Community Council Minutes 18/9/17
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 18 September 2017, at 7.30 pm.
P Copland (Chairman | V Salvage (Vice Chairman) | W Buchan |
B Allan | E Hughes | V Bland |
M Ashworth | Cllr J Docherty | Cllr W Porteous |
E Porteous (Minute Secretary) |
Members of the public: 7
1 | Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: P Peddie (Treasurer), Cllr L Holt |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None. |
3 | Report from PC Gillian Tetlow
P Copland said that, we will publish the Minutes and we hope this will help to reassure the people who are affected.
V Salvage reported a problem with 2 people who kick out against each other in Newark Street. They then take it out on the people nearby who complain. PC Tetlow said it was possible to ring 101 and be anonymous. She said that you can ring and speak to me and just have a chat. She said that people think that they have to report to me, but it is also possible to ring if you want to just have a chat about the options. V Salvage said that she would definitely email PC Tetlow about it.
W Buchan asked if there was any chance of the police coming down to keep an eye out for dangerous driving at the corner of Station Road and Inverie Street. PC Tetlow agreed that that was a narrow junction and that she could send someone down with a camera.
A member of the public reported that she had seen some people with very large bags coming down by the foreshore. One of them had a mallet as well. She said that she presumed that they are picking shellfish. PC Tetlow advised that parts of the foreshore are protected by different wildlife laws. She said she would ask the wildlife officer to check what the laws are regarding that area. |
V Salvage
PC G Tetlow
PC G Tetlow |
4 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (3.2, 4) Planning Application regarding Changes to the Harbour and its Surrounding Areas P Copland said that G Bell had said that he has plans for viewing and they are available on the Fife Council website. Cllr W Porteous said he had approval from the library to put the plans there, and said that he was just waiting for Planning Department to get the relevant Plans. |
Cllr W Porteous |
4.2 (3.3, 5.1, 4.2, 3.2, 3.4, 5) Useful Fife Council Contact Details and Telephone Numbers and Bin Collection Times
P Copland said that useful contact numbers for various Council Departments [provided by Cllr J Docherty] had been listed in the last Minutes. He said that V Salvage had very kindly printed out copies. V Salvage said that she also had a Bin Collection Times leaflet. She offered copies of both of these to anyone who wanted them. P Copland said that if anyone does not have a printer to print off the leaflets, to let V Salvage know as she was happy to print them off. |
V Salvage |
4.3 (3.4, 5.2. 4.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 7) Abercrombie Potholes
P Copland said that the Abercrombie Potholes have been repaired; in fact half of the road has been repaired – maybe thanks to both Cllr L Holt and Cllr W Porteous. |
4.4 (3.5, 5.5, 4.6, 3.6, 3.8, 3.11) Traffic at the Mini Market and Rose Street
P Copland said that we talked the last time about getting something with some plants in it [to put on the pavement which would also prevent vehicles parking there]. Cllr W Porteous said the offer was made by the Council, but, Cllr Porteous said that he had to chase it up. M Ashworth said that you don’t want potato boxes because they would just rot. Cllr W Porteous said that the Council suggested that flower beds would be preferable to bollards. P Copland suggested consulting with P Peddie [regarding getting flower containers], however Cllr W Porteous said that the Council said that they would provide them, but they did seek that the CC might maintain them.
Cllr W Porteous said that there was a comment within the email sent in June saying something about sorting the double yellow lines. P Copland said that these had been repainted. W Buchan gave an example he had seen on TV of a person who got an £80 fine for parking on double yellow lines. A member of the public said that someone had received a fine for parking on double yellow lines in the village.
Cllr J Docherty said that the big van parking at the bottom of the Dawsie had been reported. V Salvage said that the white van is still there. A member of the public said that it belonged to the person who owns the Four Winds who is hoping to develop the site for private parking.
Cllr J Docherty said that he had contacted Traffic Management regarding parking. Apparently Traffic Wardens come twice a week. They are going to increase their visits to include the weekends, (which was one of the times mentioned).
P Copland asked E Hughes about the cars at the end of Rose Street. E Hughes said that when they park at the right hand side on the way out of Rose Street it is a problem. If you have cars parked opposite the entrance and cars parked on the right-hand side it is dangerous. P Copland said that we need to propose getting more double yellow lines. P Copland asked if Transportation could be asked to have a look at that – to have double yellow lines on the right-hand side on Forth Street under the signage just before the steps. Cllr Docherty said he would deal with that. |
W Porteous
Cllr J Docherty
Cllr J Docherty |
4.5 (3.8, 5.9, 4.15, 3.16, 8.8) Beautiful St Monans
Cllr Docherty said that he was looking into getting the hedge off Braehead cut.
A member of the public said that the hedge at the school is not cut. |
Cllr J Docherty |
4.6 (8.1) Railings on Station Road
Cllr J Docherty said that the railings were going to be inspected. |
Cllr J Docherty |
4.7 (3.11, 5.12, 10.1) Bins on the Road at the Back of Miller Terrace
Cllr J Docherty said residents of these houses will get letters asking them to return the bins back into their own property. |
Cllr J Docherty |
4.8 (3.6) Visitors Rubbish Disposal
Cllr W Porteous said that you are probably aware that the bin on the shore has been moved, and it is for residents only and has keys. He confirmed that the bin at the West Pier was removed by Fife Council – not the Community Council. Cllr W Porteous said that the local residents on the shore were concerned about rubbish being dumped by people who did not live in the area. The Council agreed to put a bin in with keys. Cllr Porteous said that the result is that there are more people using the Johnston’s Close bins. V Salvage said that also people dump their rubbish elsewhere.
P Copland said that it is obvious that this has not been fully settled. He asked if the CC knew if all the holiday homes had been lettered. Cllr Docherty said that Fife Council can identify holiday lets. They have to have licenses approved by the Council. Cllr W Porteous that the CC were asking that that is done – identify holiday lets and let them know that they are responsible for any rubbish. Cllr Docherty said that certainly Elie had brought that up before. |
???? |
4.9 (3.7, 5.8, 4.13, 3.13, 8.3) Off-road Motorcycles and Quad Bikes
V Salvage said that what is happening now is that boy racers are going round in cars and she said that there was almost an accident last night with 2 little boys on scooters. She said that the car she saw was going about double the speed allowed, and that apparently this is not the only one. V Salvage to mention this to PC G Tetlow. |
V Salvage |
4.10 (3.8, 5.9, 4.15, 3.16, 8.8) Beautiful St Monans
E Porteous said that she had passed over about £240 for Beautiful St Monans to Peter Peddie (Treasurer) saying that the money came from various sources.
E Porteous said that the Calendars were now available from the Post Office, the Diving Gannet, the Mayview and from True Colours, and that the Top Shop had been approached.
E Porteous said that a letter had been prepared thanking people and businesses for their donations towards the flowers for St Monans, and saying we would appreciate any donations from anyone who had not donated yet.
She said that there was also plans for a 60s and 70s Flower Power Disco in the Mayview Hotel at 8 pm on Saturday 21 October.
V Salvage offered to put the Calendar and Poster on Facebook.
E Hughes said that the weeds at the Heritage Collection are bad. Cllr W Porteous said that some of them seem now to have been sprayed but he said he had noticed that the steps have still got weeds. Cllr W Porteous said he had sent an email to Fife Council asking them to attend to this. V Salvage said that the Plerick had been done.
P Copland asked about hedges. V Salvage said that the one at the Pends definitely has been done. |
E Porteous / V Salvage |
4.11 (3.9, 5.10, 4.17, 8) Water at the Cemetery and Weeds in the Cemetery Path
A member of the public said that the water butt is broken again. There is water in it, but you cannot turn the tap. She said that the tap was the third one [to be installed and then break]. |
Cllr J Docherty |
4.12 (5.12, 10.1) Road at the Back of Miller Terrace
P Copland said that we will need to get the Council to do something about the Potholes. The CC did look at getting the road replaced, but that was going to cost upwards of £20,000 and that has died a death. A member of the public said that we have been trying to get that road resurfaced for 50 years. Cllr J Docherty said that he would look into it. |
Cllr J Docherty |
4.13 (5.14, 10.3) Cars going over ground towards Windmill
P Copland asked if anything has been done about the cars going over the ground towards the Windmill. A member of the public said that the grass is OK. The member of public said that they have put the new seat up. It is right at the edge of the path. V Salvage said that that is where the people who sponsor them want them. |
4.14 (8.1, 10.2) Pothole in Steps down from Braehead
E Porteous said that she had telephoned Fife Council to pass on that a complaint had been made about the finish. |
4.15 (8.2) Litter Picking
W Buchan said that he had telephoned [regarding Community Payback doing some litter-picking around St Monans]. They said, a fortnight ago, that they will be down within the next month. W Buchan said that he would keep an eye on it.
P Copland said that we do not know if the Road Sweeper is supposed to clean the bus shelter. It is always full of cigarette ends. |
W Buchan |
4.16 (8.3) Updates about the Bin Calendars
[As mentioned above] P Copland said that these are available [from V Salvage] for anyone who wants a copy. |
4.17 (8.4) Path Overgrown from Manse to Elie
Cllr W Porteous said that he had emailed Fife Council to see if anything can be done about it. |
4.18 (8.5) Sewage Overflowing into the Burn and Overgrown Banking at the Pavement beside the Burn
B Allan said she contacted Diane at the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, only to be told that she should contact Iain Barbour. She had done so over a year ago and was informed that the maintenance of the Burn was not the Council’s responsibility. B Allan said that she had been liaising with Cllr W Porteous regarding this and had suggested that he should contact SEPA as they had previously confirmed the Council were responsible for the maintenance of the Burn.
Cllr W Porteous said that he had received an email from Fife Council saying that although they do cut the weeds by the path, that they have never cut the banking to the water’s edge as it is not part of their remit. Cllr W Porteous said he would email again. V Salvage said that she had replies to similar emails that she had sent stating that the person’s predecessor had not realised that it was not their responsibility. B Allan said that it was dangerous. Cllr Porteous said that he would re-raise it again saying that is was a safety issue. B Allan said that someone has got to be responsible for it. Cllr J Docherty suggested the CC should also contact SEPA. |
Cllr W Porteous
???? |
4.19 (8.6) Water Running Down the Dawsie
M Ashworth asked if that was just because the water table was high. V Salvage said that it was just natural drainage. |
4.20 (8.7) Overgrown Hedge on Public Path to Church
V Salvage said that it is the hedge is the responsibility of the Deck House owner. Cllr W Porteous said he would get in touch with them directly. |
Cllr W Porteous |
4.21 (8.9) Costing for New Brown Signs for the Village
P Copland asked who provided these signs. Cllr W Porteous said what he had suggested at the previous meeting was that the CC should find out how much a new sign would cost, as the information on the present sign is not accurate. E Hughes said that it used to be the Tourist Board who provided the signs. M Ashworth said that it is the Council who give you the signs when you win an award. Cllr W Porteous said that he could ask through the Council who does them. |
Cllr W Porteous |
4.22 (8.10) Praise for the MUGA
P Copland commented that the MUGA has been well-used. |
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer: V Salvage Seconder: W Buchan |
5 | Chairperson’s Report
The Chairman said Heritage Scotland were visiting the village with Gordon Bell and he asked the question: if there was property or something they were really interested in, would they be prepared to support it financially. The answer was, ‘Yes’. Gordon Bell suggested that the owner of the property where the Heritage Centre is currently housed should be contacted. P Copland said the he was given the job of contacting the owner and asked him if he was selling the property. However, Mr Arms said quite categorically that he is not selling that property in the near future. (P Copland said that we had been worried about this property being sold 2 years ago and we looked at a couple of alternative properties to house the Heritage Collection at that time. ) |
6 | Secretary’s Report
V Salvage said that if anyone is interested in sponsoring a bench there are forms for this. |
7 | Treasurer’s Report
P Copland said that P Peddie was unable to attend the meeting, but had said to pass on that there was no movement of monies since last month. He said that he would catch up with us next month. |
8 | Planning
8.1 Proposed new 4-bedroomed 2 storey Property on sea-front gap site – West End at the bottom of the Dairsie P Copland said that, as the CC is a Statutory Consultee, he immediately asked Fife Council to give an extension. He opened the discussion to the floor, saying that there had been about 20 letters of complaint. He said that he had taken a note of them, and suggested that some of the objections raised may be issues that do not have relevance to Planning – as any objections should be of a material nature. He said the objections varied from:
A member of the public asked how it affected access to the coastal path. P Copland said that access would be reduced particularly because of vehicles accessing the site.
P Copland invited the member of the public at the meeting who lives adjacent to the proposed property to speak. The member of the public said he just wanted people to be aware of the size and scale of the development – on what is an unstable site. It will restrict the public right of way and remove the public right of way to get views to the church. It will restrict access for people who live adjacent load and unload at neighbouring properties. He said that he had severe doubts if there are sufficient car parking spaces. He said that he was surprised that something on that scale has been put forward as a retirement home. He said that the CC had mentioned the coastal defences. He said that he was not aware of anywhere that is a private property that has concrete poured in to shore up the coastal defences. He said he was concerned there will be significant coastal erosion to the east and west of that site. There are many things that he thought have not been taken into account, including access to the site for eg engineering and industrial people. He said that he was surprised that there has not been more local opposition. He said vistas to the church and from the church would be blocked. He suggested that they are iconic for St Monans. He said that if this goes ahead he thought it would be disastrous for the village. He said that he thought the effect of the proposed structure would be to destroy what is an iconic view of St Monans. From the sea to the shore there will be glass panels. The concrete reinforcements will be like a harbour wall. It will be a pretty ugly design. He said he thought the CC should be aware of the size and scale, the destruction, and the impact it could have on the economy of the village.
P Copland said that he had a publication which stated what constituted ‘material considerations’ for planning issues. He summarised some of these: Material Considerations included:
Non-material considerations included:
Link to Fife Council Website Page Explaining Material Considerations
P Copland said that objections can be put in on the Fife Council website. The Planning Officer will decide if they are relevant or not relevant. He said that he would suggest that anybody who is making any application should think carefully about what they are putting in. A member of the public said that she knew that their view [from their house] was not relevant, but the person thought that the Planners should take into account spoiling the iconic view to the church. V Salvage referred to the plans for the property in George Terrace being approved despite people objecting to parking issues. M Ashworth said that the house at the burn was built to different specifications than what was in the plans. M Ashworth asked if there was a 2-storey house there before. A member of the public said that there was a 2-storey house and a one-storey house blocking the view of the church. P Copland said if anyone wanted to put in an objection they would have until 2 October to do this. V Salvage said that she did not think the proposed development was in keeping with what is there. She said it would have an impact on services – drains and sewers etc. B Allan pointed out that Planning Consent had already been granted for the building of 100 houses linked into the same sewage system. Cllr J Docherty reminded the meeting that he and Cllr W Porteous, as Councillors, could not give an opinion on Planning matters, but, he said, if there are any objections to something that goes before the Planning Committee, it is best that you email every Councillor on the Planning Committee with points for and against. P Copland said that if he puts forward a summary of objections it has to go through email central. He asked if he would then circulate it to the 3 Councillors. Cllr J Docherty said, ‘No’, saying when it is going to Planning, put your objections in an email to all the Councillors who sit on the Planning Committee. M Ashworth said that in the past she had managed to find out who some of the other Councillors were (who were not in our planning area). A member of the public said that she thought that it was pretty hard, as it was the plans of a local man again being objected to again.
Cllr W Porteous said that as the CC was a Statutory Consultee, you need to make a decision whether to go forward with that before the next meeting. M Ashworth asked the CC’s opinion regarding whether they should say that we have concerns about, eg the cladding. V Salvage suggested [the CC should consider objecting to] the scale and size of it. W Buchan said that it is going to be glass fronted and, when the sun shines on it, it will be dazzling for those out at sea. M Ashworth asked, if it was a small house whether it would be such a problem. The answer was, ‘No’. P Copland said that because of the works that have to be done below ground level you need something of that scale. A member of the public said that there have been other houses which are worse which have gone through. M Ashworth asked if it would be better if they shored the house up. A member of the public said that the erosion would simply be displaced. It would go elsewhere. Cllr J Docherty said that he sits on the Fisheries Group’s Committee. They brought up that Greenpeace did a survey and it showed the change in tidal patterns affecting the East Neuk side of the Forth because of climate change. He said that the change is going to be more relevant to us in the Neuk than East Lothian. He said that the East Neuk was going to get higher waves and a build up of sand.
A member of the public said that he had lived here for 6 years and had noticed a big difference in the number of visitors here. He said that they all come here because it is a beautiful little village. The church got into the top 10 in the UK. If you take away the views, the tourists could go elsewhere. The ethos of the place; the fundamental view of the church goes forever.
P Copland asked for a show of hands:
In support of the development: 1 Against the development: 4 Abstentions: 2
Consensus is that we are against the development. Marjory said that the size and the material aspects. V Salvage said that in her view it contravenes the conservation aspect; and probably the disruption. W Buchan said that the size is the main thing. P Copland said he would put the objections into words. |
P Copland |
8.2 Change of Use from Public Open Space to Domestic Garden Ground and Erection of Fence – 50 Newark Street
P Copland said that B Allan had highlighted this. B Allan said that she still thought it was going to stick out like a sore thumb as they had asked Fife Council for ground at the back and side of the property, which is not far from the Coastal Path. She said that they had asked Fife Council to get a 2-metre strip. Cllr W Porteous said that P Copland had asked him to establish whether that ground was Common Ground. Cllr Porteous said that the ground does belong to the Council. M Ashworth agreed. When asked, B Allan said that she had not put in any objection herself. P Copland asked how to go forward with this, and asked if the CC wanted to put forward an objection. P Copland said that they got Planning Permission for a conservatory at the back and 6 months later they have asked for permission to extend or move the boundaries. He said that he was not sure if it was a Planning issue. Cllr W Porteous said he had had a look at the site with B Allan. P Copland said he would check out how many metres were being asked for. |
8.3 Alterations to dwelling-house including formation of recessed balcony, installation of flue and rooflight and erection of timber fence – 11 East Shore
They are asking to put out a balcony in the roof space, but they are citing a precedent because No 5 East Shore has done that already – with windows out with a veranda in it. A part of their application letter stated that one had already been done at 5 East Shore. M Ashworth asked, if the Council has already set a precedent what can you do? P Copland said they had time to go and look at it before the next meeting. |
All |
9 | Public Questions
9.1 Vehicles in Gourlay Crescent and Elm Grove A member of the public said that the last time she was at the CC meeting two men [from Safer Communities Team] had said that they would go and check the van on the pavement in Gourlay Crescent and the car sitting on 2 bricks. A member of the public said that the car was taxed and licensed. Cllr W Porteous said that perhaps we could go back to the Safer Communities Team and ask them to do what they said they would do. Cllr Porteous said that some cars have been moved. P Copland said that, if you go back to June’s Minutes, we have the email address, so we can get back to them quickly about the vehicles: 2 in Elm Grove and one in Gourlay Crescent. |
V Salvage / P Copland |
9.2 Fraud involving Royal Mail Non-delivery Notes
Cllr J Docherty said he had been contacted by Action Fraud – a national organisation. There is a scam involving the cards being put through letterboxes purporting to be from the Royal Mail. Cllr Docherty said that sometimes when mail cannot get through the letter-box, the Royal Mail put in a card. Some fraudsters are putting through such cards with a 0208 telephone number. If you call the number you get an automated message that asks for your personal details. Cllr Docherty said that card does not carry the Royal Mail symbol. |
10 | AOCB
10.1 Bench V Salvage said there have been issues in St Monans about what is Common Good and what is owned by the Council and what belongs to someone else. At the end of Braehead there are some public benches and there is space for another one. We have someone interested in donating a bench. John Easton said you would have to ask Transportation as the paths may belong to their service, or it may belong to a farmer. However he said that if there was a bench there it would be fine to replace it with another. They came back with a map, but it only shows what Fife Council owns. For other ownership you would have to go to the Land Registry. V Salvage said that there was a problem about the steps down to an earlier bench and they put in concrete slabs. She said that she did not know if it was because she had said that people could not get down to it safely. W Buchan said that he had some slabs and if they want to use these slabs for steps they could use them. Cllr W Porteous said the concern is that they might stop cutting the grass. V Salvage said that there are other benches that are on the main road and one on the other side of the manse. She said that they could not do that and that it would be Transportation. E Porteous said that, in meeting after meeting problems arise regarding who owns what and asked if the Land Registry could be asked to provide a note of who owns what in St Monans [a determination Common Land and Fife Council Land from the Land Registry.] B Allan said in the past it cost £20 for a small search.
V Salvage said she was happy to find out how much it would be for a whole map of St Monans. |
V Salvage |
10.2 Work at the Back of 24 Station Road
B Allan asked if the Councillors could investigate to see why no work was being done at the back of 24 Station Road – the ditch between the compacted area and the wall. She said that she was concerned as winter was approaching and the water could collect and freeze, and possibly damage the wall. |
Councillors |
10.3 Possible Erosion at Area next to Four Winds
B Allan said that with regard to the area adjacent to Four Winds, walls have been removed. She said that during high tides sea water comes over that area. She suggested that the removal of walls made the area more open to erosion. |
Councillors |
10.4 Importance of Supporting Businesses in the Area
Cllr W Porteous said there had been reports in the Courier newspaper recently about fears that coastal communities lag behind inland areas, with some of the worst economic and social deprivation in the country. He said that we should be aware of that and do what we can to encourage business, to help St Monans and Abercrombie prosper. |
10.5 Getting to Hospital, Surgery, Pharmacy and Morrisons in St Andrews by Bus
Cllr W Porteous said that he had been in conversation with Stagecoach regarding their route to St Andrews. He said that he had asked the bus company if they could turn left at the end of Lamond Drive in order to take people to the Hospital etc and Morrisons. They advised that this was not possible because of the time they take at the new Waid Academy bus stop. However, they advise that, you will be able to get a through ticket on the No 97 Bus for the same price – and it will take you to the Bus Station in St Andrews and then up to the Hospital etc and Morrisons. |
Close and Date of Next Meeting
P Copland said that the next meeting would be at 7.30 pm on Monday, 16th October 2017 in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. NOTE – now to be held in the Masonic Hall |
Community Council Minutes 18/9/17 — No Comments
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