Community Council Minutes 20/08/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 20th August 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. (draft)
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown
P.Copland E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan
M.Ashworth Cllr Riches Cllr Macgregor
There were 11 members of the public.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from V.Salvage, P.Shafren and E.Scott.
Members of CC again asked about the new SNP Cllr John Docherty. R.Craib reported that she still had not heard from him. Cllrs Riches and Macgregor will pass on our enquiry again.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Planning
3.1 House development at 24 George Terr. After lengthy discussion amongst CC members and members of the public and queries being asked of the owners, the CC voted to lodge an objection to the application. This was based on concerns that the window size and design were not considered suitable for the Conservation area, the height of the house and problems over access and parking. It was explained that the CC could only base its opinions on the plans as they stood at present ( the owners intimated that certain changes may be made) and our views were opinions , taking into account public views, and that the CC make no decisions on planning issues.
3.2 Extension at Waterside Cottage, West End. The CC decided to meet again on Monday 27th August at 7.30pm ( public welcome) to discuss this application after all CC members have had an opportunity to visit the site.
3.3 18 West End. As the applicant is to use timber rather than UPVC windows the CC will make no objection.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (3) A wish list will be collated and sent to Archie Melville.
4.2 (4) R.Craib to contact Damien Wood And Waste Aware to find out if maximum no of bins have been removed from Forth Street area.
4.3 (5.1) A fixed penalty for dog fouling was issued during August. There is still a considerable problem in the village with dog fouling. A.Anderson to follow up on notices and seek permission to include the caravan site.
4.4 (5.2) We now own 2 defibrillators but installation has been delayed as we are awaiting the services of a FC electrician who we are obliged to use if defibs are to be installed on library and fire station walls. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
4.5(5.3) Problems of flooding still exist at East Braes. As there are several issues concerning the parks department, including damage to plants and areas which have been developed by residents for the village, we will ask Iain Barbour to attend the next CC meeting.
4.6(5.7) Liz Murphy replied about fallen headstones, explaining that, although really the responsibility of lair-holders, FC would carry out repairs, but it would take time. As there are still various concerns over the cemetery, we will ask for a site visit to discuss the issues further.
4.7(5.8) Tenders are now out for park equipment for the current plans and work should be done in September 2012.
4.8(5.9) Speed signs are now installed. Cllr Riches intimated that volunteers are still needed for speed gun training for villages.
4.9(9.2) Iain Barbour informed us that there would be no funds available to plant gorse bushes on East Braes banking.
The overgrowth beside the steps down from Pathead has been cut.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Bland
5.Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson thanked everyone in village who helped to get the village ready for Beautiful Fife and Scotland judging. Members of the public reported that they had received positive comments from visitors.
Crime Report
No-one attended the last police liaison meeting in St Monans. As expressed previously , the CC feel that these meetings are a waste of police time and it would be better for community police to attend CC meetings from time to time.
July figures.
1 assault detected, 1 assault undetected.
1 theft detected, 1 vandalism and Criminal Justice undetected.
1 vandalism undetected, 1 Local Govt Scot Act – detected.
Any anti- social behaviour issues should be reported and, if in council housing also reported to local housing officer.
Harbour Development. Cllr Riches is seeking advice before a consultant can be sought to try to secure funding to develop the parking at the East and West ends of the harbour by April 2013.
6. Secretary’s Report
6.1 Email received from Wayne Mathieson, local co-ordinator for Fife Elderly Forum. Retained for information.
6.2 Information received from Kamil Trzebiatowski who is visiting Fife towns and villages by bike in order to promote them positively and raise funds for Dyslexia Action, Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and Sustrans. V.Salvage to be asked to make contact.
6.3 SHUA newsletter received. Retained.
6.4 Notification of East Neuk Responders AGM on 20th Sept at 7.30pm in Craws Nest Hotel.
6.5 Notification of relaunch of National Network of CCs,now called National Network for Change and Community .
6.6 A letter highlighting the condition of the faded map on corner of Station Road and East St has been received. R.Craib to contact Ann Camus of Fife Tourism to ask about replacement.
6.7 A letter has been received about the provision of disabled access at Town Hall. Cllr Macgregor to follow up
7. Treasurer’s Report
Floral display. The balance in the account is now £400 ( from £4300). There are still a grant and some sponsor cheques to pay in.
Norman Hall has donated the £100 cheque he received from the filming “Railway Man” visit to the Heritage Collection. Members of the CC expressed their gratitude.
8.Public Questions
8.1 Question about cutting of overgrown edge of burn. Reply was that it was not possible on health and safety grounds but will be raised with Iain Barbour again.
8.2 Can double yellow lines at foot of Station Road be redone? P.Copland to follow up.
8.3 It was suggested that more benches were needed at bathing pool and overlooking church.
8.4 Flooding in park at queen Margaret Street. Will be discussed with Iain Barbour.
8.5 The future of Craigton Park was raised. As yet no funding has been found to develop it.
8.6 Question asked about progress on reporting of untidy gardens. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
9.1 Lampost stump in Station Road reported as having loose wires. New lamppost not working. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
9.2 Report of overgrown bushes between Manse and Industrial Estate causing impaired view at junction. W.Buchan to contact Muir.
9.3 Report that the Harbour Howff is to close at the end of October. R.Craib to inform Damien Wood as this is our only Comfort Break toilet premises.
9.4 Letter received from one of the village’s garden volunteers expressing their concern at the way in which FC parks department workers have destroyed areas being tended by volunteers through shoddy and careless workmanship. The issues will be raised with Iain Barbour.
9.5 Advert for sponsored benches will be placed in “Loaves and Fishes” again. Query about a sponsored bench being placed at foot of the “Dawsy”. CC thought that this would be acceptable.
9.6 Query if neighbours can anonymously report neighbours with noisy dogs, Cllr Riches believed that this is permissible.
10 Close and Dates of Next Meetings
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
There will be a planning meeting on Monday 27th August at 7.30pm to consider “ Waterside Cottage” application.
Next ordinary meeting is on Monday 17th September at 7.30pm.
Both meetings will be held in Mayview Hotel Function Suite when all members of the public are welcome to attend.
Community Council Minutes 20/08/12 — No Comments
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