Community Council Minutes 15/12/08
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 15th December 2008 at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage T.Hughes E.Hughes W.Buchan
D.MacEwan Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
1 member of the public was present.
- 1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened meeting.
There was an apology from K.Jones.
E.Scott intimated that she had received a letter of resignation from Rev.Dr D. MacEwan. She thanked him for his service on St Monans Community Council.
- 2) Public Questions
There were none.
- 3) First Response
Representatives from First Response were unable to attend. It has been suggested that it might be better for them to organise a separate open meeting where they could hopefully appeal for help from a larger number of those interested in becoming involved.
- 4) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1(3.1) Daffodil planting in various sites in the village have proved successful. Thanks go to those who helped, not least the pupils from the primary school.
4.2(5.3) R.Craib attended Fife Networking Session For CC Secretaries and picked up some useful advice which will help to streamline some of the work.
Investigations are made to find possible archive storage for some old CC paperwork.
4.3 (8.1) R.Craib contacted Waste Aware to express our concerns on new notices for bins. Have been informed that they are able to separate some plastic and paper containers so that notices are accurate.
4.4 (8.4) Erosion on Coastal Path east of St Monans. Cllr S-H reported that reports are being collated and discussed by interested bodies to decide what longer term work will be carried out on path and car park. Beside Salt Pans the erosion is unlikely to be repaired but safety notices will be erected.
4.5 (8.5) Cllr S-H reported that he has contacted Mr Ireland about flooding issue and it seems it will need to be taken between Mr Ireland’s and FC’s insurances.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted
Proposer Seconder
D.MacEwan G.Brown
5)Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report
6)Secretary’s Report
Correspondaence Received
- Notification of meetings to discuss the preparation of the 2009 Finalised Draft Local plan for St Andrews and East Fife.
- Leaflets detailing developments to be carried out at Queen Margaret and Victoria Hospitals.( Available for distribution)
- Fife Minerals Subject Local Plan Finalised Draft Alteration and Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment.
4. The Nature of Scotland Autumn magazine.
5 Management Rules for Public Parks and Open Spaces
- 6 St Andrews and East Local Plan- Sea First Stage Environmental Report. Discuss possible response at next meeting.
7) Treasure’s Report
Statement issued.
8) Planning
9.1 G.Brown received another final demand for water bill for Heritage Centre.
He will contact Beth Flynn again to ask why the situation has not yet been
9.2 V.Salvage to send thank you letters to Heritage Centre “Welcomers”
9.3 D.MacEwan reported that a partial path has been cut in cemetery to help
access to Church.
9.4 A meeting has been planned to discuss and organise “Senior Citizens Tea”
and Burns Supper.
9.5 Cllr S.H gave an update on position of Regeneration Project. There is a
possibility that the town hall will be receiving improvements to the sum of
around £30000. There may also be a separate grant available to build a new
football pavilion and possibly bowling club.Nothing is secure or in writing at
present. Trustees will meet to discuss and approach Fife Council to ascertain
what possible options are available.
- 1) Accept hall upgrade which could be used by school and others plus hope of new pavilion.
- 2) Possibility of town hall money being incorporated into larger project with additional help from Fife Council making it worthwhile to keep fighting for the larger project.
9.6 W.Buchan asked about safety of Common Good Fund in present financial
crisis. Cllr Macgregor replied that as far as is known Fife’s managed
funds are secure at present.
9.7Cllr S.H reported that the owner of 25 Station Rd is to receive a further
legal notice after not attending an arranged meeting to discuss future of
10) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting.Next meeting will be on Monday 19th January at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 15/12/08 — No Comments
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