Community Council Minutes 18/6/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 18th June 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown P.Copland R.Craib
V.Bland E.Hughes T.Hughes V.Salvage
M.Ashworth E.Scott Cllr Macgregor
There were 4 members of the public.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from Cllr Riches,W.Buchan and P.Shafran.
A.Anderson asked about our new Cllr, John Docherty SNP. R.Craib reported that he has not responded to any communication sent to him. Cllr Macgregor will pass on our enquiry.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Community Payback – Archie Melville
The Community Payback scheme started in 2011( following Community Service scheme) as an alternative to custodial sentence. With this new scheme, non-compliance can end in a custodial sentence. It is also backed up with “Next Steps” which aims to help with literacy/numeracy/health and social/financial training. The idea is to combine punishment with giving something back to the community and preparing the offender for sustainable employment and a more positive future.
The CC was shown a short film about the scheme in Fife. A Community Payback team have recently refurbished St Monans Town Hall and made a very good job of it.
St Monans CC will send a “wish-list” of other projects it would like the Community Payback to consider doing. Criteria for jobs are 1) Non- profit making 2)Not taking other people’s work away
3) Materials need to be supplied.
They also offer a small scale Garden Rota Scheme whereby residents who are too disabled, ill or old to tend their own gardens can apply for help.
4. Public Toilets – Damien Woods
Damien Woods is the Service Manager for Street Cleaning for the whole of Fife. He explained to us that, following a decision at the budget meeting in February, a decision was taken by the former administration to close all public toilets, which are not a statutory provision in Fife, once alternative provision was found eg Comfort Break partners.
Members of the CC and public present voiced their displeasure at this, especially as, with the shortened opening of the public toilets and limited opening times of the Harbour Howff, St Monans’ Comfort Break partner, the village effectively has no public toilet provision after about 3.30pm each day.
Mr Woods explained that he has looked at various forms of public toilet provision throughout Fife, with many being owned and run by different sectors, and is hoping to put a suggestion to the new administration that all running of public toilets be under one umbrella which would hopefully be more cost effective and save inevitable closures that at present are highly likely. The CC will submit their own letter to elected members backing this proposal.
D Woods also talked about his plan to improve street cleaning methods in the area which was welcomed by all present.
He will also take up the issue of the number of bins ( approx 38) being left on the streets between end of Miller Terrace and down to the harbour.
5. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1(3) Dog Fouling. Mrs Shafran is organising posters by the pupils but wants them to be finished in a way to make them last. A.Anderson is to apply to Locality Budget for funding. We have still not heard about possible “ No Dogs Allowed” notices for children’s play area. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
5.2 (5.1) Defibrillators are now paid for and awaiting delivery.It will be necessary to use a FC electrician to connect electrics at both sites.
5.3( 5.2) Reseeding of East Braes is now complete.
5.4(9.1) Broken fencing being looked into.
5.5(9.4) Stephen Cowan reported that burn banking is stable with water from the overflow pipe causing channelling. Members of public still think that the area is risky for children falling in. RC to contact again.
5.6 (10.3) Roads dept will contact house owner to organise cutting of overgrown hedge.
5.7 (9.5) No reply received from Liz Murphy to date. RC asked to add concerns of crumbling steps down from church to further communication.
5.8(10.4) M.Ashworth reported on meeting with Alan Bisset.
He could confirm that he had secured £25,000 of funding to supply the following equipment:- Newark Street Park Slide and Dish roundabout. East Shore a Dish roundabout and Queen Margaret Street Park 6 pieces of Playdale Adventure Trail.The tenders are ready to go out .T his should take 3 weeks and it is hoped to have equipment going on site in September.It was proposed that the community apply for a grant of £7,000 and this could fund another 2 items of Playdale Adventure Trail for the Queen Margaret Street Park.The £10,000 that was mentioned at the April meeting of the CC and allocated to the Common is not for play equipment. Alan Bisset is going to get Clare Hill who is responsible for it to contact M Ashworth with more details. They are looking for ideas such as planted areas, paths, picnic table and adult outdoor gym equipment; this has to be in place by March 2013. Alan was going to look into the possibility of the money being ring fenced if the job was not complete by March 2013.
5.9 Speed Signs are due to be installed within the week.
Prop0ser Seconder
G.Brown P.Copland
6.Chairperson’s Report
Congratulations were offered to all involved in Sea Queen Day.
Thanks were offered to the community council members who stepped in to put hanging baskets up when the usual employee was unable to do so because of an accident.
7. Secretary’s Report
7.1 An application from the St Monans Community Arts Festival Committee for £2000 from the Common Good Fund for this year’s festival has been received.During discussion, it was pointed out that there was likely to be less external funding available and in order to keep events at the festival free to all residents and visitors, a cushion of funds was needed to maintain this.
G.Brown, P.Copland and R.Craib took no part in the vote, being on the SMCAF committee.
The rest of the CC voted unanimously in favour of recommending approval of the application.
7.2 Notification has been received from the Courier about a new “Community Notes” section for news from Community Councils – up to 200 words per submission.
7.3 CC members were reminded that they may wish to participate in the Consultation on ideas for the proposed Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill.
7.4 Tayplan: Strategic Development Plan 2012-2013 received.
7.5 A letter from Win Brown was read out. Beautiful Fife judging will be on Wednesday 25th July at 10am and Beautiful Scotland judging will be on Monday 30th July at 2pm. All “old “ barrels are planted up. Six of the ten new barrels donated by Diageo through Angela Cook/Marr are placed and planted in King David Street and the remaining four will go along the harbour wall.Two further barrels have been donated by Stephen at Pathead and will go in Inverie Street. No feedback has been received about resiting of James Braid garden. However, Elmwood students are coming after the holidays to plant birch trees and wild flowers and bulbs in original garden.
Win asks that all help to litterpick on the run up to judging will be appreciated.
8. Treasurer’s Report and Planning
No change to funds and no planning.
9. Public Questions
9.1 B.Allan has contacted Deirdrie Munro to ask for Salt Pans plaques to be rerfurbished.It is hoped this will happen.
9.2 RC to ask Iain Barbour if more gorse type plants can be planted on banks of East Braes to help shore up the banking after damage by rabbit holes.
9.3 Report of steps down from Pathead being overgrown. RC to contact Deirdrie Munro.
9.4 Concern about anti- social residents in East Street. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10. AOCB
10.1 M.Ashworth reported that the verges and drains are blocked on Abercrombie road. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10.2 Reminder about Garden Competition. V.Salvage to make posters.
11 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
Next ordinary meeting will be held on Monday 20th August 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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