we have spent £59.60, regarding repairs to the Heritage Centre’s door and buying flyers for the photographic exhibition. |
7 | Planning
7.1 Within Conservation Area – 14 Narrow Wynd Installation of 2 Velux roof lights to replace one existing.
– 9 and 10 West Shore Replacement of existing rotting timber sash and case windows (single-glazed) with timber sash and case units (double-glazed)
7.2 Outwith Conservation Area – 5 Miller Terrace The proposal is to knock down the existing kitchen extension and rebuild to about twice the size.
7.3 (7.3) Bowhouse Project – Talk explaining proposal by Sam Parsons to the Community Council Sam explained that he had come really to introduce the proposal for Bowhouse Farm. He said that Bowhouse Farm was bought back in 2012 by the Balcaskie Estate and the farm is being run by the farm business. We were looking for other uses for the farm steading. We have started to renovate farm steadings around the estate into small workshops and currently they are employing about 25 people.
He went on to say that Toby Anstruther is very keen on his food and is Chair of Fife Network and interested in local food and with connecting food with the farm customer. Sam Parsons added that Ardross is doing a great job as a farm shop. We were looking at people who were eg baking bread out of their kitchen wanting to operate on a larger scale. Because of the area we are in we are surrounded by some fantastic produce.
The model for the development is the fish-sheds which sell to wholesale. We looked at creating more food production units from the farm building and it looks as if we can get about 20 units in there. We have already had about 6 or 7 people looking for this space: microbrewer; jam and chutneys; crop processor. We have been touch with Barnett’s the baker who would like a new site which is fit for purpose for many more years and they have taken a decision that they would like to relocate and build a new bakery at Bowhouse. Murray Barnett, who once got bakery of the year, would like to start an Artisan bakery and café there, connected to their main bakery. We see someone there who may want to make chocolate, but if they move away, someone else could use it; and each user would supply their own equipment.
We also wanted to provide a community growing space – not allotments – much more food production, and it is quite likely that once a year the ground will be ploughed by the farm.
The whole site would be heated by a biomass plant.
Where the grain store is, the intention is to provide an indoor Farmers’ Market. (We have found that Farmers’ Markets tend to do good business when the weather is good, but not so good when the weather is bad.) We also would want to open it to people who would not normally be allowed to get a stall in a Farmers’ Market, who produce their own food.
A farm shop provides a bit of everything. We will only be selling what we produce there. So the retail on the site is a secondary part of the project.
The Chairman thanked Sam Parsons and asked if anyone had any questions.
A Member of the Public asked if it was all food orientated. S Parsons answered that we are trying to get like-minded businesses together, so the ventilation, heating and drainage would be food standard.
A Member of the Public asked about access and whether the existing road was suitable. S Parsons replied that the road up to the farm has to be upgraded. Transportation have been out and have given us a list of things we need to do.
R Craib asked about plans for the bigger area. S Parsons replied that it is not a venue as such. St Andrew’s University had a function there, but we do not foresee it will be used for anything specific. We have been approached by someone from Fiddle Frenzy, which is a combination of arts and food.
He went on to say that if they are successful with planning they will then go forward with fund-raising. He did not see it being fully operational until at the earliest March or April 2016. Having said that, there could be sections available earlier, eg the Farmers’ Market and some of the production units.
The majority of the small individual units will be in the small farm steading and there is a glazed area to go in the centre of that. That unit will be the last to be completed.
R Craib asked for more details regarding the growing areas, and whether he knew of people who were interested. S Parsons replied that there is a waiting list of people who want to grow food. It is effectively using a social enterprise model where it is run by the owner of the land, and where the owner of the land will provide rules regarding eg when there will be ploughing. It is really micro farming. It is not allotments.
The Chairman asked if the woodchip for the biomass plant would come from the local land. S Parsons replied that they currently run an experimental biomass plant. They have a second plant, and this would be the third one. The idea is that is it all self-sufficient.
The Chairman thanked S Parsons.
The Chairman asked for comments about all the planning applications that had been discussed. There were no objections.
The Chairman said that, on a personal note, he wished S Parson’s every success and said that he thought it was a great thing for the local area. |
8 | Public Questions
8.1 Tree beside the Plerick A member of the public said that branches were being cut off a tree again. She went on to say that they had cut down the tree last year and were supposed to get letters. V Salvage said that the CC were in touch with Ian Barbour regarding this, and had taken Ian Barbour to see the tree when it was reported last year. The Member of the Public said that the Council had previously cut back the tree because of the telephone wires.
Cllr D Macgregor suggested that, as it has already been cut back, he would contact Iain Barbour in order that they could be asked not to cut it down again.
8.2 Pavement over the Coalyard Hill to Ardross Farm Cllr E Riches responded to a member of the public’s question saying that the pavement is coming and has been put down for the new financial year.
8.3 Parked Motorhome and Caravan A member of the public asked for some information about the old tennis courts at the end of Hope Place. There has been a motorhome there for some weeks.
The Chairman said that a caravan has been sitting beside the caravan site on the road to Pittenweem. He added that there is a difference between a caravan and a vehicle. The police can do something about a vehicle. We have had previous experience of people parking on Common Ground which we have taken action on. The Chairman said that he would contact Ian Barbour.
8.4 Dog Fouling A member of the public complained again about dog fouling. V Salvage asked the member of the public if she had telephoned to report this herself. She went on to say that it is better than it always coming from the Community Council. Cllr E Riches nodded in agreement and said if members of the public had trouble getting through to the dog warden’s telephone number (03451 55 00 22), then they should ring the Fife Council number (03451 55 00 00).
The Councillors agreed that we still have one dog warden. The Chairman said that the CC do not know how to tackle this problem, as they have previously reported it to the police. V Salvage said that Cllr Docherty had advised previously that you cannot take a picture of the owner, but you can take a picture of the dog, which apparently helps. Cllr E Riches said that someone had been fined recently at Pittenweem.
8.5 Location of Bins There was some discussion regarding where bins should be placed relating to the burn path at the Church. It was noted that there was a bin at the turning circle and Fife Council had previously advised that it will not service a bin along the path.
8.6 Scrambler Bikes A Member of the Public said that there is a problem with scrambler bikes going up and down the banking at the children’s playpark. V Salvage said that there were small bikes being used along the burn path. The member of the public was asked whether it had been reported to the police. The Chairman added that if you see something to report it then and there. If you wait until the CC meeting it is then historic and the police will advise to report it when you next see it. The Chairman added, however, that if you get no reaction, then the CC can expedite it. V Salvage said that she was not surprised the people were irritated because it sounds like a swarm of angry hornets. The Chairman said that motor bikes in a play park is a health and safety risk.
8.7 Blocked Drain at the top of Inverie Street A member of the public reported that a drain at the top of Inverie Street is always getting blocked, and sewage is coming down the path. She said that she had reported it last week. Cllr D Macgregor said that he would get in touch with the officer involved.
8.8 Green Door Café Sign A member of the public asked if the Green Door Cafe Sign could be painted out. The Chairman suggested that the Council should take it down. Cllr D Macgregor said that he would deal with this.
8.9 Steps at Braehead/Burnside Brae A member of the public asked if there could be a path and a railing beside the 3 seats. She went on to say that one of the steps had slipped. V Salvage said that when the 3rd bench was installed this was meant to have been attended to.
Cllr D Macgregor
Cllr E Riches
A Anderson
Cllr D Macgregor
V Salvage |
9 | AOCB
9.1 Beach Clean M Ashworth said that the beach clean has been organized for 18 May at 12 noon. She asked V Salvage if she would be able to do some posters. M Ashworth said that all the equipment has been booked with Fife Council. She had asked for 2 skips.
9.2 Footpath at Abercrombie M Ashworth reported the good news that the footpath at Abercrombie was currently being scraped down.
9.3 Gully In response to G Brown’s question M Ashworth reported that the gully at the end of Law View has been dug and they have got a new gully box. The Council say that the well leaks out but there is something in the budget to try to stop the water running down the road.
9.4 Hanging Baskets G Brown said that he had discovered yesterday that when the hanging baskets were emptied all the capillary matting was thrown away. He was still waiting for a quote for new matting which could be £200. 9.5 Bill for the Heritage Collection Water and Waste Water and the Common Good Fund G Brown stated that Ian Reekie puts the bill through his door and he had received reminders on the same day. As a result of this we have lost 5% discount for prompt payment. 9.6 Dog Notices The Chairman asked if the dog notices that the CC had ordered had been put up. G Brown said that he had received them and would put them up. 8.16 Libraries The Chairman asked about the ongoing review of the libraries. Cllr D Macgregor said that there was nothing going on at the moment, but that it will eventually move to a hub and spoke system. |
V Salvage / M Ashworth
G Brown
G Brown |
10 | Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 19 May 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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