St Monans playpark – the final push!
We are on the final push to raise the last few thousand pounds to meet our target. And to that end we have created another crowd funder page to make it easier to donate. Click on the link below for more details and please, please, please share the link with your family and friends!—the-final-push
Many thanks to the local residents and businesses who have kindly provided us with our raffle prizes, including;
2 course dinner for 2 at Craig Millar@16 West End
FUTTLE beer gift pack (East Neuk Organic Brewing & Distillery)
2 x £20 G & J Wilson vouchers
Lamp shade (Shades of East Neuk)
Steak pack from Bowhouse Butchery
1 x bottle St Andrews R&A whisky
1 x bottle Kingsbarns single malt whisky
1 x bottle of Moët champagne
plus many more..
Tickets are on sale from any of the playpark committee.

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