Community Council Minutes 16/8/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 16th August 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
R.Craib A.Anderson G.Brown V.Bland
E.Scott V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes
M.Ashworth W.Buchan Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 12 members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There was an apology from Cllr Riches.
2) St Ayles Skiff
Alec Jordan , producer of the St Ayles Skiff informed us about the project which is gaining much support from coastal towns and villages around Scotland. A basic boat kit costs £1275 with additional costs bringing the average project cost up to around £3000 for a finshed boat. £500 should be available from locality budget to help but the rest would need to be raised by other means . Shed space would also be required to build and store the boat. Cllr Scott Hayward suggested the project might be suitable as a James Braid Award challenge but the award money could not fund the project as such. Boats are manned by 4 rowers plus cox and geared towards those 16 and over. Insurance is required – available through the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association and to be around £300 per annum.
Whilst further thoughts are given to viability of scheme, G.Brown to apply for provisional locality grant and A.Anderson to contact Mr Meldrum over possible use of shed in Virgin Square.
A.Anderson thanked Mr Jordan for taking the time to speak to us.
3) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1(2.3) After second meeting with Cllr Vettraino, R.Craib contacted H.Byers expressing our appreciation for improvements but detailing continuing areas of concern. Further to this, R.Craib to contact H.Byers and Cllr Vettraino again re the fortnight in July when there appeared to be virtually no cleaning when Derek was on holiday. As this occurred prior to Beautiful Fife judging, concerned residents, despite being told by Cllr Vettraino not to do our own cleaning, felt obliged to do so. Also to be mentioned is the problem of empty bins being left lying in George Terrace and possible solutions with a site visit to be requested and some issues of rubbish near the football pavilion and grass cutting beside the bowling club.
3.2 ( 2.7) Outcome of rejected planning application for 34 West End has now been well publicised. Reports that the area is now under offer.
3.3 ( 3) The boatshed structure is now down and the doors have been removed from water at the side of the slip, although all materials have not been removed from the site.
3.4 (5.4) Common Good Map has been looked at for accuracy. Caravan Site now owns a strip of land bought from P.Peddie. M.Ashworth to investigate when it was bought. Map deemed accurate.
3.5( 7.1) R.Craib emailed Liz Murphy on issues raised. She will email her again with concerns about area around shed and why equipment is not stored inside the shed. Also concerns about attitude of a staff member to a member of the public and reports of speeding works vehicle en route to the cemetery.
3.6 ( 7.2 ) Cllr Macgregor still to make contact re possible Adopt a Garden Scheme.
3.7( 7.3) Cllr Macgregor to investigate further Queen Margaret St Garage surface problems.
3.8( 7.6) Home Shopper Service scheme to stop in September. Various private schemes to be offered. CC can circulate adverts but cannot endorse any scheme.
3.9( 7.7) Bus shelter now fixed after report to Transportation being made by R.Craib
3.91 No development over flooding issue below Miller Terr. Cllr Scott Hayward to follow up firstly with Scottish Water and then if necessary with FC.
If no success we will put in formal complaints to the relevant bodies.
The minutes were accepted with one amendment:
2.51 It was only a discussed suggestion about possible plastic pipes being put in, not an actual suggestion by FC to do so. – It was noted at the August meeting that no response has been received from either Fife Council or Scottish Water in this matter. Cllr Scott-Hayward to contact both parties to chase progress. Process of escalation agreed should no progress be made by the next meeting.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown A.Anderson
4) Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson commented on efforts of those responsible for making village look so lovely with this year’s floral display and again thanked Win Brown and team for work done towards Beautiful Fife Competition.
He reported that CC judging of plant containers had now been completed with the winners to be announced at the Community Arts Festival Ceilidh, which he reminded people was between 17th and 19th September and hoped everyone would support.
He also thanked everyone involved in campaign over 34 West End planning application and congratulated all those who campaigned for doing so in such a dignified manner. It proves that residents’ views are heard and can influence local decisions.
5) Secretary’s Report
- Fife Charities Application Form
- Notification that Dougie Miller is now working as a freelance journalist covering NE Fife and wishes to cover local stories. Gordon Berry of the Courier is also keen to receive local stories.
- Notification of change to bus services
- Minutes from CC Support Working Group.
- Conference on ” Working Together to Create Healthy Environments”
- East Neuk Forum minutes. Report on East Neuk Tourism Alliance. A.Anderson to find out who the representative for St Monans is.
- Notification on Consultation for the Equality Act 2010
- East Neuk Coast Protection Work. Revetment repairs to Burnside and the slipway have been carried out.
- Former Police Call Point in Station Road has been sold to highest bidder for £46,000.
- Letter from member of the public re parking issues and vehicles parked on grass at top of Forth Street. R. Craib to contact transportation to ask for a study to be carried out re possible double yellow lines being installed at narrowest part of road. She will also contact Environmental Services re possible untaxed vehicles in the area.
- Open Door brochures will be distributed around village.
- Fife Cares Home Safety /Security Check leaflets to be displayed.
- Andy Easton – Community Project Partnership letter rec and ret.
- Letter received about condition of fence behind Wok and Spice . Cllr Macgregor to find out from Lyle Smith of planning who would be responsible for maintenance.
- Police Community link brochure rec and ret
6) Treasurer’s Report
The annual accounts were perused by committee and approved
Proposer Seconder
V.Salvage W.Buchan
G.Brown presented the monthly accounts.
7) Public Questions
7.1 A question was raised about residents selling a property and instantly being given a council house and other instances of housing allocation. A.Anderson, who had already contacted FC to establish procedure, explained how house allocation was done on a points system and that special personal circumstances and medical conditions could lead to someone gaining extra points and being escalated up the housing list. It was also noted that waiting list for sheltered housing was low at present. Cllr Scott Hayward said that he was happy to look into any individual cases if exact names and details were given to him in confidence. This kind of issue can only be dealt with in such a manner and not in a public forum.
7.2 Someone suggested more should be done to promote tourism here, especially through better- placed information boards. This will be investigated. Information was given on the setting up of the East Neuk Tourism Alliance which is trying to address such points.
7.3 It was reported that the hedge in the right of way beside 34 West End is
overgrown. R.Craib to notify.
7.4 Troublesome dogs from a house in Gourlay Cres were reported. Cllr Macgregor asked complainer to speak to him directly on issue.
7.5 Several complaints have been received concerning the standard of workmanship with the new pavements in the village. Derek Crowe to be asked to organise a site visit which W.Buchan will attend for CC.
7.6 It was reported that a Council Workman’s car was parked in a manner that prevented the use of a pavement in the village and resulted in a disabled resident having to go on to the road to get past. Details are to be forwarded to the CC who will contact the relevant persons at the Council for action.
7.7 Mrs Forrest expressed her gratitude for all the support received in the recently organised Charity Golf Match for Leukaemia Research., particularly to local businesses. The CC congratulated Mrs Forest on the sum raised for such a worthy charity.
7.8 Concern was raised about speeding vehicles in Abercrombie. R Craib to contact Derek Crowe about possible signage to help slow traffic down.
8.1 Concern was raised about deteriorating condition of 32 Station Road. R Craib is in contact with F.Mitchell over issue but will keep pressurising for action.
8.2 T.Hughes had received a complaint about possible loss of right of way access at the rear of Station Road between Braehead and West Street due to rubble.
D.Gray to be contacted.
8.3 Concerns raised again about dog fouling and shortage of bins. R.Craib will follow up.
8.4 T.Hughes reported damage to football pavilion which he believes has been caused by youngsters kicking balls through badly positioned goal posts. R.Craib to contact D.Gray about possible relocation of posts.
8.5 Concern was raised about the delays being experienced in notification of acceptance or otherwise for applications to St Monans Common Good Fund, particularly with reference to the approaching Arts Festival. Cllr Scott Hayward explained that recent changes on how applications were dealt with was the probable cause of delay but he would pursue. A.Anderson also to write with CC concerns on the matter.
8.6 Several signage requests have not been acted upon, including car park at top of Forth Street. R Craib will follow up.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 20th September 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 16/8/10 — No Comments
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