Community Council Minutes 21/5/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21st May 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown P.Copland R.Craib
E.Hughes T.Hughes V.Salvage W.Buchan
M.Ashworth E.Scott P.Shafran Cllr Macgregor
There were 6 members of the public present.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from V.Bland and Cllr Riches.
2. Declaration of Interests
E and T Hughes for East Pier Smokehouse planning application
G.Brown for 18 West End planning application.
3 Community Police
PC Campbell of the Community Police Team based in Anstruther introduced herself .
She has been working with the local primary school on the dog fouling issue which has been particularly bad of late. The school are producing posters and leaflets to highlight the issue. Police and CC together will try to push for more bins. Members of the public are encouraged to report incidents of dog fouling either by phoning 08456005702 or emailing
PC Campbell was told about broken glass in the Pleric and Queen Margaret Street park thought to be the result of underage drinkers. Again any incidents should be reported to the police. She also reported that they are monitoring the stopping/parking problems at the Top Shop.
Again offenders can be reported with details to the police.
She would also enquire about any progress with looking at safety issues on the Pittenweem/Colinsburgh road around Abercrombie where further accidents were reported.
A.Anderson confirmed that the Speed warning signs asked for by the CC are due to go up in St Monans within the next two weeks.PC Campbell confirmed the proposed sites are acceptable.
4. Planning
It was made clear to those present that by declaring an interest the relevant members of the Community Council could and would not speak on the relevant matters as Community Councillors and would not participate in any subsequent vote, but they retained the same right to raise relevant any points or questions relating to the particular planning application as any member of the public.
4.1 East Pier Smokehouse. Direction was given by the Chair that only planning matters should be considered when deciding if any objection was to be raised against this application at this point.
Any concerns or non-compliances relating to any other matter in connection with the application could and would be addressed by contacting the relevant Service within the Council with details of the concern or query.There was extensive discussion, including input from the memebrs of the public present. The CC were advised that a local resident had made enquiries to the Council on related matters, but was still awaiting a response.
It was acknowledged that several but not all issues from the previous application had been addressed.
The CC voted by a majority to object to the planning application.(T and E Hughes did not take part in the vote.)
4.2 18 West End. G Brown excused himself from the meeting whilst this application was discussed.
The CC voted to object due to proposed use of UPVC in a Conservation area and on the grounds that listed building consent would also be required.
( G.Brown did not take part in the vote)
5. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 (4.2a) There will be a demonstration of a defibrillator at a meeting for East Neuk CCs in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite on Wednesday 23rd May at 6.30pm.
5.2( 4.2b) The reseeding has not been carried out yet. RC to follow up.
5.3 ( 4.5) There had been a significant level of correspondence from members of the Community Council and local Councillors to the relevant personnel in the Council seeking flexibility and offering alternative solutions to the early closing of the public toilets, however, all responses have been unsatisfactory. RC to ask Dr Bob McLellan to attend the next CC meeting.
5.4 ( 6.2) Gullies in Station Road now cleared.
5.5( 6.3) Cllr Macgregor to repeat request. For rubbish clearance.
5.6 (9.3) Concrete slabs now fixed.
5.7(10.4) Confirmation received that it is in owner’s Title Deeds.
5.8( 10.5) No action as yet. V.Salvage to follow up.
5.9(10.6) No satisfactory answer but signs have gone.
5.91 ( 10.10) Work now happening on lamppost.
Proposer Seconder
A.Anderson G.Brown
6. Chair Person’s Report
A.Anderson thanked everyone for their involvement in recent Beach Clean with special thanks to M.Ashworth for organising it and Mrs Shafran on support from school.
He proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of St Monans CC to Mike Scott- Hayward for all his support, hard work and help as a councillor in the East Neuk over recent years.
An invitation to a Diamond Jubilee Service in Dunfermline has been received but unfortunately no-one able to attend.
7.Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report.
8. Treasurer’s Report
Accounts Issued.
Annual audited accounts were also issued for acceptance.
Proposer Seconder
V.Salvage P.Copland
9. Public Questions
9.1 Fencing at Newark Street/ Inverie Street park still not sorted. RC to follow up.
9.2 Concern on state of James Braid Garden. Still awaiting response on help from Community Payback Team.An article to be put into Loaves and Fishes re the garden’s future.
9.3 Report of loose fencepost on path towards swimming pool. RC to follow up.
9.4 Banking on the burn near turning circle falling in. RC to follow up.
9.5 Headstones in old cemetery falling down and boards not being stored in fenced off area. RC to follow up.
9.6 Reports of poor state of some Council house gardens and number of pets being kept. Particular addresses passed to Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10. AOCB
10.1 Report of vehicle and boat parked on tennis courts. Apparently soon to be moved.
10.2 Report of many bins being left out in Forth Street down to harbour as well as a brown bin lying in tennis courts. RC to contact Waste Aware.
10.3 Hedge in the lane down from West End towards church overgrown and causing a hazard. RC to follow up.
10.4 M.Ashworth to request a meeting with Alan Bissett to discuss the progress and clarify funding for new park equipment for the various parks throughout the village.
11. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
Next ordinary CC meeting will be held on Monday 18th June at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 21/5/12 — No Comments
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