Community Council Minutes 17/11/14
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17 November 2014, at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) V Bland (Vice Chairman) G Brown (Treasurer)
R Craib (Secretary) P Copland Cllr D Macgregor
V Salvage M Ashworth Cllr E Riches
W Buchan P Shafren Elaine Porteous (Minute Secretary)
Members of the public: 6
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and Apologies
Cllr D Macgregor opened the meeting. Apologies: E Hughes, J Docherty. Cllr E Riches had intimated that she would be arriving late due to another engagement. |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None |
3 | St Monans’ Allotment Association
Three members of the St Monans’ Allotment Association, including Iain Anderson and Fiona Saulite, attended the meeting. A Anderson said that the CC had been told the Allotment Association had been disbanded. Iain Anderson said he had come along to advise the CC that, contrary to the information contained in the October Minutes of the St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, that St Monans’ Allotment Association is still active. He went on to say that there are still about 30 names on the waiting list for allotments. He said that the group believe that allotments are a great asset and emphasised that the St Monans’ Allotment Association had not disbanded. He added that Fife Council are now leading the development of Allotments and that the St Monans’ Allotment Association will continue to work along with Fife Council and other interested groups. |
Election of Office Bearers
Cllr D Macgregor, as elected member, conducted the election of office bearers. Before elections took place the Secretary explained that there had been a mix up with Vic Bland’s CC application and that FC had asked members of the CC to decide if they are happy to have Vic back as a CC member. This was unanimously agreed upon. Chairman: Nominated: A Anderson
Secretary: Nominated: R Craib
Treasurer: Nominated: G Brown
Vice Chairman: V Bland
All above were unopposed and duly elected. Cllr D Macgregor, on behalf of the Councillors, said how much they appreciate the work of the Community Councillors. |
Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 (4) Development to the West of the Manse Update A Anderson said that the CC had received in the last 2-3 days a Proposal of Application for a development at the West of the Manse by Muir Homes. They say that they are proposing to put in a Planning Application; and have said that they want to engage with the local community. A Anderson went on to say that at this stage we have just the bones for the development; no details; just – first build area, second build area, green space area. Muir Homes have said that they will put the meat on the bones over the next 6-8 weeks. There will then be a public consultation meeting in January where residents will be invited to attend and hear from the developer what the plans are. This will be well advertised in advance. [P Copland said that there was one item wrongly allocated to him in the Minutes of the last meeting.] 5.2 (9.1) Road at Miller Terrace P Copland said that he had contacted Ian Wallace regarding the construction of the road, who suggested he contact David Brown at Cupar to find out about funding. The CC are awaiting a response from Fife Council officials. 5.3 (9.2) Queen Margaret Street Access P Copland said that the problem of parking in Queen Margaret Street had been reported to Colin Stirling, as follows: “At our recent CC meeting several residents had raised an issue with regards to parking and turning at the north end of Queen Margaret Street. Apparently, due to there being a disabled parking bay and no yellow lines to prevent casual parking it has become very difficult to use the turning head for that purpose. The resident in question was concerned that due to a recent requirement for an ambulance, it was unable to turn and had to reverse out of Queen Margaret Street. Also, depending on where the casual parking is, it has become difficult to access the garages and lock-ups at the end of Queen Margaret Street, and is asking if one of the bollards could be removed to make this area more accessible. Would it be possible for you to visit this to see for yourself the dilemma the residents are in. I would be available to meet with yourself should you wish to do so.” The subject matter concerns 3 or 4 Departments (contacts would be forwarded to P Copland). No response has been received to date. 5.4 (9.3) Bins at Johnston’s Close A Anderson said that he had contacted Waste Aware to ask that the bins be emptied. He had not received a response. A member of the public said that the bins had been emptied, but asked whether they could be cleaned. A Anderson replied that he had asked for the bins to be cleaned. 5.5 Bins in George Terrace and Braid Court R Craib said that she had received a communication regarding the bins in George Terrace and Braid Court. Basically the problem is because of car parking which prevents the refuse lorries getting to the bins. FC will organise to have a small area of hatchmarks painted and a standard letter issued to residents in the area to ask people not to block the entrance. She asked residents to report if there were further problems, in which case the CC would look into the issue. 5.6 (8.4) (8.1) Cemetery A Anderson said that Liz Murphy has been contacted, but he had not had a response regarding eradicating the moles. A Anderson added that subsequently another person had raised the point about the lairs which have been sinking. A member of the public complained that the tractor leaves divots, which makes walking unpleasant; and added that even if they could put down red chips that would help. 5.7 (10.2) (9.5) Heritage Centre Move G Brown said that he wrote to Gillian Bobby of Fife Council about the potential of the CC leasing what was the Green Door Café, and received no response. When he contacted Fife Council again, they responded by giving the address of a solicitor to contact if the CC were interested in buying it. G Brown said that he felt the response was so unhelpful that it was worse than no response at all. A member of the public said that there was a closing date for the purchase of what was the Green Door Café about 10 days ago. A Anderson said that surely some approach should be made to Fife Council about this as the Heritage Centre is important to the area. There is a strong possibility that a Council property has gone to a private individual. He said that he thought it was rude of Asset Management not to reply in the first instance and rude to come back and say that it was simply going to be sold. A Anderson went on to say that even if the closure date has gone, that it may be possible that Fife Council could decide not to sell the property, as the sale does not go through until the missives are concluded. G Brown said that Fife Council are getting harder and harder to get a response from. It is frustrating. Cllr D Macgregor said that he would contact Steve Grimmond, the Chief Executive of Fife Council, asking him to remind staff of how essential it is to reply to people. He added that we find it extremely irritating when we come to a Community Council when we hear that Fife Council are not replying to people. R Craib said that she would also write to Steve Grimmond on behalf of the Community Council. 5.8 (10.3) (9.6) Information Board Replacement G Brown said that he was sure that everybody had noticed that this has now been done. He went on to say that he had applied for money from the Local Community Planning Budget, and he had now got £1500. That has allowed the CC to do the boards at the Saltpans. A member of the public said that the board frame badly needed to be scrubbed down which was acknowledged by the CC and plans are already afoot to do work on it in the Spring. 5.9 (10.1) Hoses in Harbour P Copland said that he had had no luck contacting SEPA, and said that it had been reported that there had been a smell from the discharge from the hoses. 5.10 (8.2) (3.6) (8.3) Virgin Square Cllr D Macgregor said that he had contacted Andrew Ferguson regarding Virgin Square and he has directed it to someone in his department and is awaiting his reply. The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 20 October 2014, were approved. Proposer: G Brown Seconder: P Copland |
P Copland
P Copland
R Craib
A Anderson
Cllr D Macgregor R Craib
P Copland
Cllr D Macgregor
6 | Chairperson’s Report
The CC were invited to attend a Civic Reception to celebrate Beautiful Fife’s success and the success at the Chelsea Flower Show. It was good to see that the Provost recognised what that kind of activity brings to this area, such as increase in tourism. For example the Welly Boot Garden catches people’s eyes and their imagination. Congratulations to all those involved again. The making of the Information Boards reminded us of the heritage and wildlife, and of what a beautiful area we live in. |
7 | Secretary’s Report
An application had been made for money from the St Monans’ Common Good Fund for £10,000 for the sports facilities. A vote was held. Result: Unanimous in favour of the application. The Senior Citizens Tea will be on Saturday 7 February, from 2-4 pm in the Mayview Hotel. |
Treasurer’s Report
If you look at the Cash Flow Statement it appears that the CC have £6,625. However £1,846 is committed to signs and panels, and £1500 to the Defibrillator Fund. £872 is due on a couple of benches, and we agreed to give MUGA £100. So, in effect, we have about £1000. Breakdown on the floral display: Last year it cost £3,254 Maintenance £2,418 Grand Total £5,672 We received the following funds: Floral Grant £402 Common Good £3,000 Sponsorship £1,394 CC Cash Reserves £876 If we have to do the same next year, we can do it. V Bland asked if there were sufficient funds for the Plerick railings. G Brown replied that money for the railings came out of a different fund, and that the CC applies for a grant for each thing. A Anderson said that if, next year, we spend exactly the same as we did this year (and have another long dry summer), the CC have enough in reserves, but we will want to do some fund-raising. V Salvage said that the CC has no Burns Supper money this year. G Brown replied that the CC has £1,000 not committed to anything. The CC is also getting £500 from the annual CC Budget. Also the CC has a reserve in Cash Management. A Anderson said that he presumed that there will still be fund-raising activities for the MUGA. G Brown answered that the CC is still waiting to hear, but advised that, with the Common Good money, the CC should have enough. However, if that is going ahead we may want to schedule some fund-raising activities. |
G Brown had nothing to report. A Anderson said that he was aware that there was an East Neuk Planning Meeting. Cllr Macgregor said that there was one application for St Monans at 50 Station Road, and said that we did try to move on refusal, but we did not succeed. Because of timing issues and because the overshadowing was within limits it was impossible to move on refusal, so it is going ahead. A Anderson said that it was very disappointing. G Brown added that it makes him doubt why anyone would try to get planning permission for anything. V Salvage said that there was a house in Braehead sold recently, which has taken a long time to conclude the sale because of a change that had been made without planning permission. A member of the public asked whether this meant that if you put up something without planning permission that after 4 years no-one can do anything about it. The answer was ‘yes’, until you come to sell it. Cllr Riches said that if Planning has been alerted within 4 years they will do something. G Brown disagreed with Cllr Riches comment, giving examples: the CC are still awaiting to hear about some outside steps that protrude over the road; the seafood restaurant that went to Enforcement, and about a year later they put in a planning application. Cllr Riches said that if you keep sending them to me we will keep sending them to the Enforcement Officer. G Brown said that it is very, very frustrating when some people play by the rules and they get penalised. |
Public Questions
10.1 CC Election A member of the public asked why is it that there is no mention of the CC Elections at the meetings. A Anderson replied that it was mentioned at the meetings. Also notices were put round the village, on the website and it was in the press and in the library. However, he added, there is still a vacancy, if anyone knows of anybody who may be interested. 10.2 Economic Development Plan A member of the public asked why St Monans was not put on the Economic Development Plan. Cllr Riches replied that we would have to look at the Plan. 10.3 Parking Obstructions and Traffic A member of the public asked whether the CC thought that a railing at the corner of Inverie Street and Station Road would help with parking. Cllr D Macgregor replied that we could take it up with Transportation. A member of the public complained that in the morning cars are parking on the pavement on Miller Terrace. A Anderson replied that the only answer is to ‘phone the police at the time (Tel No 101) if parked cars are obstructing the footpath. It has to be reported at that time. A member of the public said that there is also someone who has a flowerbox outside which should not be on the pavement. The reply was that if it is an obstruction it is Transportation who deals with this. A member of the public said that the problem is the sheer volume of cars and to some extent people parking indiscriminately. It is a major ongoing problem, especially in the summer when people occupy the holiday lets. A member of the public said that there is a caravan that has been parked there for at least 6 years, and said there has to be some kind of rule regarding people parking a caravan in the street. A Anderson replied that the CC have raised this with the police and Transportation, but the person has a right to park there. If, however, there are electricity leads going to it over a period the police can take action. 10.4 Railings at the Plerick A member of the public asked about the railings at the Plerick. V Salvage said that she had been in touch with Mr Ken Wallace who has agreed that Fife Council will pay the initial bill, so now we can go ahead. 10.5 Street Sweeping A member of the public asked if the streets could be swept more often, because dog mess lies in the streets for weeks. P Copland replied that when they cut the hedge at the Bowling Green they were able to get the small sweeper on the pavement. R Craib said that the last time he asked about the Road Sweeper she was told that he was still off and there was no money for a replacement. Cllr Riches said that she thought it was the Cllr Riches said that she was going out with the mechanical street sweeper the next day to see how it works. She also added that she was sure (if the local sweeper is unavailable), we could approach someone to ask if we can borrow a sweeper for the pavement from another village. |
Cllr E Riches
Cllr D Macgregor
V Salvage
Cllr Riches
11 | AOCB
None. |
12 | Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 8 December 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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