Community Council Minutes 23/4/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 23rd April 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
P.Copland T.Hughes E.Hughes M.Ashworth
W.Buchan Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward Mrs Shafran
There were 5 members of the public present.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from V.Salvage and Cllr Riches
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Dog Fouling
A letter from members of St Monans Nursery was read out. It expressed their disgust at the amount of dog poo on the streets as they walked to the church. Mrs Shafran indicated that the school was about to have an assembly dealing with the issue and they would make posters for the parks and around the village. Cllr Macgregor gave the CC stickers to put on bins letting the public know that all bins can be used for dog poo. A.Anderson to follow up about a possible extra bin for Station Road. R.Craib to contact Kate Hughes for contact details for new dog wardens. Cllr Scott Hayward suggested that we contact Ronnie Hinds and Kate Hughes about Bye Law enforcements. A.Anderson to follow up.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 Amendment – (8) It should be noted that CC members who are also on the Sea Queen Committee declared an interest and abstained from discussion and vote relating to the Common Good application.
4.2 (3) £250 was raised from the last Community Choir Concert and £42 from the primary school
end-of –term service for the defibrillator appeal. This brings the total to £2092 and it is likely that we now have enough for 2 defibrillators. Mrs Shafran reported that pupils have already received information about the machines from Gillian Duncan.
4.2 (6.4) The reseeding is hoped to be completed by the end of April.
4.3 (11.3) Members of the public who need to report about any dead animals needing uplifted should phone 08451550022
4.4 ( 12.3) Blue bottles in the burn have been removed.
4.5 ( 12.5) A response from FC was received that a decision has been taken that no member of the public should look after keys to a council owned property meaning that the toilets will be opened and shut when FC employees are available ( approx. 9.30am and 3.30pm) They informed us that the Harbour Howff is a Comfort Break scheme partner. It was mentioned that FC workers are seen in St Monans at later times at weekends and R.Craib will enquire if toilets could possibly be closed later then. It was generally agreed that the situation was unsatisfactory.
4.6 (6.3) The cherrypicker has now gone.
4.7 (6.1) Caravan owners have again expressed concern about speeding traffic at opening to caravan site and lack of visibility. Discussions took place on possibility of moving 30mph sign nearer the Coal Farm. No decision was taken at present. We are still awaiting an electronic “slow down” speed sign which might make a difference. There is also going to be a volunteer Speedwatch Scheme set up. Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact a member of CC.
4.8(6.6) The Vennel light is now fixed.
4.9 ( 11.4) St Monans Cemetery was being inspected at end of March when issues raised would be discussed.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland P.Copland
5. Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson relayed the recent crime report.
2 thefts – undetected
2 breaches of the peace – undetected
2 vandalisms – undetected
Civic Govt Scotland Act – detected
A.Anderson had received notification of a warning to the public about scam clothes collection for charity.
A.Anderson received a photo and letter from Mr Kinsman about the refurbished mine.
6. Secretary’s Report
6.1 Email receivedfrom Cllr Macgregor that rubbish which had blown from Industrial Estate now cleared.
6.2 Station Road gullies are on the list to be cleaned.
6.3 A request was made to have rubbish in George Terr. above Braid Court to be removed.
6.4 Brochures received and retained on Fife Road Improvements.
6.5 Notification that Olympic torch can be seen in St Andrews on Wednesday 13th June.
7. Treasurer’s Report
Report issued to CC members.
8. Planning
8.1 East Pier Smokehouse application withdrawn.
8.2 Station Road – velux windows and dormer. No objections
8.3 King David Street – conservatory extension. No objections.
9. Public Questions
9.1 Parks. M.Ashworth to press Alan Bissett on developments, including broken fence in park between Newark Street and Inverie Street. £10000 now available for Mair. Possible suggestions to be considered include track for children’s bikes/skates/scooters or possible extra equipment for younger children.
9.2 Report of Queen Margaret Street park remaining bench being broken.R.Craib will follow up.
9.3 Concrete slab near bathing pool still broken. R,Craib to contact Iain Barbour.
9.4 Coastal erosion on path east of St Monans is a problem as alternative path has been fenced off. Enquiries to be made.
10.1 Cllr Scott Hayward asked that any nominations for the Citizen Award be forwarded to him in confidence.
10.2 A reminder that this year’s Beach Clean is on Sunday 29th April at 12noon.
M.Ashworth has made all arrangements and R, Craib will purchase refreshments for participants.
10.3 A question was asked about liability of damage to a car if empty bin blows on to it. According to Cllr Scott Hayward FC could be deemed at fault if bin is left in an unsafe position but procedure could be difficult and lengthy.
10.4 A question on the legitimacy of the notice in Virgin Square stating “ Private Parking according to Title Deeds” Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10.5 it has been stated that in order to accommodate wheelchairs in the triangle garden at the Plerick it will be necessary to concrete the surface. Iain Barbour to be contacted by V.Salvage.
10.6 House for Sale signs at top of Station Road may require planning permission because of the length of time they have been there. P.Copland to contact Transportation.
10.7 CC Notice Board needs tidied up.
10.8 Report of vases being stolen from cemetery. A.Anderson to report to police.
10.9 A suggestion that local bed and breakfasts be advertised on CC board. If anyone wishes to be included contact a member of CC. This offer will also be put in Loaves and Fishes.
10.10 The lamppost in Station Road is still not working. P.Copland to contact Transportation.
10.11 A suggestion that the James Braid Garden be a possible area for Community Payback.
10.12 Cllr Macgregor has been approached about possible continuation of footpath on main road to Ardross Farm. He will investigate.
11 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next ordinary CC meeting will be on Monday 21st May at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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